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Poll: Worst fans in the NFL?

Dirk Diggler

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To me, it depends on how you define it. Now, I would be full of it if I claimed to know fans of every NFL team but I know enough and I've seen enough polls to make an informed decision.

If we're going by "least likely to stick with their team through tough times" -- Dallas fans easy.

If we're going by the most "ill informed, pig-headed, and generally unbearable fan due to a few too many blows to the head as a child" --- Eagle Fans, with Miami fans close behind.

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After seeing the Incrisco @ mile high empty out before the 2nd Q was over, leaving no one but the redskin fans left... I'd have to put Denver up there as having the worst.

As far as downright scum-of-the-earth... Philly definitely has the rep. I am sure that will change once they get thier new house and the '700 club' gets priced out by the wine & cheesers.

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Yo Dirk,

I dont like Dallas fans either but cut them some slack and show a little class to their club ok? I mean they do have 5 Superbowl rings with 8 appearances, more than any other club. There going through some hard times right now and they are not important. But what is important is having an Eagle Fan like myself shoving crow down your Redskins throat telling you guyz that your pipedream is about to burst and that your in for one big a$$ whoopin come Sunday. Ok,Ok maybe I should show your Skins some respect and say wow man you have 3 superbowl ring ( 2 in strike years ) and what 5 appearances(2 in strike years)?, but know what? I dont like your club either. Guess thats what makes me an Eagle fan. One that you would love to ring your arm around my throat, LoL. Funny hearing a HOG call an Eagle Pigheaded. Geez Steak comin your way on Sunday boy.

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Originally posted by Blade:

As far as downright scum-of-the-earth... Philly definitely has the rep. I am sure that will change once they get thier new house and the '700 club' gets priced out by the wine & cheesers.

TextScum of the Earth huh? My Eaglez you say? I know its your board but are you gonna hail the Eagle when we burst your bubble Sunday? You gonna show up on my post here on Monday? If your lucky maybe I wont be too harsh on you for your shallow comment about my team. I think you meant my team right Blade? You dont mean the city and all its people itself right?

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The name of this thread is "worst FANS". Reading is fun. I am sure you learned how to do it at some point in your life. Out of practice?

From booing St. McNabb draft day & St. Nick during Christmas, to spitting on children, to cheering a neck injury of a rival team member... Eagle fans at the Vet have the rep of being among the worst in behavior.

Is my point clear enough for you to understand now?

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your constant reference to the strike years doesn't take anything away from the Skins at all. On the contrary, it takes MORE to be prepared when being ill-fated and shorthanded in the schedule, than when all is well in the front office. It takes even more when the players come back and play the game. Oh, by the way, is it because your team just didn't fair as well??? Oh yeah and I suppose 83 and 88 weren't years that they at least went back to the playoffs.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on November 21, 2001.]

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Man, these guys must be the worst smack talkers I've ever seen. No guys, not worst as in their smack is fierce, but rather pathetic. This is dissapointing. At least Taco John "tried" to present some coherent thoughts. This reminds me way too much of that old sportingnews board.

[edited.gif by TheChosenOne on November 21, 2001.]

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I was unsure before reading all this garbage clouding extremeskins. Eagles fans are the worst. Guys like Taco John(Denver) and RuBucs have nothing on these guys. I'm not sure what point they all have in coming here and pre-trouncing all over a team they SHOULD beat at home. If the Eagles win, at home, no big suprise to me. If they lose, then they should be embarrassed, cased closed. The bottom line is the Eagles have more to lose than the Redskins. Were not suppose to be good this year.

They can use the term "The Eagles WILL..." as much as they like, it will have zero effect on the actual outcome.

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF:

They can use the term "The Eagles WILL..." as much as they like, it will have zero effect on the actual outcome.

TextI always wanted to predict the future and now the good Lord has given me the greenlight. Thank you lord. ON SUNDAY THE EAGLES WILL DEFEAT THE REDSKINS AND ALL WILL BE WELL. There now im going to go to bed and dream of what I should take to New Orleans with me in February. Guyz Im just warmin up, its only Humpday, you got me for 4 more days and then the encore on Monday. Have a good night and a pleasnt tomorrow.

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Originally posted by Skins57:

I think the lowest thing I have ever seen was when Michael Irvin was hurt and the fans cheered the fact that he was hurt.

Hail Skins

Text Yea, that was a pretty low point in Eagle History, almost as bad as the Bounty. Heck we can be as nasty as Raider fans if pushed to the limit I guess. Not that it makes a difference, but I didnt cheer either events on.

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What is the topic here? That the Eagles fans are the worst fans in the NFL or that we don't no football. Let me guess someone will say both. My opinion Eagles fans can be nasty. The Irvin incident looked bad. No excuse but Irvin had a first down earlier that game and did his famous 1st down pointer bullsh*t. I think the fans were just feeding off that. As for knowledge of the game I think some of you are dead wrong. Eagles fans are loyal but will not hesitate to voice anger when playing bad. You show us effort and you'll get respect in return.

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Worst fans: I'm sorry, I can't give that to Philly. They can be obnoxious, but I have a hard time ragging on a team's fans that still chear for their team when the team has been horrible for so long. That type of dedication gets some props.

I guess the worst fans might be the Rams fans. Did they have fans 3 years ago. Even now, I'm not sure that playing them at their place is a problem because of the fans. The turf helps them because of how their team is built, but their fans??

Best Fans: I'd have to go with KC. Now there's a group that creates a homefiled advantage. Also worth mentioning are the Packer fans. In years past, I would have said Denver, but last week says somethings have changed.

