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Any Skins Fans in Canberra Australia?


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wow what a dilema :laugh:

Australian women... :yikes: :drool: :ladiesman

umm.. what were we talking about again?

Word from my navy buddies is that australian women love american men. They apparently have a larger desire for us than we do for them.

Needless to say I am friggin excited

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Most of the televised games we get here are only available of pay TV, most of the games are televised between 6am and 3 pm, we dont get the coverage that you do in the states, and we dont get too many skins games.

PS i have written a letter to the Canberra Times newspaper warning the women of the Australian Capital Territory of your impending arrival, so no nookie for you with our women bring your bloody own.

Hail all things redskins:especially redskins fans who are military personnel

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Just to back up aussieskins post, NFL games are only shown here on cable (FOXTEL). The 'early' games (1pm kick-off) are on at 3am, followed by at 4pm game at 6am. These are shown on the Fox Sports channel.

ESPN usually shows later games, with MNF being Tuesday Lunchtime Football here, starting at 11am Tuesday morning. We also get the pre-game show with Terry Bradshaw and co., so you should schedule your viewing time from about 9.30am onwards.

You'll be lucky to find a sports bar open for the the early games as licensing laws don't allow bars to be open that late (or re-open that early), so your best bet would be to find a place that has FOXTEL already installed, or get to know someone who has it installed.

Why are you being transferred to Canberra? Is it military related? My sister and her hubby live still live there after he was transferred there some 12-15 years ago. I try to get up there at least once a year as it is 'only' an 8-9 hour drive from where I live.

Just wanted to add that Aussie women are really no different to women anywhere else. You may have heard of these sayings:

If it has breasts or wheels, you are bound to have problems with it.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere, has had a gutful of her crap.

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Keep your hopes up

In about a year or two, the NFL is suppose to set something that will allow people to view out of market games live over the Net, for a fee of course. You can do that there now with the radio feeds.

I think it's a safe bet that you will be "out of market" :D

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Seriously, I heard that there are vicious, biting Penguins in Australia. You better watch out...... Biting Penguins.

Dude. Like. Biting Penguins, on a scale of 1-10, and 1 being the least extreme, and 10 being the most extreme, I'd definitely give the biting penguins an 8.5!

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Even though it sometimes snows in Canberra during winter, it is a long way from penguins, biting or not.

However, you might have problems with the Snapping Growler!

I was told by someone who lives in Australia that there were biting Penguins there, little grey ones. Can you guess how mad a penguin would be that they were stuck in hot arse Australia??? No wonder they are biting everyone. I met a girl with a snapping growler, or at least thats what I called it. :laugh:

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The penguins don't bite, as in being savage, but could give you a nasty nip if you were to get close enough.

On Phillip Island (the same place they have the Moto GP), there is a spot that the penguins often gather in. It is a declared nature sanctuary, so they are protected from humans as much as possible, but you can visit at dusk and see them 'parade' along the beach.

A Snapping Growler? Good to see that Stew knows what I'm referring to!

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I'm going to Australia for a study abroad (or more) program.

I checked out that sling box thing, and it looks like that is going to have to be the way I go. No way in hell am I going to miss any skins games (I haven't missed a game in 5 years).

Thanks for the advice fellas.

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A couple of things you need to know before outlaying on something like the Sling Box.

Our electricity is 240 volts, so anything you own that needs power to run may not be compatible.

Our television format is PAL, so anything like DVD's etc, may not be compatible.

We drive on the left side of the road, in the right hand front seat of our vehicles, so that will take some adjusting.

You'll find the nightlife in Canberra is pretty much non-existent. In fact, good luck finding much, if anything, open after midnight.

Don't get ****y with the coppers. They are Federal Police, and thus, make up the rules as they go.

If you have any other questions, there's bound to be enough of us to help you out.

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Most of the televised games we get here are only available of pay TV, most of the games are televised between 6am and 3 pm, we dont get the coverage that you do in the states, and we dont get too many skins games.

PS i have written a letter to the Canberra Times newspaper warning the women of the Australian Capital Territory of your impending arrival, so no nookie for you with our women bring your bloody own.

Hail all things redskins:especially redskins fans who are military personnel

Thanks man! I'm in the NAVY.
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