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Nobody wants Mickey ... too bad


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Looks like nobody wants Mr. Westbrook, which means our chances of resigning him are increasing. <br /><br />Too bad ... I can't think of another Skins FA that I'd rather see go his merry way, opening a spot for somebody who really WANTS to play football.

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At first, I was of the opinion that I would rather see him go away period. However sign no one wants him, we can definitely re-sign him at our own terms. I just hope he hasn't cashed it in mentally though. As much as a I hate Westy, I know that his presense in the WR corp is still something to be accounted for by others.<br /> <br /> <small>[ April 12, 2002, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Redskins20784 ]</small>

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I have always believed that Westbrook's main problem was that he was incredibly unmotivated, relying on his talent alone without working to improve himself as a player. Finally he seemed to wake up and find that everybody around him was as talented as he was. So. . . imagine what a one year minimal contract, with the motivation to sign a big one next year, could do for his game. We finally might just get to see the Westbrook we drafted so long ago.

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I tried to defend Mike throughout his career due to the facts he never had any continuity with a qb, but his attitude sucks arse! He's arrogant and thinks he a lot better than he really is. I could give a rats arse if he resigns with us.

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Sometimes I think there's an overabundance of bitterness toward Westbrook. Too much time to think? For all his hilarious foibles, sullen behavior & inconsistent on-field performance, he's 6-3, mean, fast & has pretty good hands. He is often double-covered. He will react to the deafening silence of his free agency either by becoming a complete basketcase or by seeking revenge against the league. I'd spend a little $$$$ to find out. To me -- it's a no-brainer. Pure talent is not the question. When he's focused, he shows what he can do. His main ****ing last year was -- like all of ours -- the vanilla nature of the offense. He didn't get the ball. That's the kind of ****ing you like to hear. Sign him on our terms? As Ken Beatrice used to day, "I'd make that deal twice if you let me."

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I think I'm sort of the board's resident Westbrook detractor (or at least I felt that way until recently).<br /><br /> I'm really, really tired of the guy's 'potential' as opposed to his performance. <br /><br /> HOWEVER, we've invested an ungodly amount of time and money on the guy, not to mention losing Thrash (who might have developed in his absence). If he'll sign for the vet minimum, I'd consider Westbrook. He's a good downfield blocker. Unlike others, I wouldn't include many incentives. If he requires money to be motivated to perform, let him go elsewhere. At this point, I feel that Westbrook owes the Redskins.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see some interest in him pick up a little after the draft but the big test will be if he's still on the market June 1st.<br /><br />If interest doesn't pick up then, it never will and he'll sign somewhere for the minimum with incentives. Maybe all he needs is a change of scenery to get going, which would suck for us.

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I'll agree with Ernie5 on this one. The criticism of Westbrook is totally valid BUT he put up better numbers in his 99 season than any of our current receivers have ever put up in any single year. Def coordinators consistently say he's the one Skin receiver that they fear. He's got decent speed and good hands and will catch it in traffic. He showed what he could do in Denver last year when Graham actually threw it to him unlike TB who seemed to favor Gardner. At the rigt price he's definitely worth it IMHO.

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I also would like to see what Spurrier can do with a guy like Westbrook. I know it's all the mystique right now, but I have this feeling that Spurrier is the type of coach that can have a major impact on a cantankerous cuss like Westbrook and his tude. Spurrier is all about fun supposedly, and I think that's been a major part of Westy's problem, he hasn't had fun in years.

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No one had fun last year. I think the years before he was just fustrated.<br />If he does re sign, I wouldn't be surprised at the least if he put up '99 type numbers (of course it depends on if he stays healthy). He would have put up similar numbers last year if he wasn't getting the ball once per game, and if we had anything resembling an QB.

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I posted this yesterday but it was at the tailend of another thread. Seems to fit into this one little better.<br /><br />Redskins | Coach Pleased with Westbrook - from KFFL <br />June 14, 2001 11:46:40 PT Washington Redskins head coach Marty Schottenheimer stated today that WR Michael Westbrook is coming along "very good" in his recovery and progress on the field. Schottenheimer said that Westbrook is the key to the team's passing game this year and he didn't realize how good he was until he got there<br /><br />**Michael Westbrook reduced his 2001 salary from $1,813,571 to $477,000 in exchange for $2,500,000 in incentives.<br /><br />Who know? The Redskins, S.S. included, have stated they would like Westy back. Have even offered a contract, though reportedly at not much more than league minimum. Could be a deal on the table that has incentives on it like last years, saw how that went. <br />Despite, the trade Gardner threads I posted on, I would very much like to see a 3 receiver set with a big, kinda fast Gardner. A bigger, faster Westbrook and speedster Green. The 2 big guys come in handy to keep the bigger C.B's the Skins play off Green and generally pound on them as well. All 3 could deserve a double team and definitly could pose match-up problems with opposing secondaries. <br />If anything I'd like to see Michael knock a Cowboy out this year after a reception. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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Hell yeah Park City. Westbrook deserves to be a Redskin. He has gotten screwed over and injured, and the one time he really had a chance to flourish was '99. Mark my words, if SS resigns him, he will turn West into a PRO BOWLER. Yeah, thats right, I said it. PRO BOWLER. He's got the talent.

