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A Scary Dream Last Night...

F Landry

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Oh god please don't hurt me for posting this here...but I felt I had to share it with you guys...maybe you can console me.

I only vaguely remember parts of the dream, but basically...the Redskins went to the Super Bowl and lost. I remember saying in the dream something like, "Atleast we went to the Super Bowl."

I am pretty sure we were playing the Patriots, I remember a blue uniform...

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:


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Going to the SB would be sweet...losing would suck. Just ask Philly fans...or Vikings fans.

Players think that way sometimes too...which is why their team loses. They are satisfied with going to the SB...until they lose. The goal of Coach Gibbs isn't just to go the SB...it is to win the SB!!! He is 3-1 in the SB...he has been on both sides. If we get there (and I think we will), I expect that we will win it.

NOW...if you find that the rest of your dreams are coming true, then maybe we have a problem.

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I only vaguely remember parts of the dream, but basically...the Redskins went to the Super Bowl and lost. I remember saying in the dream something like, "Atleast we went to the Super Bowl."

I am pretty sure we were playing the Patriots, I remember a blue uniform...

I'm not sure which part of that scares me more....

Losing in the Super Bowl or losing to the Patriots.

Losing in the Super Bowl is awful. It's probably about the worst thing that can happen to a team... to have gotten that close only to have the season be totally wasted at the last moment by losing.

Losing to the Patriots is like losing to the Bad News Bears.

Losing in the Super Bowl to the Patriots would be more than I could ever take. I would probably end up blowing my head off if that were to happen, and YES, I am being 100% serious,

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I'm not sure which part of that scares me more....

Losing in the Super Bowl or losing to the Patriots.

Losing in the Super Bowl is awful. It's probably about the worst thing that can happen to a team... to have gotten that close only to have the season be totally wasted at the last moment by losing.

Losing to the Patriots is like losing to the Bad News Bears.

Losing in the Super Bowl to the Patriots would be more than I could ever take. I would probably end up blowing my head off if that were to happen, and YES, I am being 100% serious,

Yes i hate how pats fans think how their a better dynasty then redskins were. And that their coach is better then gibbs:doh:

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Going to the SB would be sweet...losing would suck. Just ask Philly fans...or Vikings fans.

Players think that way sometimes too...which is why their team loses. They are satisfied with going to the SB...until they lose. The goal of Coach Gibbs isn't just to go the SB...it is to win the SB!!! He is 3-1 in the SB...he has been on both sides. If we get there (and I think we will), I expect that we will win it.

NOW...if you find that the rest of your dreams are coming true, then maybe we have a problem.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Yes i hate how pats fans think how their a better dynasty then redskins were. And that their coach is better then gibbs:doh:

I LIVE in just about the geograpic dead center of Patriots Nation. I don't even want to start thinking about those sacks of crap. I had a late lunch a while ago and I don't want to puke.

Skins vs. Pats in the Super Bowl would be a hellacous two weeks for me at work ahead of time. At least I wouldn't have to deal with the issues afterwards if the Patriots were to win the game.

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I would much rather get beat in the Super Bowl than in the NFC Champsionship. The week or two leading up to the Super Bowl is awesome! Plus, your team is written in stone...no body ever sees the teams that get beat in the Conference Championships on highlight reels for years to come.

The Bills never won the Super Bowl and even though their Super Bowl losses seemed to get worse and worse, we are all still reminded of their dominance of the AFC during that time period.

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I would much rather get beat in the Super Bowl than in the NFC Champsionship. The week or two leading up to the Super Bowl is awesome! Plus, your team is written in stone...no body ever sees the teams that get beat in the Conference Championships on highlight reels for years to come.

Sorry, if we're not going to win the Super Bowl, I'd prefer to be bad enough that I don't even have to pay attention to the season from the beginning. So far as I'm concerned there's the Super Bowl Champion and there are 31 teams that wasted a year of their life.

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Sorry, if we're not going to win the Super Bowl, I'd prefer to be bad enough that I don't even have to pay attention to the season from the beginning. So far as I'm concerned there's the Super Bowl Champion and there are 31 teams that wasted a year of their life.

I wouldn't personally go quite that far, but I tend to agree that losing the Super Bowl is much more devastating than losing in the playoffs.

If you lose in the playoffs (the way we did last year), it's pretty easy to chalk it up as a step in the right direction and something that needs to be accomplished before taking the next step.

However, so many things have to break right (injuries, fortunate bounces, etc.) for a team to get to a Super Bowl, it would be tough to get that far and then lose. As a fan, I would have this fear that we just blew our big opportunity. That could have been the "magical year" and we didn't take full advantage of it.

Just my take on it!

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I suppose I could live with a Super Bowl loss as long as it was a close game. Joe Gibbs back in the Super Bowl would not only be good for Skins fans and the DC area, but I also think it would be good for the NFL. I could also handle two weeks of apologetic mediot naysayers who have finally seen the light. :D

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You guys are sooooooooo funny.

After careful thought, losing in the Super Bowl would be the worse. Look what happens to the teams that lose in the Super Bowl. They almost always have a losing record the next year, plus I dont even want that to be a thought. I dont want my skins, nor the skins fans to be satisfied with anything other than a Super Bowl win. The only goal in the NFL is to win a Super Bowl. You dont work your ass off all season to lose. Nor do I work my ass of all year to buy tickets and see my team loss.

I have already set money aside to buy Super Bowl tickets and if we lose, I will be pissed.

Also, I dont see us losing to the Patriots in the Super Bowl. The Broncos and the Colts have a beter shot than them, and they were blue.

That one about Spurrier coming back, thats the Apocolyptes coming.


Whats wrong with you people? Whether we get blown out or lose by 1 point, wouldnt it suck and rip your heart out the same.

A loss is a loss. No one remembers the loser. Besides, whats the point of going if you lose. Your just like the other 30 teams - runner ups

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