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A little gift for Abu Musab Zarqawi..

Air Force Cane

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The music is the band Dope. The song is called "Sick".

I preferred the Beastie Boys one that played "Sabotage".

Here's to tomorrow baby

I'm feelin sick

Complain the whole world's angry

You make me sick

With each crime you proceed me

You stuck me with the rest

Everytime you mess with me

I'll put you to the test

Bang bang bang in your head ****er

Bang bang bang you're dead ****er

Here's to tomorrow maybe

I'm getting sick

For everytime you harass me

I'll put on in your head

I gave up on society

And everything you've said

Have it your way

Bang bang bang in your head ****er

Bang bang bang you're dead ****er

And you're dead ****er

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