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Montgomery County Executive Duncan dropping out of Gov race.


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Duncan to Make Campaign Announcement

Souces Say He is Ending Quest for Governor

By Nancy Trejos

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, June 22, 2006; 11:54 AM

Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan will announce this afternoon that he is dropping out of the race for governor, sources close to the campaign said today.

Duncan, 50, decided to end his quest for Maryland's highest office because he is suffering from clinical depression, sources said.

Duncan faced stiff competition for the Democratic nomination from Baltimore city mayor Martin O'Malley. He will announce his decision at a press conference in his Rockville office building at 2 p.m. today.

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Wow, do we have to keep him as exectuive then... :(


I'm pretty surprised, people have been talking him up and down a lot in Mo County for a while now, as the next Governor.

anyway, Go Earlich!



On a serious note though, I feel bad for the guy, if he is suffering from depression. Is it me or is that just going around a lot lately...weird.


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Memo to Democrats in Maryland. Take a good long look at Baltimore City before you vote for Gov.

Or at least look at whether Baltimore City is better or worse off since O'Malley took over. Baltimore has been a dump since about 1845 - you can hardly blame O'Malley for that. :laugh:

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I say within two days there will be leaked stories about Duncan's "addiction to medical painkillers for his depression"..

anyone want to give odds on that?

I wouldnt doubt it, I know people that have worked with Duncan and he has chronic back problems...not surprising the guy is gigantic...

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That's too bad ... I liked Duncan, but he was behind in the polls anyways. Hopefully he gets treatment and recovers from this.

I guess O'Malley is the next governor by default. Nothing against Ehrlich, but it's a bad time to be in the same party as President Bush while running for office in Maryland.

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