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Clinton and Betts


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I just read this little blurb in an article in the Examiner:

"Running back Ladell Betts received much praise from coaches, particularly Saunders, for how he looked — and has looked the entire offseason. Saunders wants to get Betts and Clinton Portis on the field simultaneously. Both players can be used in the passing game, from a slot position or in the backfield."

That just got me thinking of the sick combination of having Cooley, Lloyd, Moss, Clinton and Betts on the field at the same time. Honestly defenses would never see it coming. The versatility that Saunders is bringing and the aggressive sets make me very excited to see what he has planned for the season.

What other types of new sets do you expect to see this season?

Article Link: http://www.examiner.com/a-153821~Waiting_on_July__Redskins_finish_final_minicamp.html?cid=rss-Washington_DC

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Comeon Al! Throw us a 3 RB 2 TE set just once. Thats all we want! Please?

Seriously, Betts has the size to play fullback, it would make sense to use him there both to block a couple times, to decoy, and then on downs where the defense doesnt know where he is blocking or not, both Portis AND betts go out for passes.

Just deadly.

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some other good tidbits from that article...

» Wide receiver Antwaan Randle El thrived in Pittsburgh with his dual role. But he was used mostly in the slot in there; here, he’ll shift around and start in motion often this season. His eyes get big when discussing the change. Still, he’s probably most effective on underneath routes.

» Wide receiver Brandon Lloyd might be the most intriguing newcomer. Lloyd made several leaping catches during this weekend, and showed the ability to catch passes in tight spots — when double covered near the sideline.

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Comeon Al! Throw us a 3 RB 2 TE set just once. Thats all we want! Please?

Seriously, Betts has the size to play fullback, it would make sense to use him there both to block a couple times, to decoy, and then on downs where the defense doesnt know where he is blocking or not, both Portis AND betts go out for passes.

Just deadly.

The problem with betts (and why I think the skins have left him out of more passing plays last year) is he isn't a good blocker at all, in fact his pass pro was pretty miserable.

Then again when you have one of the best blitz pickup RBs in the league ahead of you in Portis, I guess your blocking can look bad.

There were a few plays last year and the year before where Betts just totally whiffed on a block, letting the QB get slammed.

I think the split set with Betts and Portis won't be a lead blocking thing, but more for draws and things, where one back runs a counter and the other a pass pattern etc. Betts is an awesome reciever for a RB.

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Sort of a two TE/One Wide/2 RB Weak I

Cooley as TE, Sellers as WB

Moss at SE

Portis as TB

Randel El as FB

Could start in three back set and motion to this form, to a more traditional strong I or even to an ace form.

Plays would include power pitch to Portis behind Cooley and Sellers, option pass by Portis to Cooley, trap to El, counter pitch to El, pass by Brunell to El in the flat, pass by Brunell to Moss (probably running a fly), El could have an option pass.

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Sort of a two TE/One Wide/2 RB Weak I

Cooley as TE, Sellers as WB

Moss at SE

Portis as TB

Randel El as FB

Could start in three back set and motion to this form, to a more traditional strong I or even to an ace form.

Plays would include power pitch to Portis behind Cooley and Sellers, option pass by Portis to Cooley, trap to El, counter pitch to El, pass by Brunell to El in the flat, pass by Brunell to Moss (probably running a fly), El could have an option pass.

Well... that certainly is a wild idea. :cool:

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I just hope all the new plays, formations, motion, etc don't turn into stupid penalties such as false starts, etc. I'm guessing Saunders will start off slow with some basic things and then work more in as the guys get comfortable and the season progresses. I don't expect us to come out the gate with both guns blasting, it's going to take some time and therefore patience. :2cents:

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Some things that I've noticed, is Clinton Portis can throw the ball about as accurately as a lot of QBs in the league. His passes don't wobble, and are always dead on target. I've also noticed that Ladell Betts can catch and hold onto a ball better than most guys when it's a clutch situation, just like Mike Sellers does in the red zone. What I'd like to see on every first possession in the red zone, is the short slant to the outside corner to Betts or Sellers, but for it to be thrown by Portis. This setup from Brunell to Sellers, even when everyone knew it was coming, was NEVER stopped by the opposition all of last season. If they run the same play this season, but include the option to Portis, it will surely never fail. i'd like to see how this would pan out.

Additionally, for longer plays when we need chunks of yardage, we could run the same play, only adding Cooley to the mix, since he has a better ability to stretch it down field.

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I just hope all the new plays, formations, motion, etc don't turn into stupid penalties such as false starts, etc. I'm guessing Saunders will start off slow with some basic things and then work more in as the guys get comfortable and the season progresses. I don't expect us to come out the gate with both guns blasting, it's going to take some time and therefore patience. :2cents:

Also I heard they are having refs at practices picking apart every play, and also explaining to the players why they were called for the penalties. I think the coachs will keep penalties down to a minimum and play disciplined football. Honestly that would have been a concern any other year, but with Gibbs at the helm, I'm not too worried.

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Comeon Al! Throw us a 3 RB 2 TE set just once. Thats all we want! Please?

Seriously, Betts has the size to play fullback, it would make sense to use him there both to block a couple times, to decoy, and then on downs where the defense doesnt know where he is blocking or not, both Portis AND betts go out for passes.

Just deadly.

If we used a wishbone everyone would know we are power running.....which I like because we have the line to push people back and then with 2 lead blockers backs that could pick up 4 yards a carry....But I don't think we will ever see it.

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Portis throws a very high ball. I feel if he keeps airing it out it's gonna start getting picked. Lets just stick with Portis runnin' and ARE throwing...

I don't know... 2 for 3 with 2 TDs is pretty damn good. He could throw it end over end and Cooley would catch it as open as he was on that play last season. Throwing a High ball only matters if there are actually defenders near by and the guy you are throwing too isn't as big as Cooley.

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I am excited about Brandon Lloyd. I think he will emerge as a solid 2 maybe a 1 within the next two years. As far a formations go I can't wait to see what Saunders is going to put together. Don't be surprised to see Patten make some huge plays for us this year. His role is going to be similiar to what it was in New England with the new additions at wide out.

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