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If you hate the cowboys READ THIS!!

Johnnie Littlejohn

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for all of you who say you hate the cowboys.

Which team other than the skins do you know the most about?

Let me guess Cowboys.

What is the game you must see this year?

Let me guess...

Whould you rather see skins and boys in the nfc champ or

skins in the superbowl?

I wont guess this one.(Superbowl only if it was the Ravens)

And finally where would the skins be without the cowboys and the boys without the skins?

Plus you gotta give the Cboys props for buying the rights to Hail to the Skins to blackmale there way into the league.

really i know all of your answers my real question is

If the skins had to change there team name(god forgiving) What would you suggest?

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fine I'll play:

Which team other than the skins do you know the most about?

A: lets see, I know a good bit about the Broncos, Jets, Falcons, Panthers, Eagles, Giants, Cowboys, Chargers, Ravens, do I need to go on? (Thank you NFL Network!!!)

What is the game you must see this year?

A:All of them, I mean, sure, Cowboys if I had to choose, maybe the Giants season finale cause that could be another make or break playoff deal for us.

Whould you rather see skins and boys in the nfc champ or

skins in the superbowl?

A:I think the Skins in the super bowl, I don't care who we beat or how we get there, but the Skins in the super bowl is far better.

And finally where would the skins be without the cowboys and the boys without the skins?

A: well, you guys are somewhat new, we would prolly have the Giants as our #1 rival, as they prolly were back in the 30s and 40s. Eagles would be a close 2nd, but I think the Skins/Giants rivalry would take hold then.

Also, it was out of luck that Barnee Breeskin decided to go up to the potential Cowboys owner and ask him if he wanted to buy "HTTR", it wasn't skill or anything. Barnee fell out with Marshall, so he decided to go up to the Cowboys potential owner just like that.

Either way, what is the point of this post?

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Like Mr. S, I too will play along:

Which team other than the skins do you know the most about? Jaguars

What is the game you must see this year?I'll give you that, I want to see the Skins/Boys

Whould you rather see skins and boys in the nfc champ or

skins in the superbowl? I'd rather see the Skins in the SB and the Boys eliminated in November.

And finally where would the skins be without the cowboys and the boys without the skins? I don't think it would change this franchise, but the rivalry has had an impact on the league as a whole.

Plus you gotta give the Cboys props for buying the rights to Hail to the Skins to blackmale there way into the league. Classless, but effective. Perfectly in-line with their franchise history, actually.

If the skins had to change there team name(god forgiving) What would you suggest? Senators, Warriors or Capitols

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And finally where would the skins be without the cowboys and the boys without the skins?

Skins have been a franchise since the 30's. They didn't need the cowboys to become a franchise. The cowboys needed the redskins to become a franchise. So I ask you a question, who gave the cowboys there first loss as a franchise?

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