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Any Skins Fans in Canberra Australia?


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We drive on the left side of the road, in the right hand front seat of our vehicles.

That's just crazy talk!

Don't get ****y with the coppers. They are Federal Police, and thus, make up the rules as they go.

Heck, so do the local coppers around here!

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That's just crazy talk!

Heck, so do the local coppers around here!

LOL, my cousin and I got pulled over the other day for "almost running a yellow light" (we were under the light when it turned yellow) :doh: and I got a classis "you wanna look at me like that one more time?" from one of the cops. I about went ballistic, as I had been staring at the dashboard from the moment the whole encounter started and it was extemely unproffesional behavior for a public servant. Being military myself I know what the ground rules are. I immediately asked him for his name, rank, and badge number, at which point the two officers huffed and puffed and ran back to his car and sped away. LOL! F-ing cops. To top it off they were out of their jurisdiction too.

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I have great respect for cops. They have an almost impossible job dealing with idiots and scofflaws who at most get a slap on the wrist and sent back out to do the same thing again and again!

Having said that, I have close to zero respect for these Barney Fife's who think their job is to sit on the side of the road, parked so cleverly, and pointing their radar/lasers, while chugging donuts, at the taxpayers who are just trying to get to work, or to get home!

In MY city, the light turns green and two minutes later, the first car starts to move .. just as the light is already turning yellow. When you only get four cars through a two minute light because people think playing with their cell phones is more important, something's wrong. When I get the opportunity to pass a few of these pinheads, I've been known to exceed the speed limit for a quarter-mile or so just so I can get in front of them. They can screw around all they want .. BEHIND me.

Traffic cops would actually serve a purpose if they were in unmarked cars (NOT the typical big-ass Ford P.O.S.'s that ONLY cops drive) mixing in with traffic, pulling over a few of these assclowns who are doing ANYTHING but paying attention to their driving!

I get in a car to go from point-A to point-B in as short a time as possible, while trying to obey traffic laws. However, there are obviously a significant portion of the driving public who have no purpose in life and just drive around so they can play important with their damn cell phones .. thus the reason that traffic in a 50 mph zone tops out at 35 mph!!


(Don't get me started! :laugh: )

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