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wow! Aussie vs Japan finish


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I think everyone in Oz knows exactly the feeling we had in the first cowgirl game last season. I started watching that game neutral just something to watch till the USA game came on, that and their group plays our in the next round(I think thats what I heard). So I was really just watching to see how good they were and to see a game, but after Japan got that horrible non-call goal I allied myself with the Aussies full bore.

Well for 80 minutes it felt similar to that cowgirl game of ours. They just couldnt do anything against Japan, but then went on a run to snatch away the game. Of course it was in no way as great to me as was our win over the cowgirls, but I can see how an aussie is feeling exactly as I was in that game.

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I think everyone in Oz knows exactly the feeling we had in the first cowgirl game last season.

That is a very good analogy. The only differences are the horrible ref non-call for Japan's goal and the fact that Australia had dominated possession and play. In the Cowgirl game we were out-and-out humiliated until that last 4th-and-long.

Honestly, justice was served. If Japan had won 1-0, or even drawn, that would have been pathetic.

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Hiddink is the best coach in the world... all of his subs worked to perfection. Not sure how many coaches would have balls to put in an injured player it that situation.

Also the legend of Hiddink in South Korea continues... Hiddink is already a honorary citizen in Korea and have a road named after him for what he did last year. Just before the game Japan in an interview with Korean media, Hiddink told the Koreans that they will beat Japan for Korea....

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