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Oscars for Osama


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Krauthammer's view on the Cloonacy (I made that up myself :bow: ) of Hollywood.


Oscars for Osama

By Charles Krauthammer

Friday, March 3, 2006; Page A17

Nothing tells you more about Hollywood than what it chooses to honor. Nominated for best foreign-language film is "Paradise Now," a sympathetic portrayal of two suicide bombers. Nominated for best picture is "Munich," a sympathetic portrayal of yesterday's fashion in barbarism: homicide terrorism.

But until you see "Syriana," nominated for best screenplay (and George Clooney, for best supporting actor) you have no idea how self-flagellation and self-loathing pass for complexity and moral seriousness in Hollywood.

Click link for more............

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Krauthammer is one of the few rational writers the WP has.

Tell you what, you can have Fox News, and we'll take CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LAT, WP, etc.

Sorry, i just find it ironic that you guys constantly complain about the media - yet the WP prints conservative pieces like this and suddenly its all praise and right ons. If its wrong for them to lean left, it wrong for them to lean right.

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Nah, I just had a problem with the liberal media who paints the country in a bad light to fit their anti-Bush agenda while sacrificing our best interests at the same time.

edit: wow, just hit a 1000. hell yeah.

Congratulations! Glad i could help you get there as a portion of those are yelling/debating/insluting/joking with me. Here's to another 1,000. :cheers:

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Yet another example of the left-leaning media.

This is an op ed piece. In other words it is writen as an opinion.

Media Bias as a subject goes to ploitical slant injected into "straight" news. I'm sure you can see the difference.

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This is an op ed piece. In other words it is writen as an opinion.

Media Bias as a subject goes to ploitical slant injected into "straight" news. I'm sure you can see the difference.

Actually i didn't realize it was a Op Ed - but it is still being printed in a "leftist" rag - if there was that much of a bias they wouldn't even print it.

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"Nominated for best foreign-language film is "Paradise Now," a sympathetic portrayal of two suicide bombers. "

Got forbid we should try to understand what motivates these people to do this irrational thing that is so hard to stop and is causing such harm.

Wouldn't want to learn how they are manipulated and led astray.

Wouldn't want to think about how we might be able to counter the emotions that drive them and look for ways to defuse the situation.

Nah. Better just to say they are stupid and evil. Dont need more than that.

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"Nominated for best foreign-language film is "Paradise Now," a sympathetic portrayal of two suicide bombers. "

Got forbid we should try to understand what motivates these people to do this irrational thing that is so hard to stop and is causing such harm.

Wouldn't want to learn how they are manipulated and led astray.

Wouldn't want to think about how we might be able to counter the emotions that drive them and look for ways to defuse the situation.

Nah. Better just to say they are stupid and evil. Dont need more than that.

Predicto, your sarcasm is missing Krauthammer's point completely. Nominating and potentially awarding this film the highest prize possible will legitimize and praise the suicide bomber. "Oh wow, what a powerful film about terrorism, let's give it an Oscar." You can't deny the hidden agenda behind that.

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Predicto, your sarcasm is missing Krauthammer's point completely. Nominating and potentially awarding this film the highest prize possible will legitimize and praise the suicide bomber. "Oh wow, what a powerful film about terrorism, let's give it an Oscar." You can't deny the hidden agenda behind that.

Have you even seen this movie?

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Predicto, your sarcasm is missing Krauthammer's point completely. Nominating and potentially awarding this film the highest prize possible will legitimize and praise the suicide bomber. "Oh wow, what a powerful film about terrorism, let's give it an Oscar." You can't deny the hidden agenda behind that.

Islamic Terrorists care about the Oscars since when??

The movie may have been nominated since it was of better acting / film making quality than other foreign films, maybe just maybe?

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Predicto, your sarcasm is missing Krauthammer's point completely. Nominating and potentially awarding this film the highest prize possible will legitimize and praise the suicide bomber. "Oh wow, what a powerful film about terrorism, let's give it an Oscar." You can't deny the hidden agenda behind that.

Sure I can deny it. I do deny it. Understanding is not the same as legitimizing or praising.

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Krauthammer is one of the few rational writers the WP has.

Tell you what, you can have Fox News, and we'll take CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LAT, WP, etc.

"Rational writers"?


What about this column is "rational"? The ridiculous title (Oscars for Osama?), the implication that Munich glorifies terrorism (it was written and directed BY A JEW!!!), or suggesting that Syriana is pro-terrorism propaganda?


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