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CBS Sportsline: "Star-struck Snyder can't win Super Bowls, so he collects trophies"


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I put this in the other thread about this but probably should put it here since this looks like the one that has the responses in it:

This article is a piece of trash make crazy statements like this:

While Hall of Famers like the Rooney family, the late Wellington Mara or future Hall of Famer Robert Kraft focused on building teams the proper way, Snyder has always cared more about which A-lister is sitting where in his box. The welfare of the league, small markets, salary cap manifestations. Forget it. He's not interested.

Now, Mara did care for this league and made the decisions usually thinking of the league before the team. While I could say he did it since he had no choice because he was around when the team wouldn't survive without a league that wasn't on solid ground and nowadays the league is on solid footing. But I won't say that. What I will say is that the ONLY reason we are actually playing this year with a CBA is because the owners of the big market teams , INCLUDING DAN SNYDER , made the decision to put the small market teams' concerns, and the league as a whole, before their own priorities. Period.

This guy should be fired for this article. :doh:

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As a Cowboys fan I'm a Redskin hater. As an NFL fan, he is right that the Redskins are one of the most important franchises in the league. (beyond the Cowboys of course! ;) ) I think Synder is horrible for the Redskins and for the league. I'm not just saying that on the part of being a Cowboys fan. I had extremely negative feelings about Jerry Jones for the longest time. He finally straightened up. Hopefully Synder will too.

I want the Redskins to do well, because it makes the Cowboys and the Redskins by far the best rivalry in the league. Even beyond the Chiefs/Broncos and Packers/Bears

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The man does what an owner should do and that is spend money - period. He is constantly attempting to improve his team - constantly! He is an innovator as well - prctically bringing the trade in vouge. Remember it was him and his assembled "yes" men that started going after restricted free-agents, when it was almost unheard of. It was Snyder who gave the go-ahead to the first major trade of top-tier NFL talent as well - Champ/Portis. He has admittedly made mistakes along the way, but what front office hasn't. He is the first to pay his assistant coaches to stay (or come). I don't care why players want to play here. Because of him, they want to play here.

Point is - he does as much as he can - every year. Damn, I feel good about that.

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As a Cowboys fan I'm a Redskin hater. As an NFL fan, he is right that the Redskins are one of the most important franchises in the league. (beyond the Cowboys of course! ) I think Synder is horrible for the Redskins and for the league. I'm not just saying that on the part of being a Cowboys fan. I had extremely negative feelings about Jerry Jones for the longest time. He finally straightened up. Hopefully Synder will too.

I want the Redskins to do well, because it makes the Cowboys and the Redskins by far the best rivalry in the league. Even beyond the Chiefs/Broncos and Packers/Bears

Seriously...as a cowboys fan...dont come on our board this week

And somehow saying the Danny is wrong and Jerry Jones has changed is probably the stupidest statement I have ever ever ever heard.

T.O. hiring, what?

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As a Cowboys fan I'm a Redskin hater. As an NFL fan, he is right that the Redskins are one of the most important franchises in the league. (beyond the Cowboys of course! ;) ) I think Synder is horrible for the Redskins and for the league. I'm not just saying that on the part of being a Cowboys fan. I had extremely negative feelings about Jerry Jones for the longest time. He finally straightened up. Hopefully Synder will too.

I want the Redskins to do well, because it makes the Cowboys and the Redskins by far the best rivalry in the league. Even beyond the Chiefs/Broncos and Packers/Bears

Dfanny BITE ME! :laugh:

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Many times on sites like this mods arn't paid at all. It's just fans doing their job for a site they love. As for this site, I don't know the status.

I don't think he talking about guys like me. Mods don't 'pose' as anything other than guys who run the site. And I can tell you for a fact that every single member of the staff here were clearly fans before they were recruited to be moderators.

And besides, I'd be willing to bet any decent team website is visited by team employees, who may or may not anonymously offer opinions without consulting the owner of the team.

No, what I think he means is that Snyder specifically pays people to pretend to be fans and slam the media. I seriously doubt that.

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The stars make him feel important, they make him feel taller.

