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To catch a predator….Dateline


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That show is frightening! I have a 13 year old daughter who will not have a computer in her room. Its not that I dont trust her, its the manipulation these sicko's can have over girls.

I made both my daughter and son both watch the show with us. I think its safe to say that my kids will never have a Myspace account.

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That show is frightening! I have a 13 year old daughter who will not have a computer in her room. Its not that I dont trust her, its the manipulation these sicko's can have over girls.

I made both my daughter and son both watch the show with us. I think its safe to say that my kids will never have a Myspace account.

you are a wise man, jmac.

i had to put my sister in her place after she allowed her 10 year old daughter and 7 year old son to open a myspace acct. w/ fake names and ages.

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Why don't you chain them to there bed when you leave the house while your at it. QUOTE]

IF I have to I would! better than allowing my kid to be prey upon by these pervs.

Seriously though Computers should be out in the open in a high traffic area such as the living room, secondly myspace is a really bad idea, especially for kids. Lastly you have to let your kids know that you are the parent not them

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seriously kids are too fat, what ever happened to doing a little hard labor as a child?

250 channels happened. The Internet happened. And that freakin' Playstation happened. The parents love it because it shuts the kids up.

I used to scream about it all the time too. We would go out in the morning and have to be pulled kicking and screaming back in at night. What happened to that?

A big problem with doing that now, though, is the world is a lot sicker of a place. And parents aren't doing the best of jobs training their kids anymore. Not all of them, mind you. Just most of them.

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250 channels happened. The Internet happened. And that freakin' Playstation happened. The parents love it because it shuts the kids up.

I used to scream about it all the time too. We would go out in the morning and have to be pulled kicking and screaming back in at night. What happened to that?

A big problem with doing that now, though, is the world is a lot sicker of a place. And parents aren't doing the best of jobs training their kids anymore. Not all of them, mind you. Just most of them.

Hit the nail right on the head. Excellent post!

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I mean, personally I don't even get the attraction of 20 year old virgins.

wouldn't a male want to be with someone experienced?

I've wondered about that myself AFC. I think maybe in the case of guys sweating virgins is that they are afraid of being compared to other men.

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Sick Stuff for sure. Here is the link for the original group Dateline used trap these douchebags. http://www.perverted-justice.com/ . Check out some of the messages these guys give to children. Most likely NSFW because of graphic language and images.
My officemate is a member of the above website group. I checked it out today. You should read the IM conversation with the FDNY fireman who got nailed. Sickening.

Its pretty interesting in some ways too, like if the people chatting with the perp know they can't charge him/her, they will let them know over the IM that all of their info, pics included, will be posted on the site in 2 hours and they get 10,000 hits a day.

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Its weird but I was talking to this person who i thouy was in her 20's talked to her for a few hours sent me her picture, it looked like she was about 20 Then she said she wanted to meet and do some things well i asked her her age she said 14 when i told her there was no way i was picking up a 14 year old she called me all ttypes of names

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pedophiles need some sort of stronger motivation to get help, seriously if they KNEW that death was a possible consequence maybe theyd think twice before ruining a child life.

I doubt it. Death is a possible consequence for drug addicts, but yet we still have drug addicts. Addictions are hard to break for a reason, and I seriously doubt that the possible consequence of death is going to stop them.

My girlfriend and I watched this the other night, and we wondered what the true motivation is for these men. We think it's the "innocence" that drives these types of people into trying to have sex with a 13 year old. Remember when you were a teenager and everything was a "new" learning experience... probably is filling some need in these offenders to be able to "teach" them something. Maybe they think that the young girl has nothing to compare them to, so they can't be rejected, ridiculed, or thought of as "bad at sex." They definitely need help.

I have a question, but don't get me wrong. I think these guys are extremely sick and deserve to be locked up. My question is that these guys got arrested, but what was their actual crime? They talked to someone on the computer who they thought was 13, but in reality was 19. Then they came to the house and didn't do or try to do anything to the girl. The shows host just confronted them. While I know it was their intention to meet and have sex with an under age person, is this what they are arrested for, the intention not the actual act? Just curious to the legal aspect. I am not sure of the legal definition of entrapment is, but this sounds like it to me. Again don't get me wrong, I am glad these perverts are arrested, just courious about the law.

Last night I brought this same point up, but look at it like this -- people can be arrested for the "intent" to sell drugs.... *shrug* Just watch an episode of COPS... people get arrested all the time for intending to buy drugs... just because they didn't buy them doesn't make them any less guilty (I suppose).

It's a crazy crazy world.

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I doubt it. Death is a possible consequence for drug addicts, but yet we still have drug addicts. Addictions are hard to break for a reason, and I seriously doubt that the possible consequence of death is going to stop them.

How about making them a Eunuch?
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250 channels happened. The Internet happened. And that freakin' Playstation happened. The parents love it because it shuts the kids up.

I used to scream about it all the time too. We would go out in the morning and have to be pulled kicking and screaming back in at night. What happened to that?

A big problem with doing that now, though, is the world is a lot sicker of a place. And parents aren't doing the best of jobs training their kids anymore. Not all of them, mind you. Just most of them.

I have digital cable with about 170 channels, plus high speed internet. We got our daughter a computer for christmas this past year, also with high speed. It's not in the family room, but in the spare bedroom / playroom. She's watched the shows with me and the wife. Her computer use is limited to research for school, home work, and email. Until she cleans up her room :doh: she's not allowed to IM her friends, or brouse the aproved kids sites we've checked out. The door to the room is always open, and within eye shot of my desk in the family room.

My daughter is in outstanding condition. She plays soccer most of the year, and runs track. She's a girl scout, alter server at church, is coaching 4 and 5 year old kids in the spring soccer league, and a volunteer camp counseler during the summer. We keep her busy with all sorts of stuff she likes, so TV and computer use are minimal. She plays some video games, but only about an hour or two a week. She does a lot of crafts and sewing.

Not too shabby for a 13 year old girl. We don't force anything on her, it's all hers to chose. I think by getting her involved in much of this stuff at a young age made all the difference. She leads a very balenced life, and sports at a young age is key. IMO, if they love it at 5, they'll be doing it at 15.

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