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Gibbs' first season back...


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Does anybody here feel like Joe Gibbs' first season back was a success? Am I the only one? We went from 5-11 to 6-10, and we showed a lot of progress.

It will always be a blemish on his record, but I don't think that's fair. We lost a lot of close games, whereas the year before, we were getting blown out of the water in a semi-regular fashion. We went from looking lost to looking like a team. I felt like he did a really good job with what he had, and he didn't have much. Steve Spurrier basically dismantled the team before Gibbs got back, so we had to start from scratch.

How many starters from the Spurrier era are still around? Who else feels like Gibbs got an unfair review, and CONTINUES to get some bad reviews based on his first season back?


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I agree 110%. JG had to get rid of malcontents like LC and how many people questioned when he traded LC for Moss? How about when he bypassed Winslow Jr and instead drafted S. Taylor or picking Cooley in the 3rd round?

The 1st thing he did was hire GW and build a respected coaching staff. SS left the Redskins a shambles and the players were on their cell phones during meetings!!!

You are right on the mark my friend. The first year with JG back we could have easily been 10-6 had a couple of bounces gone our way. It would have taken alot more bounces when SS was at the helm and losing 27-0 to the Cowboys and being embarrased on MNF by the stinking Eagles 37-7.

JG got rid of the malcontents and brought in what he called Redskin type players and in 2 short years had us 1 game from the NFC Championship. No-One is laughing NOW!!!!

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his first time here we went from 6-10 to 8-8.

In a sport when you only have 16 chances to prove yourself championship worthy, its nearly impossible to turn a team completely around in one year. It was a complete success. Of course, we all had our expectations high, but he got our team stacked to be competitive, and that is something that didn't happen during the years he was gone.

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The end of the spurrior era alone was a huge win for the organization. Hiring JG also finally got Snyder to become a top owner instead of an Al Davis want-a-be. It takes time for a coach to really put his stamp on a team. Taking over a club with a prior coaches personell is usually difficult due to different football philosophies. This season will be the first one where JG has all his peices in place.

I dread thinking of where we'd be without JG.

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As Snyder has learned, it takes years to correct an NFL football team. If we had hired any other coach, we'd have ended up 2-14 in 2004. Gibbs stopped the downward momentum and turned things around. We're now headed in the correct direction, and momentum is our friend for a change.

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Joe did an incredible job his first year....considering the players he had to work with.....todays skins is a totally different team from the Spurrier years. Imagine after taking over as the head coach and one of your best players announces he no longer wants to be a skin (Champ Bailey) Joe made it into a win win situation and brought us Clinton...not to mention other great team oriented players. HTTJG&R

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He established the foundation on which he would rebuild the organization in his image. So while I was somewhat disappointed in the won/lost record, in looking at his first season from todays perspective I definitely see it as a very productive beginning. That season (even though it was only his first season) he had the team playing hard in every game for the full 60 minutes.

Last season we saw an organization that has the look and feel of a Joe Gibbs organization and that showed up on the field. Last season I definitely saw it as a very productive especially the latter part of the season.

Joe Gibbs showed he is not satisfied with the results of last season and has taken steps to make the team better. I believe that the Joe Gibbs attitude has taken hold fully by the players and they are not satisfied with last season either. I hear in every player interviewed a Joe Gibbs attitude of we are working hard to get better, we are enjoying the heck out of working with our fellow teammates, and there are no egos on this team.

A good example is a recent interview by David Patten, commenting on the new WR additions, didn't grumble about possibly loosing his starting job; but seemed genuinely excited that they will make us a better team. Coaches have commented how good he looked in the recent mini-camp; so he is working hard to get better. Now that is a Joe Gibbs type of player. And, I hear that attitude in every player and coach interviewed.

I can even feel the Joe Gibbs attitude affecting the fans here on Extremeskins. Oh there are still a few who have not yet been fully affected and will probably be skeptical until we are in the Superbowl. Some of us (those who remember the Joe Gibbs teams of old) were confident from the moment that Joe Gibbs returned as coach that the Redskin organization would be transformed into winners.

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Gibbs is a great coach, and I love him to death for his work ethic. But with that in mind, I don't think you can call his first season a success. From a coaching stand point alone, there were a lot of game decisions that were made that were questionable, such as time management and other things. Now Gibbs is brilliant, and I'm sure there were a lot of circumstances causing this.

Gibbs has completely turned this team around, and it started during his first season. Looking at it from a broad view Gibbs has been very successful through his second stint. But zooming in on his first season, I don't think we can call it a success.