Ouch! I gotta tell ya, I've never been a Snyder fan and while I agree with the underlying frustration, that was one nasty hit piece. I've savaged Snyder for years for his incompetence, but I assumed it was incompetence. Mike Freeman makes it sound like Snyder ruined this team purely out of greed and ego. I figured these really tough Snyder-bashing pieces were long gone now that good ol' Joe's back and firmly in charge. I guess Mike didn't get the memo. Snyder better hope the Skins make the playoffs this year, otherwise he's gonna see lots more of these articles.

Personally, I just shook my head in shame when I saw little Tom Cruise trotting out onto the field. Seriously, couldn't Snyder buy a celebrity with a little less baggage?

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Another "he's so rich that I hate him article." No, money doesn't win championships in the NFL, that has become clear. As a fan of the skins I want to see them win on the field and I know our owner does as well. Fortunately for Snyder, he makes money regardless, and owners, writers, and most non-Redskins fans hate him for it.

The funny thing to me was Jerry Jones was the guy they used to go after....now it's on the Snyder. Isn't Georgie the one they pick on from the Yankees and Mark Cuban the one they go after with the Mavs? See a pattern? The richer you are, the more you're hated....add in a pinch of youth and you're the anti-christ.

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I don't think he talking about guys like me. Mods don't 'pose' as anything other than guys who run the site. And I can tell you for a fact that every single member of the staff here were clearly fans before they were recruited to be moderators.

And besides, I'd be willing to bet any decent team website is visited by team employees, who may or may not anonymously offer opinions without consulting the owner of the team.

No, what I think he means is that Snyder specifically pays people to pretend to be fans and slam the media. I seriously doubt that.

I agree completely. I wasn't responding to the article itself rather than the post made in responce.

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No, what I think he means is that Snyder specifically pays people to pretend to be fans and slam the media. I seriously doubt that.

That's exactly what he's saying: "Snyder employees, I believe, pose as fans and blast media members on various message boards." That's a pretty whiny gripe. We all know, of course, that Skins employees do post here without identifying themselves (think of certain breaking news...), but I'm not sure I recall an instance where it was done to bash the media. Maybe they have. Seems childish and stupid and unproductive though -- not that I'd put that past a Snyder regime. Mike would have to be really stretching the "pose as fans" bit to include the ES mods though. They are fans, they're not posing as fans.

Of course, I'm actually Vinny Cerrato and I never bash the media.

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Quote : "During his tenure as owner Snyder is 54-59 with two playoff appearances. No NFL owner in history has ever sunk as much signing bonus money into a franchise and gotten so little from those investments as Snyder."

"He will notice how the New England Patriots built a dynasty utilizing smart drafting, treating the salary cap with respect and making wise free agent selections based on real needs, not Q-rating"

The numbers, they speak for themselves, and the team that got it allright (by the numbers).

The Pats remind me the good old times with J.K. Cooke and Joe Gibbs.

Wish we can challenge them and comeback to the top.

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“While Hall of Famers like the Rooney family, the late Wellington Mara or future Hall of Famer Robert Kraft focused on building teams the proper way, Snyder has always cared more about which A-lister is sitting where in his box. The welfare of the league, small markets, salary cap manifestations. Forget it. He's not interested.”

Well lets see…the Rooneys went 30 years between super bowl wins, the Giants haven’t won a SB since 1991 (skins won in ’92).

While making the play-offs is nice, in the end, it doesn’t count for squat. Only titles matter. Oh, and the Bengals are a better Franchise? Ummm…a team full of criminals? The Skins have won more play-off games than they have the last 2 years.

These writers cannot seem to let the one off-season go when he signed Jeff George, Deion, and Bruce Smith. How about the fact that he brought Santana Moss here and got rid of Lavernus Coles (GREAT move) how about the trade for Clinton Portis who set a franchise record for Rushing last year. How about bringing Marcus Washington to DC. He’s probably the most underrated LB in the game right now. How about letting Lavar (I just missed another Tackle) Arrington go AND getting money back in return. I agree, Snyder made some mistakes early on, but he has learned from them as well.

This article just comes across as jealous ranting.

What does Tom Cruise have to do with the Redskins? Nothing. No more than Six Flags has anything to do with the Redskins.

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