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You Better Not Be Afraid of the Cowpukes


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If you don't think the Skins can win next week just get out! I'm tired of hearing people say we are doomed and massively voting that we will lose in polls. If your already abandoning the Skins after one loss then you aren't a true fan and should probably find a different team.

Incase you forgot, we swept them last year, one of which was a complete massacre. We can beat them in their own house once again and we will. T.O. can be contained and will not be enough to stop us from silencing all their slack-jawed fans.

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They just showed PArcells on NFL live and he said that the practice today was pathetic. He said he doesn't if we should just try everything agin tommorow and forget about other things or try working on the same things again. HE jsut looks pissed as he should be after that performance they had sunday. I just hope Dallas start off 0-4 or more and TO and the whole tema implodes. It would make my season if we didn't get to the SB. :D

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Why do some of you clowns tell other fans to "get out" if they are concerned about a game?

Who are you to tell a fan he doesn't have the right to be concerned? And if I think the Skins don't have a very good chance to pull out a win, does that make me less of a fan? No, it doesn't!

I have not said who I think will win. Truth is, I don't know who will win; niether do you!

I know who I want to win - the Redskins!!

But how about climbing down off of your soapbox! You are not the president of Redskins fans and you can't tell another fan to get out if that fan isn't as optimistic as you!

Clown! :doh:

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If you don't think the Skins can win next week just get out! I'm tired of hearing people say we are doomed and massively voting that we will lose in polls. If your already abandoning the Skins after one loss then you aren't a true fan and should probably find a different team.

Incase you forgot, we swept them last year, one of which was a complete massacre. We can beat them in their own house once again and we will. T.O. can be contained and will not be enough to stop us from silencing all their slack-jawed fans.

Being a Redskin fan dosen't mean you have to be completely oblivious to reality.

We have a bang up defense, mainly in the secondary and we are about to go up against two of the better WR's in the game, Glenn and TO. Not to mention Witten at tight end. We are on the road as well.

Do I think all hope is lost and we have no chance of winning this game? No, not at all, but would I bet a large ammount of money or risk anything that I cared about on the Redskins winning this game? Nope, I sure wouldn't and I don't think anyone would.

Dallas is favored and by all logic should win this game. We are more banged up than they are, we odviously still haven't figured out the new offense, and we are on the road vs a pretty good team.

Winning this game would be an upset.

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Why do some of you clowns tell other fans to "get out" if they are concerned about a game?

Who are you to tell a fan he doesn't have the right to be concerned? And if I think the Skins don't have a very good chance to pull out a win, does that make me less of a fan? No, it doesn't!

I have not said who I think will win. Truth is, I don't know who will win; niether do you!

I know who I want to win - the Redskins!!

But how about climbing down off of your soapbox! You are not the president of Redskins fans and you can't tell another fan to get out if that fan isn't as optimistic as you!

Clown! :doh:


I agree these people that want to tell other fans that they aren't really fans because they dare to doubt or worry that we might be in alittle trouble in an upcoming game are just ridiculous. We lost 7 games last year and we lost the first game this year, so guess what? The Redskins do lose games, quit often actually, so when a fan dares to use logic and say, "you know what, we might not win this game." That dosen't mean he isn't a fan........

It means he's not acting like a silly little high school cheerleader that is just full of pep for her team but really dosen't know anything about the game, she just knows that she loves her team!! Yay Skins!

Spare me, im an adult and I can be concerned about my teams chances without being told that i'm not a true fan.

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The good thing is I was reading the same stuff last year about we are going to get killed in dallas but it didnt happen. Then the second game everyone was saying dallas will get back at us for the first game and we all know how that ended. We have a very very good shot at this game and it will be tough. On a side note does anyone remember parcells saying they had a bad practice last year the week before they played us, I swear I remember him saying this but I could be wrong??

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Nothing could be finer than to beat the Pukes . It will right the season's ship and crush the Cowpuke fans. I do not buy into the hype that our defense will suffer at the hands of Owens and Glenn. Our defense is good. They just did not play well against the Vikes. Our defense has practiced against the likes of Moss, Loyd and Randal all summer. They will be ready. Hail to the Redskins !