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Gibbs' first season should be looked at as merely a stepping stone. Like a first year automotive production model that showed promise but lacked key features. The second season was awesome and got us over the hump of mediocrity. Last year felt like a Gibbs squad.

Is the first season a success on its own? No. Is the first season part of the success that we enjoyed last season? Most certainly!


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At the time I was hard pressed to find optimism in my feelings about the season - Brunell's performance and Lavar's injury in particular. I just figured it was rebuilding time but I wasn't sure where we were building towards. Now of course you can see what the problems were (at least with everyone but brunell I don't know if I'll ever know what the hell he was doing in 04) now, so yeah I guess so success only in that it didn't destroy the team entirely and really got rid of the underachievers we had called our team for so long.

Ugh... what a horrific season after such an optimistic summer. Not nearly as optimistic as I am this year - because this year its based in reality - that year it was based on 2 things: Clinton Portis and Joe Gibbs.

The team we have coming together now will be one to be proud of even if it never wins a superbowl, I can hold my head high again as a life long redskin fan.:2cents:

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Gibbs is a great coach, and I love him to death for his work ethic. But with that in mind, I don't think you can call his first season a success. From a coaching stand point alone, there were a lot of game decisions that were made that were questionable, such as time management and other things. Now Gibbs is brilliant, and I'm sure there were a lot of circumstances causing this.

Gibbs has completely turned this team around, and it started during his first season. Looking at it from a broad view Gibbs has been very successful through his second stint. But zooming in on his first season, I don't think we can call it a success.

I think that it's a success because there was clear improvement over the year before. Any time your team gets better, that is a successful year. A successful year for the 49ers would be 6-10 (or even signs of improvement from Alex Smith). A bad year for the Steelers would be if they didn't make the playoffs. When you're headed in a positive direction from one year to the next, you've had a successful year.

One thing I like about Gibbs 2.0 is that nobody can say he inherited a great team. The clear turning point for the Washington Redskins was when he came onboard.


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his first time here we went from 6-10 to 8-8.

In a sport when you only have 16 chances to prove yourself championship worthy, its nearly impossible to turn a team completely around in one year. It was a complete success. Of course, we all had our expectations high, but he got our team stacked to be competitive, and that is something that didn't happen during the years he was gone.

But Jack Pardee went 6-10. Gibbs did lose his first 5 games. Only other losing season besides 2004, we went 7-9 in 1989.

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At the end of his first year, despite the record, you could tell the players were "buying" into his scheme and playing for the full 60 minutes instead of giving up and losing games with blowouts as had happened in the past. There was an attitude change that was obvious from the players, to the coaching staff, to the fans.

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I think its a bit of a stretch to call the 2004 season a success. We couldn't do anything on the offensive side of the ball and the debate remains whether it was more about Brunell or more about JG's playcalling. Even after the QB switch was made the offense by and large still sucked and really only showed signs of life in the Vikings game. And then sucked for the first two games this season. I'm not sure what happened during the bye week after the MNF Cowboy win, but our offense after then was like night and day.

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If your considering the long term aspect of the game like I do and most true Redskins fans do than you would consider 2004 a success for the exact reasons pointed out in your post. I would use the same comparisons when talking to friends or strangers. Our defense was awesome and our offense needed to get in sync. It was obvious we needed a few more pieces to the puzzle to align ourselves.

Last year we got a couple more pieces to the puzzle and this year should be our year. If we don't go to the SB we should go deep into the playoffs. We have much more depth than in previous season post Gibbs.

Hail to the Redskins!

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Actually, its nice to say "did anyone expect Gibbs to build a playoff team his first year", but I would bet that if you looked through a lot of the threads prior to the 2004 season, I would say that a lot of people DID expect a lot more than a one-game improvement over Spurrier's last year. And its true that you can't measure improvement totally in W's and L's, but the fact is that the reason why we weren't WORSE in '04 than in '03 is Gregg Williams. Yes, give Gibbs credit for being smart enough to hire Williams, but the job that GW did in having a unit giving up the 5th least amount of points in the league deserved better than a 6-10 record.

Having said that, I can't see how Gibbs deserves much criticism at all for the job he's done in the two years combined, unlike you were banking on him equalling what he did in his first tenure during the same timeframe (winning the SB). Now that expectation would have been unrealistic.

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when he came back, that's the best I ever felt about being 6-10.

you could feel it...we all knew we improved.

we were just a few tweaks away from making the playoffs...and voila !..we did.

now it feels like we're just a few tweaks from the SB and voila!..we hit the jackpot on our offseason pick-ups.

It just keeps gettin better!

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