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Portis Question????????


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Portis has been very consistent with his rushing numbers in his NFL career. It's hard to maintain.. look at history and he is in a select group of guys who have started their NFL careers with yardage totals similar to his.

A healthy Portis will have over 1500 yards. I'll say 1575.. Anything over that I think is gravy.

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I see him not having any nagging little injuries like last year. The new WR's will back off the extra run support from the Defence, which mean more razzle dazzle from Portis. :)

Heck yeah! No more stacking the box and we run anyway. We now have three WO weapons that will keep them honest or we burn them in the passing game. :point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky

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Clinton will absolutely have a huge year under 1 condition. No O-line injuries. Don't lose sight of the fact that everything starts from the inside out. These receivers are nice, but we need to take care of depth there.

I still say that we would have gone to the Super Bowl if Randy Thomas (and Patten) had not gotten injured.

That being said, if the line stays healthy. CP could put up Priest Holmes numbers.

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Portis has been very consistent with his rushing numbers in his NFL career. It's hard to maintain.. look at history and he is in a select group of guys who have started their NFL careers with yardage totals similar to his.

A healthy Portis will have over 1500 yards. I'll say 1575.. Anything over that I think is gravy.

Not including post-season, Portis has played 31 games for us. He has had only 1 monster game for us (150+) but only 7 bad games (60-). He consistently has good games (13 over 100 but less than 150). In his time with us, he's only had a couple of monster runs but he has many good runs. It seems what makes him great is that he is consistently good.

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It's hard to say if Portis will beat 1500 yards - that alone is no small accomplishment. It depends on so much more then just his ability. Will the OL suffer an injury, will the defense continue to play at a very high lvl (so as to avoid a shoot out), will the passing game be as effective as it would appear to be?

I'll say this, he has the talent to run for 2000 - but he'll need a lot of help to get there.

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