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It'd be nice to have Westbrook around for the occasion when we play a Marty-coached team.<br /><br />Talk about a hosing. Take away salary from the guy for pie in the sky incentives and then not give him the ball?<br /><br />Nasty.

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I'm a guy that would like to keep Westbrook, at the right price. He's a better receiver than Albert Connell or Az Hakim, so, when free agency came around, he probably thought those contracts were coming his way. They aren't. In an offense that is a bit more spread open I think he could be a nice weapon for us.<br /><br />But, Westbrook's strength has never been the mental aspect of the game. I don't know that we would want to trust him to make the right route decision in Spurrier's offense. Still, he's a big guy who has run a sub-4-3, and is STILL running in the 4.3 range. He's a capable guy and I'd certainly love to have him around at OUR price <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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I think we should keep Westbrook as well. Westbrook has matured somewhat and it would be worth paying his low market value to retain him. In my opinion he is a better receiver than anyone on our roster by a wide margin! I can see the reasons for all the dissent towards Westrbook, but it would be a wise football move to keep him, despite his past dissappointments.

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Can you only imagine. Gardner, Green, Westbrook, Lockett, and (i know this is a long shot) Stalworth/Gafney. This would be the most balanced WR core in the league, period. I really think Lockett is going to be a big surprise this year. Great speed, great hands, precise routs, and reliable. I think he can really excel in SS's offense. Only time will tell.<br /><br />I agree, let's keep Westbrook, and if Stalworth or Gafney are there, take them, and we have one heck of a group.

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When I suggested signing him for the vet minimum w/ no incentives, I wasn't suggesting that he start. He's depth only. <br /><br /> I don't want Westbrook out there keeping McCants or Derrious Thompson off the field. <br /><br /> I'd use him on special teams. If someone got injured, maybe he gets some playing time. <br /><br /> If the only way he comes back is for another crappy year as a starter, let's let someone else tap his vast reservoir of 'potential'.

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Westy has been a huge disappointment and it is not only us on this board who see that, the entire league knows it. I could care less if he leaves but, the entire league kicking his a$$ to the curb just might be the motivation this clown needs to prove everyone wrong.

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Westbrook has quite simply never lived up to the promise that he had coming out of Colorado as the #4 pick of the draft.<br /><br />He's been a maddeningly immature player, and has never really come through when needed.<br /><br />However, I think that the bad press is excessive as it relates to him. He's still a guy that can draw double coverage, which is almost valuable in and of itself. The bad press is why he still hasn't <br /><br />Let's face it, if the guy was a fifth round draft pick, everybody would be really up on how this guy just hasn't gotten all of the breaks, how he's been unlucky and he just needs his chance. Hey, it worked for James Thrash, Albert Connell and Leslie Shepherd (I reiterate, never trust a man named Leslie).<br /><br />I mean, geez, does anybody HONESTLY think that Kevin Lockett, let alone Darnerian McCants, Derrius thompson and Justin Skaggs are actually better than Westbrook? If you do I strongly suggest that you check yourselves into the local mental hospital. C'mon, this is a guy who has been a legitimate #1 starter in the league for about 4 years now (albeit a middle of the pack one). The rest of the guys are complementary at best.<br /><br />Michael Westbrook does not deserve to be paid as a former first rounder. He may not even deserve to receive starting (#2) money. but hey, if he will sign a minimum salary deal, with incentives, then we're crazy not to at least consider him.<br /> <br /> <small>[ April 12, 2002, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: SPare ]</small>

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I agree with that. He's never lived up to expectations. But using Westbrook for depth? Maybe putting him in the 4th spot, but that's not really going to be depth in Steve's offense. That's going to be 75% of the plays, and I think having Michael Westbrook in your 4th slot is pretty damn good if you ask me. He had a very solid year in 1999. He was injured almost all of 2000. We won't even bring up 2001. Seriously, this guy is a good receiver, his attitude is his problem, and that could very well change this year, given the coaching staff, style of the offense, and a "I better play my a** off or this may be my last year in the league" gut feeling. Just my opinion though.

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I've NEVER been overly impressed with Lockett but then again, he's ALWAYS been in a Marty-type system. It would be interesting to see if Spurrier can do anything with him. If he doesn't break out this year, he never will.<br /><br />As for Mikey, I'd like to keep him around a year for the right money. An incentive-laden contract under SOS means a LOT more than it does under Marty. If he can't pull off a big year under Spurrier he's gone.

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