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The OFFICIAL Support Mark Brunell Thread

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We got grown men crying in here...

Crying over the fact that PATRICK RAMSEY got traded out of town for a 6th rounder...

Fans are crying over the fact that they think Ramsey didn't get a fair shake. He's been here since 2002 and he's 27 years old...

He was tough, took a beating, and continued to play...

The guy also never took advantage of the numerous opportunities he had to cement himself as the starting QB...

Yeah, he came in for Brunell the year before last and didn't do anything with the offense. I honestly think THIS was the point in time Gibbs knew he couldn't be his QB. The embarrasing INT's against N.Y. late in the year and countless other bonehead decisions...

He started this past year and held on to the ball too long and got clothes-lined(story of his career) and was taken out..

Mark Brunell ran the offense more effectively and there was no reason to go back to Patrick Ramsey...

23 TD's, 10 INT's 3000+ yards, a playoff appearance and victory(I know he was banged up and stunk)...

What makes y'all think that after the 5-11 season that Joe Gibbs was comfortable with Patrick Ramsey running his offense in his first year back? Yeah, Brunell was horrid that first year but Ramsey wasn't much better when he took over...

Joe Gibbs had confidence in Mark Brunell and stuck with him. We made the playoffs last year and I'm CONFIDENT that wouldn't have happened with Patrick Ramsey at QB...

Do we not remember the 35-7 DRUBBING of Dallas? The 35-21 DRUBBING of N.Y.? Could we ever have expected the same from a Patrick Ramsey ran offense?

We have to support the QB that has PROVEN he can run an NFL offense and lead a team to the playoffs...

Enough of Patrick Ramsey and this love-fest we have going on here... :rolleyes:

I'm with Joe Gibbs on every move he makes... :notworthy

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Amen. Joe Gibbs has three more Super Bowl rings than any of us do and, as long as he's healthy, will support his choice of Mark Brunell as our starting qb. Jason's time will come, and Joe will tell us when that time is... how many Ben Roethlisbergers do you think there are?

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You made me a believer. I still think the QB situation isn't a total strength right now..but I however appreciate Mark's experience and his ability to manage a game and make good decisions...

I always support our players and whoever the coaches believe can get it done...it's a superb coaching staff led by a stellar coach, a hall of fame coach..a 3 time superbowl winning coach. That's enough for me. Sure he's a man and he can make mistakes, but I'll go with his judgement vs the masses that haven't coached and haven't had the success Joe Gibbs has.

I wish Patrick well and hope his new situation works out well for him and he has success(just not against us)

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Brunell is a true field general. He makes good decisions with the ball almost every play. Yes, he mises a few passes when banged up, but the important thing a lot of fans miss that Joe sees, is that he ALWAYS throws to the right receiver. He almost NEVER tries to force bad passes into double coverage. He throws the ball away if there is nothing there that looks right. The guy has a great feel for the game and knows how to get his team in and out of the huddle and in the correct formations. Ramsey never figured these things out.

Toward the end of last year, Ramsey started throwing a few balls away instead of forcing passes (see last yrs 2nd half vs Giants), which made me start to believe he was figuring things out. BUT...Brunell already has things figured out, has another year or two left in the tank and we have Jason Campbell who is about ready to play. JC is HUGE. Nice arm, and coached by Joe Gibbs since the day he entered the NFL!

Simple fact is Ramsey was screwed up by multiple coaches & systems and will never be a great QB...will be a solid backup or weak starter at best. Sorry guys, but it was definately time for him to vamoose.

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Guest santana4prez

I agree , I think Mark Brunell should of made the Pro Bowl over Michael Vick. Maybe Brunell slipped in the 2nd half ,but I dont think he would have slipped if he had someone besides Moss and Cooley to throw too.

Mark Brunell has leadership, heart, can scramble and make plays with his feet still, and can still throw nice medium range passes on the money. Brunell can also throw the deep ball if you check that 9/19 game in Dallas,that pass to Santana was right on the money.

Yes, Brunell is old and maybe injury prone ,and isnt as good as he was in Jacksonville. I do think Brunells age has made him a better passing QB b/c he cant run like he use too. Even though Brunell can still make the big play with his legs to help us win games by extending scoring drives.

In my opinion I think Brunell will prove alot of people on this board wrong and play great next season. It gets on my nerves that people diss Gibbs through Brunell, even though most dont realize it. Santana Moss would of not had as many yards or TDs if Ramsey was the QB bottom line.

So I hope a Mod sees this , I believe in Brunell and Gibbs so much that I am making this bet....... If Mark Brunell does not make the Pro Bowl this year you can give me any avatar you want.

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Mark Brunell is not exactly a scrub!

He might not have a Hall of Fame Career but he has been a pretty good QB in the NFL! Mark helped lead a second year expansion team to the AFC Championship in 1996 and made the playoff several times in Jacksonville.

