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would this proposal fly in the NFL?


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a player contract can be no longer than 5yrs,with 1st 2 years of contract guaranteed.If the player is released after 4yrs due to either cap or not needed,they would only take a cap hit for the 5th yr,the team would be free to sign them to another 5yr deall if they want to.i would add the NBA's way of dealing with an FA,the team he played for b4 becoming a FA would be the only team that can sign him to a maximum contract.......what do you all think..............no flaming plz.

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I think only five years would screw with the cap too much and drive overall pay down, and prevent a team from obtaining more than 2 or 3 stars. Some people might think that is a good idea, some may not. I don't think the owners (except maybe the cheapskate cards owner) would go for it though, I doubt the NFLPA would either. Good idea though, obviously something needs to be done.

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I like the idea that basketball has in place where the players original team is given an advantage over other teams. I think it's like they are allowed more years and a higher contract. Even if the NFL contracts aren't garaunteed, more years means bigger signing bonus to spread out over the course of the contract. But it's only for vets who've been with the team a certain amount of time.

AND if a player really wants to get outta town, they take the "lesser" contract or play with a one year contract in hopes of raking in th money the next year.

I would just like to see a system where the existing team has a decided advantage over other teams trying to get their players. This would restrict all this player movement. Buying a jersey nowadays is so risky, b/c the player might be cut 2 years later..Coles "cough"...and you have to buy another. Not many monks or greens left in the NFL sadly

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