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ESPN: Lead prosecutor in Sean Taylor's trial steps aside


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They are going to have their arses handed to them on a platinum platter if this goes to trial. They already have the jailbird witnesses including one who has since been arrested on charges of stealing another ATV. There is NO credibility in their case and they are already the laughingstock of Florida!

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Actually, all you guys are incorrect.

The LEGENDARY Sir Mixalot is coming out of semi-retirement to prosecute this case.

When asked about the opportunity to take hold of the trial, he was quoted as saying, "You know, I always wanted to study the law. Now, I get my chance to be a lawyer without any of the annoying school! What can I say, I like big judges and I cannot lie, you other juries can't deny, when the plaintiff walks in with an itty bitty case and the defense throws it in his face you get sprung."

ST no longer has a chance. I'll visit him in prison.


How does this post go unnoticed? Great post, Batman (I sound like Robin). Seriosly, this was one of the funniest I've read on here in awhile.

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There never was a solid case against Taylor. There was never any proof that he even had a gun in his possesion the night of the incident. His acusers were criminals who in fact were caught firing shots into the car and house of one of Taylor's friends the same night, yet for some reason they were never prosecuted. :rolleyes: Oh and BTW, some how Greico also missed the fact that Taylor's accusers had a rap sheet a mile long that included getting caught with stolen ATVs.

This case was never anything more than a grandstanding ADA trying to get his name in the papers. Well he wound up getting that, but not they way he wanted. I hope he's good a scratching records, b/c his career as a prosecutor is probably done. Well, maybe he can become an ambulance chaser. What a dumbass. :doh:

just b/c a witness has a rap sheet,that doesnt mean he/she is lying,it just makes it that much harder for them to be credible.
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just b/c a witness has a rap sheet,that doesnt mean he/she is lying,it just makes it that much harder for them to be credible.
The issue is that pesky "reasonable doubt" thing. Unless there's some physical evidence it apears their credibility is all that's holding this case up...and seeing as they have virtually none its hard to see this case going anywhere.
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How does this post go unnoticed? Great post, Batman (I sound like Robin). Seriosly, this was one of the funniest I've read on here in awhile.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Although sadly, this marks the end of an era for me; after the Spurrier thread everyone on ES hates me now.:cool:


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Hopefully the new prosecutor will dismiss the case.


Lead prosecutor in Sean Taylor's trial steps aside

MIAMI -- The lead prosecutor in the assault case against Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor stepped aside Wednesday after defense lawyers charged that he was using his prominence in the case to promote his moonlighting work as a nightclub disc jockey.

Michael Grieco, the assistant state attorney handling the Taylor case, asked to be replaced because "he sees himself becoming the courtroom focus, rather than the individual charged with the criminal offense," said a statement from the office of his boss, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

The move came a few hours after Taylor's attorney Richard Sharpstein said he would seek dismissal of the charges because of "inappropriate and unethical" prosecutorial conduct by Grieco, who had posted news articles about the Taylor case on a Web site that promotes his side business as a DJ in Miami Beach clubs.

"It's obvious he's exploiting his job as a prosecutor for private gain," Sharpstein said. "It has clouded his view of justice."

After being told of Grieco's departure from the case, Sharpstein said: "Now we look forward to a fair and impartial prosecutor looking at this matter and doing the right thing, which is to dismiss this case."


I'm surprised we haven't heard anything about a dismissal filing yet. I read somewhere that Sharpstein intended to file for dismissal this week. I assumed it would have been filed by now. :logo:

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