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My favourite (obscure) plays of the season


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I have been compiling a list of my favourite plays of the Season that probably wouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as the two Moss TDs against Dallas but were nevertheless important plays in defining our season. Feel free to add your own

Favourite other Moss plays

Wide Receiver Screen for TD @ Kansas: Chris Samuels’ excellent block and then Santana’s speed

Getting open in Overtime against Seattle to get us into fieldgoal range

Favourite tackles by a Kicker

Nick Novak on Tyson Thompson after the second Moss TD, first Dallas game

Derrick Frost’s against Tampa bay in the playoff game

Favourite hits by Clinton Portis

On Al Wilson late in the Denver game

On Grant Wistrom in Seattle playoff game

Favourite Fumble recovery

Derrick Dockery against Philly after Cooley fumbled

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I have been compiling a list of my favourite plays of the Season that probably wouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as the two Moss TDs against Dallas but were nevertheless important plays in defining our season. Feel free to add your own

Favourite other Moss plays

Wide Receiver Screen for TD @ Kansas: Chris Samuels’ excellent block and then Santana’s speed

Getting open in Overtime against Seattle to get us into fieldgoal range

Favourite tackles by a Kicker

Nick Novak on Tyson Thompson after the second Moss TD, first Dallas game

Derrick Frost’s against Tampa bay in the playoff game

Favourite hits by Clinton Portis

On Al Wilson late in the Denver game

On Grant Wistrom in Seattle playoff game

Favourite Fumble recovery

Derrick Dockery against Philly after Cooley fumbled

Learn how to spell. J/K

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I am a fan of the Dockery recovery of Cooley's fumble. That play will always have me asking wtf dockery was doing 15 yards down field in the first place. But thank god he was there, that was a game saver.

Also, who could forget Sean Taylor absolutely raping Patrick Crayton and popping the ball back 8 yards in the air. That was the best hit of the year.

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Learn how to spell. J/K

My way or your way?

From the Oxford English Dictionary


(US favorite)

• adjective preferred to all others of the same kind.

• noun 1 a favourite person or thing. 2 the competitor thought most likely to win.

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I am a fan of the Dockery recovery of Cooley's fumble. That play will always have me asking wtf dockery was doing 15 yards down field in the first place. But thank god he was there, that was a game saver.

Also, who could forget Sean Taylor absolutely raping Patrick Crayton and popping the ball back 8 yards in the air. That was the best hit of the year.

I like your 2 choices... if Dockery doesn't make that recovery and we turn the ball over with 0 points, who knows if we beat Philly.... if Taylor doesn't knock that ball out of Crayton's grasp, Dallas has a 1st down and wins with a FG...

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Big Joe Salavea knocking the ever-living crap out of RB Cadillac Williams causing the fumble one the 1st play of the second half in TB.

Marcus Washington destroying TE Jason Witten on the sidelines in DC. And for the record Witten wasn't out of bounds he was stepping up field in a pathetic attempt to gain more yardage. That personal foul was garbage.

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For some reason, I really enjoyed the two big plays Betts made vs. Tampa in the regular season. He had the KO return for a TD and then the sweet TD catch over the middle to give us the lead in the second half. I have the same feeling about Rock's TD vs. SD.

Those plays made by our role-players just solidified the fact that Gibbs football was back in DC.

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Im loving all these plays and remember pretty much all of them perfectly, Ill try to think of a few new ones.

The first long pass to Santana in the Bears game. Gave us a glimpse of what we had right there.

Cooleys full-extension diving touchdown catch against Dallas. The short catch and run for a TD, running over a Cowboy in the process was pretty sweet as well.

Ryan Clark laying out Plexiglass in the second Giants game. I didnt like it at the time because he got penalized, but we won anyway and that was a viscious (and clean) hit.

Sean Taylors superman jump in the air over Shockey (I think) to almost intercept a pass near the goalline. If he had held onto the ball it might have been the most amazing pick Ive ever seen.

Thats a good list for now, although Im sure I could come up with a dozen more. It was a good season. :)

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Also, what about Salavae' "pissing dog" imitation after tackling Tiki Barber for a lost of yards in the second game vs the giants.

And... Phillip Daniels hit on McNabb when the offense thought McNabb was going spike the ball but McNabb was hoping to catch the defense off guard and throw the ball to a receiver but the entire offense stayed still.

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