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Ahh should be a fun season for us G-Fans


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The Giants have three players: Tiki and Osi and Toomer/Shockey (they almost make a whole player). That's it.

If Eli Manning's name was Eli Johnson he'd be selling parking spaces for arena football. "WAH, WAH he got some many yards" Get over it, a 80 yeard shovel pass to Tiki is not noteworty quarterbacking. And if I were a C-men fan in the latter part of last years' season, I wouldn't of pissed on him if was on fire.

Burress. Is. A. Cheater. Every play he pushes off and his hands are caca. He was responsible for about zero of the giants successes last year.


Who else do the Giants have?

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LETS GO GIANTS!! LETS GO GIANTS!! wow way to make gay jokes and critique my spelling... just proves that you have no comeback for the fact that your inept front office cant keep their star players out of Giants blue.... enjoy your 2nd rate overpaid free agents.... Archuleta (a piece of trash).. Randel El (3rd reciever) Lloyd (for every great catch he makes he drops 15 balls..... so on and so on and so on... dont worry guys... ill be sure you send you a post card from the superbowl


Those two so called studs that you now have were not worth our resigning. We didn't want to pour big bucks into them. They are simply not worth it. You wait until we expose LaScar for what he really is.

Glad you're happy . . . becasue you'll be BLUE later.


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The Giants have three players: Tiki and Osi and Toomer/Shockey (they almost make a whole player). That's it.

If Eli Manning's name was Eli Johnson he'd be selling parking spaces for arena football. "WAH, WAH he got some many yards" Get over it, a 80 yeard shovel pass to Tiki is not noteworty quarterbacking. And if I were a C-men fan in the latter of the last years' season, I wouldn't of pissed on him if was on fire.

Burress. Is. A. Cheater. Every play he pushes off and his hands are caca. He was responsible for about zero of the giants successes last year.


Who else do the Giants have?

If I'm not mistaking, he is the Giants #1 receiver, and wasn't there one game they played last season, and he averaged 0 receptions the entire game? Hummm....I think it was the game they got blown out in....

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In his most recent (as in yesterday) press confrence Joe Gibbs wished arrington good luck on getting HEALTHY. The G-girls just bought a lemon.

I noticed that too. It tells you something now doesn't it. LaScar is STILL not back to 100%.

He will be going 110% in an attempt to prove himself. How long until that knee gives way? Soon. What is his most important asset?? His legs.

Yeah, NY, LaScar is your new Super Hero. He is called:


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Wow, the trolls are a plentiful already... frankly I was hoping that the Giants would get Arrington, he may hit hard, but he is far from the beast he used to be, his knees just aren't up to things in the NFL anymore, you may get 2 good seasons out of him, way to sign him to a 7 year contract....

-edit- I wonder if its just that these guys are jealous of Dallas and are trying to make our rivalry with them close to our rivalry with Dallas... really, Its gotta burn when you feel inferior to a pile of turds like the cowboys....:dallasuck:gaintsuck

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Lets go Giants!!!!! Lets go Giants!!!! dont be mad because your old stubborn coach couldnt get along with a young stud player...

You mean the old stubborn coach who got his team to go a little further in the playoffs than your old stubborn coach?

Blown out in the first game of their playoffs?


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Another man who had his head nailed to the floor was Stig O' Tracy.

Rogers: I've been told Dinsdale Piranha nailed your head to the floor.

Stig: No. Never. He was a smashing bloke. He used to buy his mother flowers and that. He was like a brother to me.

Rogers: But the police have film of Dinsdale actually nailing your head to the floor.

Stig: (pause) Oh yeah, he did that

Great Python sketch...

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This is one of the worst trolling attempts ever

Seriously, Giants fans have been the worst at trolling when they do troll (not including you Tom)

Reminds me of the week before the 2nd Giants game when this place was flooded with Midget fans

35-20, they were all gone

Try and score a point in the playoffs at home, then come troll

You're right about Tom; he's a rational, thinking man's Giants fan, whereas you can smell the fear on this troll...

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Are the trolls still here or are we having a proper objective football conversation now.

The difference between the Redskins Linebacking corps and the Giants one is simple, We could afford to lose LaVar, you guys couldnt.

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LETS GO GIANTS!! LETS GO GIANTS!! wow way to make gay jokes and critique my spelling... just proves that you have no comeback for the fact that your inept front office cant keep their star players out of Giants blue.... enjoy your 2nd rate overpaid free agents.... Archuleta (a piece of trash).. Randel El (3rd reciever) Lloyd (for every great catch he makes he drops 15 balls..... so on and so on and so on... dont worry guys... ill be sure you send you a post card from the superbowl


Enjoy our leftovers. I don't mind the Giants getting our sloppy seconds. It makes it even more fun when we beat former teammates.

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Are these the same Giants fans whom if you mentioned Lavar's name last October they would have told you how washed up and worthless he is?

Now he's their savior.


Exactly. More proof of how when a player is on the Redskins, everyone(media, fans of other teams) always think they suck and once they leave they are automatically great. :doh:

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thats there fault for not getting a good lemon check :(

The funny thing is this guy was our starter for only half of the games and the games that he played he was a two down lb NEVER playing on 3rd down. I find it kinda funny that a supposedly great pass rusher doesnt play on the 3rd downs, where teams almost always pass.

Not to mention that he has a belly after letting himself go...:(

Nice pic comparison. He is definately not what he was a couple years ago. Do you think he has lost some speed? He still weighs the same which means that he has lost muscle mass and gained the weight.

I'm glad he's gone.

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Well gents... we got your best linebacker.. and yes he was your best linebacker.... im sure you are mad that Gregg Williams and Joe Gibbs had a falling out with a 3 time probowler who many regard as one of the best young talents in the league still... ahh yes... thanks for Pierce and Arrington... they should have fun this year running over Old man Brunell and having a good time slamming that drag queen portis in the turf along with Osi and Stray... well till the season starts gents:cheers:

GO ahead and overpay for pierce and nice pick up on arrington. Dont ever say he was our best lb when Marcus Washington has been our best player on DEFENSE the last 2 years. I dont think LA could of helped you in the playoffs last year when you guys got SMOKED at HOME against the Panthers.

p.s. Thanks for C. Griffin!!!

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Well gents... we got your best linebacker.. and yes he was your best linebacker.... im sure you are mad that Gregg Williams and Joe Gibbs had a falling out with a 3 time probowler who many regard as one of the best young talents in the league still... ahh yes... thanks for Pierce and Arrington... they should have fun this year running over Old man Brunell and having a good time slamming that drag queen portis in the turf along with Osi and Stray... well till the season starts gents:cheers:

Oh im sorry, what was the score of your playoff game vs. the panthers?

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