He joins Joe Thiesman as the only Redskin QB to win both games over the Cowboys in a single season and is the ONLY Redskin QB to sweep the Cowboys and Eagles in the same season. The Redskins finished the season with 5 straight wins to make the playoffs in with Mark Brunell.

Yes I support my Lambda Chi Alpha Brother! :notworthy

Vir Quesque Vir Brother Brunell!


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I can't argue with your logic at all. Brunell is money and he will surprise some people next year. The most relevant part of your post, however, is the last sentence. That's one that far too many people don't ascribe to. I just don't understand the people who don't put faith in the decisions Joe Gibbs makes.

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I think alot of people are too quick to condem Mark Brunell. With only Two recievers for half the season, and with a bruising knee, he lead us to two playoff games and the best season the redskins have had in years. He Didn't throw bad passes (most of his Ints came off balls recievers deflected), and he won games. What more can you ask of him?

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Brunell is a true field general. He makes good decisions with the ball almost every play. Yes, he mises a few passes when banged up, but the important thing a lot of fans miss that Joe sees, is that he ALWAYS throws to the right receiver. He almost NEVER tries to force bad passes into double coverage. He throws the ball away if there is nothing there that looks right. The guy has a great feel for the game and knows how to get his team in and out of the huddle and in the correct formations. Ramsey never figured these things out.

Toward the end of last year, Ramsey started throwing a few balls away instead of forcing passes (see last yrs 2nd half vs Giants), which made me start to believe he was figuring things out. BUT...Brunell already has things figured out, has another year or two left in the tank and we have Jason Campbell who is about ready to play. JC is HUGE. Nice arm, and coached by Joe Gibbs since the day he entered the NFL!

Simple fact is Ramsey was screwed up by multiple coaches & systems and will never be a great QB...will be a solid backup or weak starter at best. Sorry guys, but it was definately time for him to vamoose.

nicely said. How Vick makes the pro bowl over Brunell is beyond me.
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Ramsey is a talented QB - I view him as about 50% a victim of circumstance, and about 50% unable to take advantage of the opportunities he did have. To be fair to him, Spurrier threw him to the wolves. The fact that he demonstrated any kind of poise in the pocket after Spurrier is a testament to his toughness - after the absolute pummelling he took during the SOS years, its truly amazing he didn't develop happy feet. Then having to adjust to a new system and essentially start all over again under Gibbs, it had to be rough. I do believe that Ramsey's a better QB now than he was prior to working with Gibbs. When called upon, he did an excellent job. I honestly think, had he been able to get over the 'ego hurdle' and commit to being a backup for us, he'd have eventually gotten his chance to shine. I can't blame him for moving on though.

As for Brunell - I think its pretty obvious what we've got there. A smart as heck guy who's going to fight his guts out for us :) He's not made of steel, and whether he can hold up over a long season is still in doubt. But he's not going to make many stupid plays, he's generally not going to lose you ballgames, can be very effective when given good protection, and theres no question who's in control of this offense on the field. With Brunell, we are going to be in position to win a lot of games. I hope Campbell is watching closely.

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Ramsey is a talented QB - I view him as about 50% a victim of circumstance, and about 50% unable to take advantage of the opportunities he did have. To be fair to him, Spurrier threw him to the wolves. The fact that he demonstrated any kind of poise in the pocket after Spurrier is a testament to his toughness - after the absolute pummelling he took during the SOS years, its truly amazing he didn't develop happy feet. Then having to adjust to a new system and essentially start all over again under Gibbs, it had to be rough. I do believe that Ramsey's a better QB now than he was prior to working with Gibbs. When called upon, he did an excellent job. I honestly think, had he been able to get over the 'ego hurdle' and commit to being a backup for us, he'd have eventually gotten his chance to shine. I can't blame him for moving on though.

As for Brunell - I think its pretty obvious what we've got there. A smart as heck guy who's going to fight his guts out for us :) He's not made of steel, and whether he can hold up over a long season is still in doubt. But he's not going to make many stupid plays, he's generally not going to lose you ballgames, can be very effective when given good protection, and theres no question who's in control of this offense on the field. With Brunell, we are going to be in position to win a lot of games. I hope Campbell is watching closely.

I can agree with you but that's why I only think Ramsey is a backup in this league and worth only a 6th rounder...

But I don't agree with you on the happy feet comment. I think the guy's got happy feet to the 10th degree...

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At full health Brunell can ball with the best of them. He was one of the NFL's top QBs the first half of the season. Remember his huge games against Denver, KC, and San Fran? He also had 4 TDs in the Cowboy Massacre and was having a solid game minus a bad pack in Giant Revenge.

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I agree with the Brunell support but not the Ramsey bashing.

Brunell proved A LOT of people wrong and I give him credit for sticking it out through all the booing and making fans of all the nay sayers. When he went for Moss deep twice in that first Cowgirls game, he did what almost everyone thought he could not do. The fact that he still makes plays with his feet is pretty amazing at his age. He knows what he's doing, he's super smart, and fights his guts out, and he's a class act to boot.

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