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Oooookay. Showed these earlier in this thread, but too lazy to find them. I'll go with the theme of the younger years. Throw myself on my sword if you will. :doh:

From top to bottom.

Little under 2 years old making a quick break for the pool,(Dad standing right behind me). I had already been nicknamed "JayDouble Trouble" by my grandmother,(Dad's mom). Have no idea why she would come up with that nickname. :halo:

Freshman in H.S. and....yep....that's hair. Sigh. Lot's of it. Grew it down to my shoulders in my Senior year.

Homestead Air Force Base Emergency Room. That's the scary night shift crew there. From left to right. Me, Kenny, and Westy. We pretty much worked night shifts. 7a.m.-7p.m.. Except 3 of the busiest days that year,(1986). Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after. Dear Lord it was busy those 3 days. :doh:

And just last Monday at work. Not exactly what I had in mind when the second pic was taken. ;)


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Momz with the 2-1. nice amy. and are those burgundy streaks in your hair?
It took you eighteen months, including an entire weekend in Canton to figure that out???
Freshman in H.S. and....yep....that's hair. Sigh. Lot's of it. Grew it down to my shoulders in my Senior year.

Homestead Air Force Base Emergency Room. That's the scary night shift crew there. From left to right. Me, Kenny, and Westy. We pretty much worked night shifts. 7a.m.-7p.m.. Except 3 of the busiest days that year,(1986). Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after. Dear Lord it was busy those 3 days. :doh:

And just last Monday at work. Not exactly what I had in mind when the second pic was taken. ;)


I guarantee you I can beat that hair. And Homestead AFB - I was there too, but not in 1986. Closer to 1980. The wullenweber? I worked there, as you could probably guess. I heard all that got blown down during Andrew.
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who wears short shorts? PARK'S DAD WHERES SHORT SHORTS. cool pics tho, i guess over the years we gain weight. yes i got somethin to look forward to considerin i gotta eat like 15,000 calories to gain a ounce.

I was 21 when I joined the service and 24 when that pic was taken. Weighed in at a whopping 146 lb's. I worked out, ate just about everything, and drank more beer than I ever have since, and lost weight. A year later, I went through a bit of a late growth spurt,(filling out thing), and jumped to 170 lbs,(working at a gym here in town helped some as well).

I guarantee you I can beat that hair. And Homestead AFB - I was there too, but not in 1986. Closer to 1980. The wullenweber? I worked there, as you could probably guess. I heard all that got blown down during Andrew.

Well yeah Mark. Point is, you still have hair. :slap: ;) Yeah. Andrew blew it all down. It was like watching your H.S. burn down seeing the videos. Some of the best/worst years of my life were spent there.

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ok, my turn!!!


I'm the tall one in the middle with the yellow sit-upon and the blue bandana. This is my girl scout troop and we were about to go camping. (The guy was the brother of one of the girls). I'm probably like 10 in that pic.


ha ha, check out my stylin hair (I was growing out my bangs- i went through a period of icky hair). This is me bridging from a brownie to a junior girl scout.


one of my fave pics ever...despite the buck teeth. I LOVED that jacket I'm wearing. I think it changed colors. Met these Hogettes at Frying Pan Park (no idea why they were there). Not my stuffed animal, they let me hold it for the pic, don't ask me why it's a lamb. Probably 10 or so- around the time the skins won the superbowl!!!!!!!!!!

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I was a goooood girl, a girl scout. I didn't even get kissed 'til I was 14! You'd have turned NOTHIN!

famous last words. I was like Fonzie and Soda Pop Curtis all wrapped up in one cute little blonde kid. You would have worn shirts with my name in puffy letters ironed on the back...

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