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The Ultimate Drunk Thread!


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you guys are killin me with these stories...

jrockster77... I have a friend who does the same thing as in your story. Will just pee wherever whenever..

One time we were away from home and he got really drunk. Next thing I know.. I hear something like water running. There he is.. facing into my closet.. just relieving himself all over my luggage... :rubeyes:

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you guys are killin me with these stories...

jrockster77... I have a friend who does the same thing as in your story. Will just pee wherever whenever..

One time we were away from home and he got really drunk. Next thing I know.. I hear something like water running. There he is.. facing into my closet.. just relieving himself all over my luggage... :rubeyes:

See, I only do that when I'm really really drunk.

So another story...but this is another guy on the team. On road trips, we would rent one of those 12-seater V10 super vans to take everyone to the games. Most of the time on the drive back we'd have beers and stuff, and also be pretty bombed from the after-party. The vets were notoriously rough on the rookies, and would usually make us wait to pee. "We're not stopping until I have to pee" would be the normal response.

Anyway, this one time dude in the way back was like "man, I really have to pee." So we had some empty quarts (no 40s in the state of Florida) and the driver told him to piss in the bottle. He agreed, and the bottle was passed back to him. So about 30 seconds go by, and the guy sitting next to him starts screaming "WHAT THE ****?!?! YOU'RE PISSING ALL OVER THE SEAT!!" The guy apologizes, but continues to pee. Then we hear "WELL STOP ****ING PISSING MAN!!! Wait...YOU LEFT THE CAP ON THE BOTTLE?!?!?"

Yes....the guy had left the cap on the bottle and proceeded to pee into a closed container. :doh: One of the funniest things I have ever been a part of. Everyone was laughing histerically except the guy who got pissed on. So funny.

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I have a friend who came home from a party earlier this year. He lives in a cluster at school (anyone who is familiar with Salisbury University, think Choptank), which means there are 4 dorms and one bathroom in a small hallway.

He has to pee, so he walks out into the hallway, and to the bathroom. Instead of opening the bathroom door, he drops his pants and pisses all over the door.

I don't understand you pee'ers.

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I don't understand you pee'ers.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The dorm I lived in was not like that, but in another dorm on campus they had 8 people sharing one bathroom, which had 2 showers and 2 bathroom stalls and 2 sinks. Anyway, one of my friends' roommates got really drunk at a party on Friday night and ended up filling one of the sinks with vomit. And I mean, FILLING the sink.

Anyway, he proceeded to leave the next morning to go home for the weekend without cleaning it up. I have never lived in a dorm since!! :)

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The dorm I lived in was not like that, but in another dorm on campus they had 8 people sharing one bathroom, which had 2 showers and 2 bathroom stalls and 2 sinks.

That's the exact set up of this bathroom, except it is shared by 10 people.

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Anyway, he proceeded to leave the next morning to go home for the weekend without cleaning it up. I have never lived in a dorm since!! :)

My roommate and I came back to the dorm freshman year after our first night drinking in college. I had only had a few beers, so I was tipsy but not really wasted, whereas my roommate was pretty far gone.

My roommate knows he's going to puke, so he heads straight for the bathroom, leaving a trail of barf all the way from the bathroom door to the toilet. Realizing this needs to be cleaned up, he fills a big cup we gave him with water and just starts dumping it all over the floor, making the mess even worse. He then proceeds to pull about half the paper towels in the dispenser out one by one, just letting them fall into a pile at his feet.

It was at that point that I walked into the bathroom and after several minutes finally convinced him to let me handle it. Thank God he isn't a pee-er.

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It was at that point that I walked into the bathroom and after several minutes finally convinced him to let me handle it. Thank God he isn't a pee-er.

Ugh...I would much rather clean up drunk pee than vomit...drunk pee is usually clear and doesn't smell. Vomit on the other hand...:puke: I can't handle the smell of vomit without vomiting myself!!

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Ugh...I would much rather clean up drunk pee than vomit...drunk pee is usually clear and doesn't smell. Vomit on the other hand...:puke: I can't handle the smell of vomit without vomiting myself!!

Reminds me of these 6 carpenters from PA who drove down to DC to work on

high rise buildings with us. On fridays were would pound beers after work.

This particular friday was the "topping off party" meaning we finished the roof of this 24 story building. So these 6 guys get into thier station wagon for a 3 hour drive back to NW Pa. and it start pouring down rain, no ac and the windows all up.

Well the guy in the middle of the back seat motions to the guy next to the door to roll the window down, but it was too late. He vomited all over that

guy, who inturn vomited on the guys in the front seat, soon they were all vomiting with 2 hours left to drive

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Once when I was younger, I was drinking Everclear. One of my friends had to drive me home, and as I lie in backseat with him driving, he kept asking me which way to go as we had just came from a party.

