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Just received this from a buddy of mine.

Rogers Proposes the Respect for Fallen Heroes Act

Fine, but only military members deserve this respect?

Too bad no one cared so much when these same people were mocking Matthew Shephard's family at his funeral. It's ok, he was just some fag who got murdered.

But if it is our military men being picketed, then suddenly it is offensive, unbearable to us - laws must be passed, now!

(I'm not critizing you ZoEd, just noting the irony).

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When it happens to your friend (or people you care for) - then usually you get involved. I see that happening here....

Gay men and women couldn't have a better friend than Shirley Roeper. ;)

Yeah, but the law being proposed is just for military people.

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Yeah, but the law being proposed is just for military people.

BINGO!!! They can protect the military people, while still allowing them to picket gay people, why I would probably vote AGAINST the law unless is was for ANY funeral, not just military.

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I agree with you fellas the law should protect all grieving families from these type's of senseless acts. People grieving for the loss of a loved one should be a sacred thing and should be protected under the law. A funeral is no place for someone to make a statement or push an agenda.

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What pisses me off the most is how she does this all in the name of God. Being a christian this really sickens me. It's idiots like her that scare people away from christianity and the real message. It's scary there are people in this world like her. Seriously scary.

Same thing applies to any other religion. For instance in Islam there are a lot radicalists who claim to kill in the name of Allah and this in turn scares people away from Islam and are left with a negative opinion of that religion. I am a Muslim and shortly after the 9/11 attacks many mosques were vandalized and many racial slurs were written all over these mosques in graffiti. I don't have a link but I remember seeing a news segment on it once. I understand many people wanted to vent their frustration over that terrible tragedy but why would some people blame an entire religion?

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Same thing applies to any other religion. For instance in Islam there are a lot radicalists who claim to kill in the name of Allah and this in turn scares people away from Islam and are left with a negative opinion of that religion. I am a Muslim and shortly after the 9/11 attacks many mosques were vandalized and many racial slurs were written all over these mosques in graffiti. I don't have a link but I remember seeing a news segment on it once. I understand many people wanted to vent their frustration over that terrible tragedy but why would some people blame an entire religion?

You're absolutely correct. Product of a narrow minded society. It's not isolated to religion, the same mind set causes people to form same types of opinions about race as well.

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