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A LOYAL Ex-Redskin?


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It's a LOT easier to deal with when a guy is cut by the Skins and goes to a team outside the division or leaves via free agency and goes to a team outside the division PROVIDING THEY NEVER EVER BAD MOUTH THE SKINS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM.

I still have a problem with Brian Mitchell bad-mouthing the team when he was cut and signed with the Igs and then the Gints. I understand his passion for the game but that was truly classless. Believe it or not, I also thought Art Monk was out of his mind for signing with Philthy. I couldn't believe he would actually play for a hated rival. I was also not happy when Clark went to the Cards while they were still in our division.

Once they come back and retire from the NFL as a member of the Redskins, all is usually forgiven but until that day, an active former Redskin is no Redskin at all.

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I still have a problem with Brian Mitchell bad-mouthing the team when he was cut and signed with the Igs and then the Gints. I understand his passion for the game but that was truly classless.

That was really just Brian Mitchell being Brian Mitchell. He loved playing for the Skins, then the new hot shot owner decides he's done and goes and signs Deion Sanders to take over return duties? I totally understood what he was feeling and have no problems with him venting about how he was treated.

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Are some of you on crack?

Brian Mitchell dogged out the Redskins every chance he got after he left. He is no loyal ex-redskin

The administration that turned it's back on him deserved to be dogged. I didn't hear any negative remarks from him about the old regime -- ala Mr Cooke and coach Gibbs......

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I think Brian Mitchell's case should show everyone that it's OK for a player to leave a team and want to prove himself to the team that was willing to do without him. There can be bad feelings toward a certain part of the organization, but still be a sense of belonging to that organization. Mitchell wanted to retire as a Redskin. Just because you don't like a particular person or group of people at your old job doesn't mean you hated your old job.

I don't understand why football players are held to a different standard than everyone else when it comes to this regard.

Just about every player(employee) wants to make more money. Theres only so much that the fans, city, history, etc. play into it...there's nothing wrong with it, but EVERY SINGLE TIME a player leaves, no matter the circumstances or what he says - a lot of fans take it personally. I don't get it.

Most of you guys have a list of up to four or five guys you're "OK" with, but I can't think of even that many guys that I'm NOT OK with.

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To san francisco...he even won a Super Bowl Ring, but if I'm not mistaken he never wears it!!

Really, I actually had no idea that Charles Mann played with anyone other than the Redskins. I thought everyone talking about it was on crack. I also could've sworn I saw him getting inducted into Canton (giving a speech and everything) when I was in highschool, so that shows how good my memory can be.

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It's perfectly OK for Mitchell to be upset about getting cut by the Skins but there is a professional way to relay that to the press and Mitchell was in no way, shape or form professional. It all came off like sour grapes and simply lacked class. As Simon Cowell would say, "It was a horrid performance".

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To san francisco...he even won a Super Bowl Ring, but if I'm not mistaken he never wears it!!

Well he shouldn't. He was just a bench warmer for San Francisco in 94. Charles left a bad impression with me when he came in to play against the Skins in 94 in garbage time and got a meaningless sack and then pulled a "John Riggins" and bowed a couple of times to the crowd at RFK. Real bush league.

As for former players leaving the Skins, there has been only one that I rooted for while they were still wearing another team's colors. Gary Clark. Everybody else I view as the enemy until they retire. Sometimes I welcome them back into the fold (BMitch) and sometimes I no longer consider them Redskins (Mark Schlereth).

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