I unknowingly kept telling him straight and we ended up about 2 hours away from home.

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Ugh...I would much rather clean up drunk pee than vomit...drunk pee is usually clear and doesn't smell. Vomit on the other hand...:puke: I can't handle the smell of vomit without vomiting myself!!

Definitely, I just meant having to clean up both would suck.

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I have done some stupid stuff when drinking and I must admit I get drunk pretty often however I handle my self pretty well, the few stories I do have are kinda lame. But I moved to SW Florida about 5 Years ago, I was living in Bonita Springs and the home I rented was in a pretty good area, but there was a place down the road called "Little Mexico" due to the amount of spanish influence in the area! At the time I did not know that the spanish guys like to drink alot of beer..... I mean ALOT! of beer! After comming home on several occations and finding a passed out spanish guy on my backporch and calling the police who would just send the little guys on there way i finally had enough. I asked the police why this keeps happening? There response was that they get so drunk on a regular occation that they think they are at there house and the wife will not let them in! They respond to call like mine 3-5 times a night! I finally moved!

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I have done some stupid stuff when drinking and I must admit I get drunk pretty often however I handle my self pretty well, the few stories I do have are kinda lame. But I moved to SW Florida about 5 Years ago, I was living in Bonita Springs and the home I rented was in a pretty good area, but there was a place down the road called "Little Mexico" due to the amount of spanish influence in the area! At the time I did not know that the spanish guys like to drink alot of beer..... I mean ALOT! of beer! After comming home on several occations and finding a passed out spanish guy on my backporch and calling the police who would just send the little guys on there way i finally had enough. I asked the police why this keeps happening? There response was that they get so drunk on a regular occation that they think they are at there house and the wife will not let them in! They respond to call like mine 3-5 times a night! I finally moved!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha you gotta be kidding me! Thats freaking hilarious!

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I have very few good drunk stories. Most of the interesting ones are just me vomitting alot.

The last one was the day of the Seahawks game, I had 2/3 of a bottle of Rumplemintz and 2 shots of Bacardi in 25 minutes. I was ****faced by 4, throwing up by 5, and sober with a headache by 11. I'm never drinking again.

Now, my high stories are the best. I just can't remember any.

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Now, my high stories are the best. I just can't remember any.


I remember the very first time I smoked weed...its not particularly a funny story, but it was very comical.

My friend got some weed from his brother, so we decided to go smoke. His dad had these two really long, decorative asian pipes with bamboo stems and gold-colored bowls. They were at least 2 feet long...ridiculous. We had nothing else to smoke out of, and we didn't know the soda can trick or the fruit trick yet.

Anyway, scared of being caught, we above the Wakefied HS football field (anyone familiar with the school knows what I'm talking about) to smoke. Well, we didn't have a lighter, and it was very windy out. So, imagine to kids trying to smoke out of this ridiculously long pipe, with matches that kept getting blown out. Good times.

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I remember the very first time I smoked weed...its not particularly a funny story, but it was very comical.

My friend got some weed from his brother, so we decided to go smoke. His dad had these two really long, decorative asian pipes with bamboo stems and gold-colored bowls. They were at least 2 feet long...ridiculous. We had nothing else to smoke out of, and we didn't know the soda can trick or the fruit trick yet.

Anyway, scared of being caught, we above the Wakefied HS football field (anyone familiar with the school knows what I'm talking about) to smoke. Well, we didn't have a lighter, and it was very windy out. So, imagine to kids trying to smoke out of this ridiculously long pipe, with matches that kept getting blown out. Good times.

Nice. I've had to resort to smoking out of banana before. That was weird.

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We smoked out of a hollow plastic candy cane at my friend's house, it actually worked pretty well.

I had a bong made out of a wiffle ball bat for about two years - we stuck a pen into it, put a carb on the back and then wrapped duct tape around the pen/bottom, the top was cut off so you could hit it.

I've also used pages of the bible and bank deposit slips for papers.

not the best of ideas, but when you need something, you need something.

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I've also used pages of the bible and bank deposit slips for papers.

Regardless of any belief in God or lack thereof on my part, I think that'd weird me out too much. I've never needed to smoke that badly. I've never needed to smoke at all, for that matter.

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Back in the days of Drive In movies....................

It was common for our gang to go fairly often. I don't actually remember what I had been drinkin, but I went to the snack bar to snag some "Flavos" egg rolls. I guess I was a bit more wasted then I thought, as I swung open the passanger door and plopped in, I found myself on some strange guys lap:doh: Wrong car.................and he wasn't too pleased :(

We also had a habbit if we spotted a friends car there, and knew he was with a chick fooling around. We would sneek up behind the car, and suddenly run up the tunk, over the roof, and down the hood. Being I was too drunk to walk a straight line, I don't know what compeled me to try it on my buddy Mike one night. I made it up the trunk, and stumbled half way across the roof. I didn't have enough speed going to completely clear the hood, and slammed the front end, taking out the hood ornement, and cracking the grill, before hitting the wonderful gravel covered ground. Ya wanna talk train wreck.....

