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To catch a predator….Dateline


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I don’t know how many folks have been catching this series on Dateline. Tonight is part four. For those who haven’t followed it, it’s a sting operation for sexual predators using the internet to meet under age kids for sex. The find a house to use, set up cameras, and have dates set up with a supposed 13 to 15 year old girl via the web.

Pretty interesting group of people getting nabbed. Everything from a preacher to professional people. The stories these guys come up with when asked to explain why they are there are comical at times, though I find nothing funny about the subject. It’s pretty scary, and very sickening. I just read that my local law enforcement had contacted Dateline asking for advice on setting up a sting of this type.

Wouldn’t ya know, Dateline sent crews to my area (Ft Myers) and did one of their stings this past week. It should be aired on the 10th or 11th of next month.

If your a parent with a kid on line, and haven't caught any of this series, I would highly recomend catching it.

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My wife and I were just talking about this. No phone, or computer in their rooms. And all activity has to be closely monitored.

Unless, we have boys ;)

Seriously though... This show is a godsend. The more this show is watched and talked about, the less likely perverts will stalk more kids. At least the ones who are in the preliminary stages.

It sounds cliche, but if it saves one kid...it's worth it

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My wife and I were just talking about this. No phone, or computer in their rooms. And all activity has to be closely monitored.

Unless, we have boys ;)

Seriously though... This show is a godsend. The more this show is watched and talked about, the less likely perverts will stalk more kids. At least the ones who are in the preliminary stages.

It sounds cliche, but if it saves one kid...it's worth it

Why don't you chain them to there bed when you leave the house while your at it. This show was disturbing and funny at the same time. The people who try to run then get shoved on the pavement is great.All in all we live in a sick world.There needs to be stricter laws for these sick basterds. Less time for selling bud and more time to sick people like this.They usaully get a max of two years.That is messed up.

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Why don't you chain them to there bed when you leave the house while your at it. This show was disturbing and funny at the same time. The people who try to run then get shoved on the pavement is great.All in all we live in a sick world.There needs to be stricter laws for these sick basterds. Less time for selling bud and more time to sick people like this.They usaully get a max of two years.That is messed up.

Seriously, who deserves more jail time. Repeat pot offenders or first time sex offenders preying on kids?

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My GF and I watched it tonight. Usually I don't do well with shows like that bc I don't have the patience......while in college we had a pediphile come into one of my abnormal psych classes. I wanted to do him bodily harm so I realized real quick that I would never be able to have a job where I interacted with those types of people. No matter what he said about his childhood, his mental illnesses, I just could find no compasion anywhere for him.

That show was taped in Greenville -- about an hr and a half from my hometown. I have an 11 yr old niece. Enough said.....

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The first place in this series was in the DC area I believe.

The 2nd show they had guys saying they saw the first show and still came to meet for sex. It just proves to those who don't believe how powerful this addiction is for them.

Yup, the first was the DC area. There were one or two on tonights show who said they had seen the past shows too.

This could be turned into a weekly regular show.

Sad but true :(

NOTE: not sure of the air date of the sting from my area. Will update.

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Its odd watching those shows with my wife. She works with kids that come from EXTREMELY disfunctional situations - so she has had to deal with pediphilism in quite a few different ways. Believe it or not she actual has a lot of sympathy for these guys. Sympathy may be the wrong word - but she stongly feels that MOST of these guys are sick and need help. Keep in mind she sees the end result of what these guys do - hell, she works more with the end result than with these guys. But some of the research and stats she has studies really shows you how these guys got as messed up as they did and she feels they need help more than a 2x4 to the back of the head.

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i think i saw one of those episodes. didn't one of the dudes get naked and sit at the kitchen table waiting for his prey?

i'm glad that i have plenty of time to think about how i want to handle the internet w/ my kid(s).

dude definitely got naked in that one..... sickening.

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I have a question, but don't get me wrong. I think these guys are extremely sick and deserve to be locked up. My question is that these guys got arrested, but what was their actual crime? They talked to someone on the computer who they thought was 13, but in reality was 19. Then they came to the house and didn't do or try to do anything to the girl. The shows host just confronted them. While I know it was their intention to meet and have sex with an under age person, is this what they are arrested for, the intention not the actual act? Just curious to the legal aspect. I am not sure of the legal definition of entrapment is, but this sounds like it to me. Again don't get me wrong, I am glad these perverts are arrested, just courious about the law.

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I have a question, but don't get me wrong. I think these guys are extremely sick and deserve to be locked up. My question is that these guys got arrested, but what was their actual crime? They talked to someone on the computer who they thought was 13, but in reality was 19. Then they came to the house and didn't do or try to do anything to the girl. The shows host just confronted them. While I know it was their intention to meet and have sex with an under age person, is this what they are arrested for, the intention not the actual act? Just curious to the legal aspect. I am not sure of the legal definition of entrapment is, but this sounds like it to me. Again don't get me wrong, I am glad these perverts are arrested, just courious about the law.

I believe it was - solicitation of sex with a minor.

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I have a question, but don't get me wrong. I think these guys are extremely sick and deserve to be locked up. My question is that these guys got arrested, but what was their actual crime? They talked to someone on the computer who they thought was 13, but in reality was 19. Then they came to the house and didn't do or try to do anything to the girl. The shows host just confronted them. While I know it was their intention to meet and have sex with an under age person, is this what they are arrested for, the intention not the actual act? Just curious to the legal aspect. I am not sure of the legal definition of entrapment is, but this sounds like it to me. Again don't get me wrong, I am glad these perverts are arrested, just courious about the law.

Are the stings set up to catch "johns" wrong? After all, they didn't actually have sex with the hooker.

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But since the girl was actually 19, was it because he thought his intention were toward a 13yr old girl?

Don't think so since she presented herself as a 13 year old. They actually talked about how they train the people who operate the sting, so i'm sure they followed the guidelines to arrest them for this crime.

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