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'South Park' Skewers Comedy Central for Muhammad Cartoon Ban


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from brewdogmike: Freedom of speech is at stake here, don't you all see? If anything, we should all make cartoons of Mohammed and show the terrorists and the extremists that we are all united in the belief that every person has a right to say what they want. Look people, it's been really easy for us to stand up for free speech lately. For the past few decades, we haven't had to risk anything to defend it. One of those times is right now. And if we aren't willing to risk what we have now, then we just believe in free speech, but won't defend it.

"I like the sand idea."

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And I've just thought of a "flip side" argument.

I've heard all of the people complaining that if the Muslims win, then you're creating a special group, where other religions can be made fun of, but not theirs. (And I agree with the reasoning that, in that case, the reason they will have this special privlege will be because their religion includes blowing things up.)

But then, the "flip side" argument occurs to me:

What's the difference between a TV network deciding that they won't show Mohamed because it would be offensive to a minority of their viewers, and the same network deciding that they won't allow "The N Word" to be used on their network because it would be offensive to a different minority?

Maybe the only way these decisions can be made is on a case-by-case basis, in which someone examines how important the scene in question is to the show, vs. how important it is to the network not to tick off part of their audience.

You've raised a good point that other threads have undoubtedly already discussed. What makes one group special?

This happens on many levels: religion, race, politics...etc.

What if South Park showed someone saying "White Pride" in a positive light? Would it still be funny?

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from brewdogmike: Freedom of speech is at stake here, don't you all see? If anything, we should all make cartoons of Mohammed and show the terrorists and the extremists that we are all united in the belief that every person has a right to say what they want. Look people, it's been really easy for us to stand up for free speech lately. For the past few decades, we haven't had to risk anything to defend it. One of those times is right now. And if we aren't willing to risk what we have now, then we just believe in free speech, but won't defend it.

"I like the sand idea."

That's actually Klye's speech from the first part of the episode.

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It is actual Butter's father's speech and my post was Randy Marsh's response. But thanks for playing.

That's it - i knew Kyle didn't sound right. :doh:


ps. - if i had really paid more attention to your reply, i probably wouldn't have replied at all. i'm not a smart person. sorry. :dunce:

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I guess if Christians start lopping off heads, we can get media to stop disparaging Christ!!! Though that would be far more painful to Christ.

Unfortunately, the radicals have won. Yes, running it might have resulted in lost lives due to rioting and such. But, there will be many innocent lives lost in this battle before it's over. The longer it goes on the higher the casualty count. This is not the time to give in. The battle needs to be fought and won now.

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Um, you and I seem to have a slightly different chronology on this event.

Show of hands: How many people on this board had even heard of "The Cartoons" before "the Muslims [got] all violent and stupid"?

Regardless of our personal chronologies of the events, the cartoons were published months before any riots, and they rioted only after other papers published them in a show of unity after the Dutch paper was asked to apologize and refused.

I'm all for free spech,, my living depends on it. But at the same time, there comes a point when you say "what is the point"?

the point here seems to me that they say "don't do it" and we do it just to say "F-U, we'll do it because we can."

Not a very good reason to exercise free speech, is it?

Free speech is the right to voice your opinion without fear of governmental recriminations. It doesn't mean your opinion is right. It just means you can say it. and if you open up and spout a bunch of junk just because you can, then again I ask, what is the point?

toi me, it's a mis-use of free speech to try to incite an already bad situation. i mean, look, we've all acknowledged at one time or another that it's not ALL muslims who we're at war with. But the image offends them ALL because it's against their religion.

I mean, to me it's like having a dinner party on a Friday, inviting nothing but catholics, and serving only steak. I'm allowed to. It's a free country. But at the same time, It's spiteful, meaningless, and does nothing to further the cause of freedom.

I agree with what the South Park episode was saying, and the bit with all the crapping on the flag and Jesus and all that.. the difference is the Christians won't riot, but that had to be just as offensive. And for what purpose?

they made some good points in their preachy little two parter, like that Free speech must be defended, but the freedom to simply offend for the sake of it.. it's a rather childish interpretation of the freedom of speech.

regardless, I liked the episodes. i thought what they had to say about Family Guy was dead on funny.


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Regardless of our personal chronologies of the events, the cartoons were published months before any riots, and they rioted only after other papers published them in a show of unity after the Dutch paper was asked to apologize and refused.

I'm all for free spech,, my living depends on it. But at the same time, there comes a point when you say "what is the point"?

the point here seems to me that they say "don't do it" and we do it just to say "F-U, we'll do it because we can."

Not a very good reason to exercise free speech, is it?

Free speech is the right to voice your opinion without fear of governmental recriminations. It doesn't mean your opinion is right. It just means you can say it. and if you open up and spout a bunch of junk just because you can, then again I ask, what is the point?

toi me, it's a mis-use of free speech to try to incite an already bad situation. i mean, look, we've all acknowledged at one time or another that it's not ALL muslims who we're at war with. But the image offends them ALL because it's against their religion.

I mean, to me it's like having a dinner party on a Friday, inviting nothing but catholics, and serving only steak. I'm allowed to. It's a free country. But at the same time, It's spiteful, meaningless, and does nothing to further the cause of freedom.

I agree with what the South Park episode was saying, and the bit with all the crapping on the flag and Jesus and all that.. the difference is the Christians won't riot, but that had to be just as offensive. And for what purpose?

they made some good points in their preachy little two parter, like that Free speech must be defended, but the freedom to simply offend for the sake of it.. it's a rather childish interpretation of the freedom of speech.

regardless, I liked the episodes. i thought what they had to say about Family Guy was dead on funny.


:applause: My thoughts exactly. This is probably the best post I have ever read IMO. I hate shorts posts with nothing but 'I agree' but there is nothing left for me to say and your post has to be acknowledged.

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The issue here in not that Comedy Central did not show Muhammad. The issue is that there is now a different level of PC tolerance for certain religious figure. I am a Christian and I am not offended by South Park showing Jesus. I am offended that they showed the US flag being defacated on. I know that Matt and Trey were making a point by showing Jesus in this light, but that was distasteful. The US flag should never be desecrated...

I'm not a big fan of the "if you aren't tolerent we'll blow your ass to pieces" type of politcal correctness we're allowing. It's definitely a rock and a hard spot.

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