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The good thing is I was reading the same stuff last year about we are going to get killed in dallas but it didnt happen. Then the second game everyone was saying dallas will get back at us for the first game and we all know how that ended. We have a very very good shot at this game and it will be tough.

I agree and I think that is a good, fair assessment.

But for some moron to tell someone to "get out" because people are not so optimistic is rediculous!

Not all fans believe the Redskins will go 16-0. Also, many Redskins fans are also football fans and they know a lot about the game; obviously some are just Redskins fans and not football fans, and they know nothing about the game or the league.

Anyway, Go Skins!


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I would be so much more positive if our D played as they usually did... After last week and our DB I dont have much of a confident of stoping the long bombs to TO and Glenn!! I hope I am wrong and I hope I come back here and eat my words...

I hope you eat your words too.:D

The big difference between our D vs. Minny and now vs. Dallas is that Dallas' O-line is very questionable and I find it hard to beleive that we can't pressure Bledsoe into making some mistakes. Minny's line is actual better than people give credit to.

Another thing is that Their D-line (Dallas) is weak in the middle so maybe we can attack that throught the run and open things up from there.

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Why do some of you clowns tell other fans to "get out" if they are concerned about a game?

Who are you to tell a fan he doesn't have the right to be concerned? And if I think the Skins don't have a very good chance to pull out a win, does that make me less of a fan? No, it doesn't!

I have not said who I think will win. Truth is, I don't know who will win; niether do you!

I know who I want to win - the Redskins!!

But how about climbing down off of your soapbox! You are not the president of Redskins fans and you can't tell another fan to get out if that fan isn't as optimistic as you!

Clown! :doh:

Here, here. It's called reality. I'm gonna root for the Skins, but do I feel we might not win? sure I do. I agree with this guy you assclown!!

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They just showed PArcells on NFL live and he said that the practice today was pathetic. He said he doesn't if we should just try everything agin tommorow and forget about other things or try working on the same things again. HE jsut looks pissed as he should be after that performance they had sunday. I just hope Dallas start off 0-4 or more and TO and the whole tema implodes. It would make my season if we didn't get to the SB. :D

hate to break it to you, but parcells is always like that

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If you don't think the Skins can win next week just get out! I'm tired of hearing people say we are doomed and massively voting that we will lose in polls. If your already abandoning the Skins after one loss then you aren't a true fan and should probably find a different team.

Incase you forgot, we swept them last year, one of which was a complete massacre. We can beat them in their own house once again and we will. T.O. can be contained and will not be enough to stop us from silencing all their slack-jawed fans.

just because your a fan doesnt mean that you always have to be a complete optimist.

Im a huge skins fan, but do I think we will have troubles this weekend? Yes. Plain and simple. I will never abandon my skins, and on game day, I will always root for them.

Just because I think they will have troubles this weekend doesnt mean that I am "abandoning" them.

and by the way, in case you forgot, what does sweeping them last year have to do with winning this year???


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Being a Redskin fan dosen't mean you have to be completely oblivious to reality.

He's right...thats being a Republican. :silly: i joke i joke

I am concerned as well but for the Skins play not the opponents as I know with our roster we can compete and beat anyone....as Doc Walker said when putting in a new offense, to go .500 in September is great cause gelling and learning will increase and with our weapons we could implement more and more of the playbook with learning and game experience and become the power offense we all envision under Gibbs and Saunders with our talent on O.

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If we dont put Bledsoe on his ass (or at least pressure him regularly), we are screwed.......the fact that our secondary is as banged up as it is, puts us at a real disadvantage.......In my opinion (which doesnt mean a damn thing), we need to be uncharacteristically unpredictable. Reverses, Flea flickers, ect.....we need to do the unexpected and keep them off balance. Lets hope Bledsoe gets put on his ass, gets rattled and makes mistakes......

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