One of my favorites.............

The night I wrecked my 1970 Plymouth Scamp................. Me and my best bud Tommy were on our way back from my shop, and were completely sober at the time, when some bozo ran a stop and I T-Boned him. We didn't get hurt, but we knew it was a night for a good bender. We called Richie to come and get us, and instructed him to bring some JD for the ride back to Tommy's house. So, we had our primers, but Tommy's car was in the shop. Bikes were out being it was the dead of winter, and we had equipment to move for the band we roadied for, so we kind of borrowed his sisters car ;)

So we do the 45 minute drive to Walley's in Bergenfield NJ, killing a 12 pack and a few bones to boot. We unload the truck, and as the band gets rolling, we start to pound it hard. We killed a fifth of Three finger TA Kill ya in no time, washing it down with becks the entire time. About mid way through the bands third set, we were getting pretty loud, and some dude started to mouth off to Tommy. Me being me, I jumped right in and told the guy if he thought he was so tough, to see if he could knock me down with a head butt. Very bad move............for him :D The guy dam near knocked himself out on my stone noggen. Before ya knew it, we had a full blown head butt contest going in the middle of the bar. The staff of the bar put a stop to it after about 15 minutes, so me and Tommy figured it was a good time to step outside to burn one.

As we make it to hes sisters car, we find five big ol bikers leaning up against it. Tommy didn't ask them to get off very nicely ;) , and one of them told him to Ef off. There went the our nice party break. One hell of a fight ensued, and I don't know how long it lasted before the bouncers from the bar came over and broke it up. The worst part was, the wouldn't let us back in the bar. Some nerve huh. They were nice enough to give a message to the lead singer that thier roadies had been kicked out, and were heading back home. So off to NY we head. I have to say, neither should have been driving. Tommy took a turn a bit to fast, and went into a slide. Here in front of us is the friggin Keebler tree. Luck was on our side, and we stopped about an inch away from the tree, but I sware I saw elves running for cover :doh:

The bars in NJ closed at 2am, but NY shut down at 4am, so we headed to our local watering hole. We didn't realize till it was too late why a big section of the parking lot had no cars parked in it. As Tommy stepped out of the car, he fell on his arse. We parked on a solid sheet of smooth ice. I had work boots on, so I could stand and shuffel my way around the car. Tommy had western boots on, and couldn't get off the ground. It must have looked like something from a movie. I would try to help him up, and the two of us would go down. Don't know how long we're out there flopping around, but by the time we actually made it to dry ground crawling, half the people in the bar were on the sidewalk watching, and laughing their butts off.

We get in the bar, and start to hit it hard again. By last call, Tommy was staggering around, and fell once or twice. I was going to catch a ride home with another friend, but I couldn't leave Tommy to sleep in his sisters car. I got his keys after a long battle with him. He was about to fall again, so I heaved him over my shoulder. I'm five nine, and was about 160 at the time. Tommy is six one, and about 235 at the time, so it wasn't the easiest task while stone drunk. I make it out of the bar, and across the street. Guess what I forgot about...................Down we went :doh: There was no way I could lift his dead weight off the ground on ice, so I crawled a little, and dragged him to me. I did this for some time, and getting him into the car was the worse. Don't know how many times I fell.

We got to his house, and my plan was to get him to his room, and walk up the block to my house. As I'm trying to get him out of the car, he starts to wake up, and fall out face first. I was way too blitzed at that point to worry too much, so I grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him to the front door. By the time I get him to the door, he's squirming, and grabbed my leg. I go face first into the bushes, and all I can hear is him snickering. I get myself together, and he's pretty awake but still can't stand on his own. Directly in front of the door is the stairs up to the second floor where his room is, so I figured if I got a running start, I could get him up the steps. We get in the house, and it's time to go for it. He's standing fairly well, so I grab him by the waist, and off we go. About 2/3 th way up, Tommy looses it, and falls back on me.

The two of us tumble back to the bottom of the stairs. As we lay there laughing, the lights come on. As we gain our composure :rolleyes: we look up to see not only his parents, but his grandmother, two of his aunts, and one uncle looking down at us. His dad started yelling something, so I quickly got up, dragged him into the family room off to the left, said good night to his family and stumbled out the door. Wouldn't ya know, as I walked up the street to my house, it starts to rain. The ending to the perfect night.

I was woken the next day by my dad pounding on my door at around 2 in the afternoon. He was yelling something about a towing company on the phone wanting payment, and wondering what to do with the reck. Bad way to start the day.........................


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