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PFT's all turd team

Walking Deadman

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PFT, decided to do a all "turd" team for current players that are problems, get in troble with the law or some other reason.

Here's the list:


Notice that there are 2 former Redskins on the squad, yeah ST's on it but who's really suprised if you read PFT.

Also notice who's the official legal counsel of the team.

....and of course there's a few cowboys on the squad (no suprise).

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Najeh "Dookie" Davenport, RB, Packers: Arrested for taking a crap in a dorm room closet while the girl who lived there was sleeping. This guy could become possessed by the spirit of Mother Teresa for the rest of his days and we'd still make him the charter member of the Turd Hall of Fame.

that is freakin awesome

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I wonder why PFT, which claims to be so close to NFL life, would misuse the football term "Turd".

A turd, from how I understand it, defines guys like Randy Moss and TO - and has nothing really to do with getting arrested, unless you were arrested so often that it showed a total lack of caring of your teammates.

I thought a turd meant a bad teammate - plain and simple. Not just an ***hole or a SOB.

I don't think a single player in the NFL would call Jamal or Ray lewis turds, nor do I think a single player would call Sean a Turd either, though the spitting thing is kinda turdish - but from what I hear that stuff happens almost every week in the trenches.

A turd is a bad teammate, not some guy the nerds at PFT think are

"underwhelming citizens"

:rolleyes: PFT strikes again.

I really would think they would know what it meant.

edit: As freaking hilarious as that Najeh crap closet story is (and it is the funniest thing I have heard in a long long time) it has nothing to do with being a turd. Sigh... what nerd offs. I thought I was a nerd. :laugh:

These three are about as unturd as you could find in the NFL

Michael Vick, QB, Falcons: Grossly overrated player who allegedly gave a girlfriend herpes. If only the ability to pass from the pocket were an STD . . . .

Ben Roethlisberger, QB, Steelers: One of the worst combinations of dumb and arrogant we've ever encountered.

Daunte Culpepper, QB, Dolphins: Forced his way out of Minnesota by acting like a baby back ***** (yeah, we watched The Longest Yard for inspiration)after the team wouldn't reward him financially for having a crappy season before his knee exploded.

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"LaVar Arrington, LB, Giants: Paid back $4 million to hit the market early enough to wither on the vine until signing a crappy deal.

Agents: Kevin and Carl Poston."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"Sean Taylor, S, Redskins: Where do we start? The guy chronically refuses to follow the rules, spits in the face of other players, and beats people up in the offseason."

:mad: :mad:

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"Sean Taylor, S, Redskins: Where do we start? The guy chronically refuses to follow the rules, spits in the face of other players, and beats people up in the offseason."

:mad: :mad:

ie: He puts tape on his face mask and wears stripey socks!

Also he punched a guy who stole his stuff.

Big bad Sean :rolleyes:

He wears stripey socks! :laugh:

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"LaVar Arrington, LB, Giants: Paid back $4 million to hit the market early enough to wither on the vine until signing a crappy deal.

Agents: Kevin and Carl Poston."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"Sean Taylor, S, Redskins: Where do we start? The guy chronically refuses to follow the rules, spits in the face of other players, and beats people up in the offseason."

:mad: :mad:

hahaha that made me laughhahaha

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Najeh "Dookie" Davenport, RB, Packers: Arrested for taking a crap in a dorm room closet while the girl who lived there was sleeping. This guy could become possessed by the spirit of Mother Teresa for the rest of his days and we'd still make him the charter member of the Turd Hall of Fame.

that is freakin awesome

ahahahha lolol

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"Sean Taylor, S, Redskins: Where do we start? The guy chronically refuses to follow the rules, spits in the face of other players, and beats people up in the offseason."

They didnt mention that he beats people up DURING the season, too. As far as I'm convinced, ST is a changed man judging from his interviews on skins.com as well as other places. He'll still be the same ballhawk patroling centerfield waiting for WRs to come across the middle and delivering huge hits, but I feel confident that his big troubles are over.

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I still cant believe Leonard Little KILLED someone driving drunk and the mother****er is not rotting in jail. Damn, having money lets you literally get away with murder.

Nobody caught him drunk, thats the problem. Anyone coudl have gotten off there never was a breathalizer given. Oh well, it is sad.

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Najeh "Dookie" Davenport, RB, Packers: Arrested for taking a crap in a dorm room closet while the girl who lived there was sleeping. This guy could become possessed by the spirit of Mother Teresa for the rest of his days and we'd still make him the charter member of the Turd Hall of Fame.

that is freakin awesome

I copied that same quote and was going to post :laugh:

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G.M.: Matt Millen. (We're not saying Matt is a turd, but only that he has drafted plenty of them.)

Owner: Tom Benson. (We're not saying Mr. Benson is a turd. Wait, we are.)

Classics. Poor Matt, such a good LB, such a sucky GM.

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I read that and laugh at how much they like to get on players with rap sheets but.....

My idea of a turd is a player that was supposed to be better than average and was drafted high, but never lived up to his draft status or potential.

A perfect example of a turd on the skins would be Taylor Jacobs. One from our rival Giants would be Ron Dayne.

I like how PFT gets on the players for effing up in the real world but their turd schtick has gotten old.

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Interesting List.

I wish they would have split the list up as the All Criminal Team and the All-Dumba** Team.

Some of those guys are just retarded....and Some are actual Criminals.

Hate to say it because I love the guy the way I loved Dexter, but Sean has got to clean up his act. I think his sentence should be to live with Darrell Green for a year!!!!!!!

Edit: Hey Kev. Long time no talk. Hope all is well. :point2sky

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I read that and laugh at how much they like to get on players with rap sheets but.....

My idea of a turd is a player that was supposed to be better than average and was drafted high, but never lived up to his draft status or potential.

A perfect example of a turd on the skins would be Taylor Jacobs. One from our rival Giants would be Ron Dayne.

I like how PFT gets on the players for effing up in the real world but their turd schtick has gotten old.

Those are called draft busts not turds. Turds are exactly the kinda of person PFT talks about. Teammates who get big legal trouble and/or disrupt the team itself. Great read.

Love Sean Taylor but he should be on there. He is the only player to skip that rookie conference when he was drafted. He has been confirmed spitting on at least Pittman and accused of it on another occasion. He was facing 46 yrs for pointing a gun at somebody. Now maybe he didn't point a gun at people but he def wet over to beat people up. Thats just not the way the law works esp if you are a pro football player. love him but the man belongs on the all turd team team right now

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Turd isn't really a football term by any stretch of the imagination, so they can use it however they want.

Regardless, this list was really a waste of time, for both the writer and the reader. Does PFT employ high school freshmen to do their writing?

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Najeh "Dookie" Davenport, RB, Packers: Arrested for taking a crap in a dorm room closet while the girl who lived there was sleeping. This guy could become possessed by the spirit of Mother Teresa for the rest of his days and we'd still make him the charter member of the Turd Hall of Fame.

that is freakin awesome

I always try to draft Najeh "Poop" Davenport in my Fantasy Football League

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Little is a piece of s###. ST is just gangsta, and we all need to realize you cant go around testing others peoples gangsta. Thats the reason Taylor dose what he dose.

Coming from the guy who thinks fighting is more important than reading. :rolleyes:

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