On a somewhat side note, KC fans became fierce during Marty's reign there. KC was really tough to beat at home, and that made the fans even more enthusiastic. RFK was the same way under Gibbs. Right now we are 3-1 at home. Anybody think Marty might be able to turn the wine and cheese crouds into cheering animals over the next 2 years?

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Perhaps we need to make the distinction between "worst fans" and "worst stadiums to see a game."

Philly fans are borderline fanatics, so I guess on some level you'd have to call them loyal and dedicated "fans." That going to a game there is considered by many a threat to one's safety doesn't say much about their evolution as a species, however.

I'd have to count Raider fans in the same class. No question they're passionate and all, but you'd have to pay me good money to take my wife and kids to a game there.

Also, it seems to me any team has good fan support when they are winning. But let a team that's had some success fall on hard times, and suddenly even those supposedly dogged fans can find better things to do on Sundays. It's the rare city that supports a perennial loser.

If you find a city where the team isn't winning big AND the fans remain passionate AND you can go to a game there wearing another team's colors, those would be the fans I consider the best.

And if you find such a place ... please let me know.

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It's really hard to say unless you know a lot of fans from other teams, so I'm only going with what we've seen on this board. And so far, as a group, the Philly fans have been the worst.

Denver and KC fans showed up and talked some good ball. Bucs fans are generally pretty cool with one exception. Heck, even Dale the Cowboy fan is decent when he shows up, and TwoDeep sure has toned down his act since the offseason. Tom the Giants fan is a decent poster.

But these two yahoos from Philly? Give me a break. Someone explain to them that one and a half winning seasons does not grant a team's fans with inherent knowledge about the inner workings of free agency, the salary cap, offensive and defensive schemes, or anything else related to football. I suspect they just looked at overall records and figured that was all the ammo they needed. rolleyes.gif

Too bad. Given the great history of this rivalry I honestly expected a better showing from the Philly fans.


"Men, there's nothing to get excited about. The situation is normal; we are surrounded."

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I was going to say Arizona Cardinals fans, but there don't appear to be any! laugh.gif

My brother-in-law lives in Phoenix and says there are more Redskins and Cowboys fans in Arizona than Cardinals fans.

When the other NFC East teams come to town the stadium is 50% full of the visiting teams' fans.

Now, isn't that just desserts for an old curmudgeon like Bill Bidwill?

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I wouldn't be too ****y about this week. I can easily see the Redskins taking this game. I think the Redskin team we have been seeing is the real Redskin team. It took them time to get used to Marty but it looks as if they have made the adjustment quite nicely. Honestly, I'd love a tie and for you two to beat the cr@p out of each other. I think the Eagles will squeak out a 20-17 win but I hope not. At this point, a Redskin win helps the Giants more.

BTW, I am looking forward to week 16 in Philly. I don't know of any other boards we can rag on each other so maybe the Skins fans here won't mind if we get into it in a separate topic when that time comes. Whether we find a place to get on each others case or not, I can't wait for that game!!!

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But these two yahoos from Philly? Give me a break. Someone explain to them that one and a half winning seasons does not grant a team's fans with inherent knowledge about the inner workings of free agency, the salary cap, offensive and defensive schemes, or anything else related to football. I suspect they just looked at overall records and figured that was all the ammo they needed.

I guess you work for the Redskin organization. As far as free agency, offensive/defensive schemes I follow and understand them but don't consider myself an expert. Did I ever say that? I've been an Eagle fan my hole life and did not jump on the band wagon a year and a half ago. I took some big lumps over the years, many from the Redskins, and it finally seems that the Eagles are starting to build a winner.

As for Redskins fans, I have respect for them. I've been a season ticket holder for many years and joked with many fans like yourself. They showed respect and nothing ever got out of hand. The majority of fans were urban legends and took the long ride up from Washington. They would bring their flask and offer a goodluck toast and would pass out by half time. For the life of me I could never do that with a Cowboy fan. I think the Eagles/Redskins rivalry is a great one. With the young players on both teams I can see that continuing for many more years.

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I'm pretty sure I missed everything that was discussed because I am still trying to get over the statement that we need to cut the Cowgirls fans some slack because of what the franchise has done in the past. confused.gif

That would be just wrong. smile.gif


"He has a confidence born of demonstrated ability."

[edited.gif by UtahRedskins on November 21, 2001.]

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]:

BTW, I am looking forward to week 16 in Philly. I don't know of any other boards we can rag on each other so maybe the Skins fans here won't mind if we get into it in a separate topic when that time comes. Whether we find a place to get on each others case or not, I can't wait for that game!!!

Text....Tom, Glad to see a Giant fan here. Yes, yes I cant wait for our next encounter either. Its been a long time since we swept your club in a season and I got a good feeling about this season. Lets trade barbs in here as well as our own boards to show the Skins what a real Rivary is all about. The stomping we inflict on these Redskins is a present to all the Giant fans in Giantland. It shall be our calling card to you. But for now its time to take care of Ben Dover and his merry redmen from down under.

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You have that reversed. I am looking for a gift from the Redskins beating you. The Giants are in a very tough game this week. One they can easily lose. If the Giants do lose and the Eagles win, it is going to be hard for the Giants to catch them even though the Giants have three winnable games before the game at the Vet. I am rooting for the Redskins this week. This way, if the Giants lose, they are still in the race with three games they can win and if they beat the Raiders, well, I'll talk about that if it happens.

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