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Darrell Green stories


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i really don't understand all the credit that darrell green gets for being such a good guy. he was a hell of a football player, yes. but a good guy? not from what i saw.

i went to a redskins practice with my grandma when i was eleven or twelve. green was my favorite player and i wanted his autograph more than a blind guy wants new eyes.

so after getting autographs from many of the players, green comes walking down the walkway towards the practice field. my grandma yells "darrell! can we get an autograph?". without even turning to look at us, he replies "later". another woman behind us yells "how about just a few for the kids?". to which he replies rather angrily "later. i'm late for practice". he still doesn't so much as look at us; his loyal fans and the kids he claims to love so much. moments later, a man taps my grandma on the shoulder and says "ma'am, he prefers to be called mr. green", to which my grandma replied "i'm 25 years older than him. i'll call him whatever the hell i want!".

"mr. green " then proceeds to walk another twenty feet or so, then stops and gives a ten minute long audio taped interview to a reporter. late for practice, eh? i'm sure he had to tell the world how much he loves children right after he practically shat in my face.

so the end of practice rolls around and i'm waiting for more autographs. i'll surely get his autograph now, right? no. he rolls off on a golf cart giving a half ass wave while looking the other way. my grandma tries to make me feel better by telling me he was probably under the weather. the person next to us then turns to my grandma and tells her he's been to practice at least twelve times and has never gotten his autograph.

has anyone else met him when there wasn't a camera around? and if so, what was your experience?

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i really don't understand all the credit that darrell green gets for being such a good guy. he was a hell of a football player, yes. but a good guy? not from what i saw.

i went to a redskins practice with my grandma when i was eleven or twelve. green was my favorite player and i wanted his autograph more than a blind guy wants new eyes.

so after getting autographs from many of the players, green comes walking down the walkway towards the practice field. my grandma yells "darrell! can we get an autograph?". without even turning to look at us, he replies "later". another woman behind us yells "how about just a few for the kids?". to which he replies rather angrily "later. i'm late for practice". he still doesn't so much as look at us; his loyal fans and the kids he claims to love so much. moments later, a man taps my grandma on the shoulder and says "ma'am, he prefers to be called mr. green", to which my grandma replied "i'm 25 years older than him. i'll call him whatever the hell i want!".

"mr. green " then proceeds to walk another twenty feet or so, then stops and gives a ten minute long audio taped interview to a reporter. late for practice, eh? i'm sure he had to tell the world how much he loves children right after he practically shat in my face.

so the end of practice rolls around and i'm waiting for more autographs. i'll surely get his autograph now, right? no. he rolls off on a golf cart giving a half ass wave while looking the other way. my grandma tries to make me feel better by telling me he was probably under the weather. the person next to us then turns to my grandma and tells her he's been to practice at least twelve times and has never gotten his autograph.

has anyone else met him when there wasn't a camera around? and if so, what was your experience?

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

First you spread rumors about the Coach and now you want to start a thread to get people to bash Darrel Green. Hopefully admin can one up the clown avatar, I'm sticking around to see what happens next.


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:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

First you spread rumors about the Coach and now you want to start a thread to get people to bash Darrel Green. Hopefully admin can one up the clown avatar, I'm sticking around to see what happens next.


I think its time for an ass hat :laugh:

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i wanna know what he does when there isn't a camera around or a reporter to put him in the paper. the fact that it's been a decade since that day and i still remember it means something. i just want some closure. haha. i really wanna believe he was just having a bad day.

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i wanna know what he does when there isn't a camera around or a reporter to put him in the paper. the fact that it's been a decade since that day and i still remember it means something. i just want some closure. haha. i really wanna believe he was just having a bad day.

Dude, did you have an intervention or a long visit with your shrink today? Has the autograph incident been on your mind all this time? This guy has done more for his community than 99.9% of the league and community itself. Sounds like he was focused on practice, maybe he doesn't like to be bothered at work (ask my wife, she'll understand that notion). Let it go. One good thing, you wanted to get rid of the clown, I think your wish may come true.

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i wanna know what he does when there isn't a camera around or a reporter to put him in the paper. the fact that it's been a decade since that day and i still remember it means something. i just want some closure. haha. i really wanna believe he was just having a bad day.

Immagine being his shoes, not being able to even practice without the media all over him, fans wanting autographs, hundreds of papers wanting stories. Its imposible to get to everyone, even though Im sure he wanted too. Even Joe Gibbs feels bad that he doesnt get to sign every fan and autograph.

BY BRICUCCI- One good thing, you wanted to get rid of the clown, I think you wish may come true.

:laugh: I think I hear them in the bathroom making one up now.

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Dude, did you have an intervention or a long visit with your shrink today? Has the autograph incident been on your mind all this time? This guy has done more for his community than 99.9% of the league and community itself. Sounds like he was focused on practice, maybe he doesn't like to be bothered at work (ask my wife, she'll understand that notion). Let it go. One good thing, you wanted to get rid of the clown, I think you wish may come true.

no i just remembered it and i don't remember much from back then. doesn't he have a car dealership? maybe i'll go there and talk to him. maybe he'll give me a free car.

and how do you know i don't like the clown? maybe i love the clown!

.....no i hate the clown..........

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i wanna know what he does when there isn't a camera around or a reporter to put him in the paper. the fact that it's been a decade since that day and i still remember it means something. i just want some closure. haha. i really wanna believe he was just having a bad day.

ok he came to my elementary school a long time ago and he was probably the nicest person i have ever met he stayed for about 2 hours after school ended an signed autographs an talked about things.. one of the coolest players ive come in contact with..

we also had ravens kick or punt returner jermaine lewis from the superbowl team come in but all he did was sign a peice of paper and have the school coppy it an give one to each kid...

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I got his autograph in 1994. It was after a game and I caught him on hos way to his car. He took the time to stop and sign my Redskins banner. I have heard though that he started charging $25 to his charity because people were selling his autograph on Ebay or something. Maybe he was just having a bad day when you tried man. Time to get over it.

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I've read before the DG isn't fond of giving autographs. After his tenure in DC I think we can forgive him. :)

that wouldnt surprise me as a Christian autographs may seem like he's promoting people to worship him....not saying that there is anything wrong with autographs but i can understand why they would make him uncomfortable

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I have had the same experience in that past with him. I mean you can't completely hate on a guy because he doesn't sign autographs...but when it comes to them he is not a "nice" guy.

Even if kids are involved, Darrell usually signs for a fee (i.e. Washington Auto Show) or he asks for a check for his charity (i.e. if anyone remembers that infamous Sportstalk980 scene at the Redskins store in tysons when Doc pushed him to sign and he said he only would if people wrote him a 20 dollar check to his charity).

I mean he was a great football player, and obviously has done a lot in the community...but he isn't as forgiving to fans as other players are.


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I have had the same experience in that past with him. I mean you can't completely hate on a guy because he doesn't sign autographs...but when it comes to them he is not a "nice" guy.

Even if kids are involved, Darrell usually signs for a fee (i.e. Washington Auto Show) or he asks for a check for his charity (i.e. if anyone remembers that infamous Sportstalk980 scene at the Redskins store in tysons when Doc pushed him to sign and he said he only would if people wrote him a 20 dollar check to his charity).

I mean he was a great football player, and obviously has done a lot in the community...but he isn't as forgiving to fans as other players are.


Its because half the people who collect autographs turn around and sell them for a profit, at least hes not taking the money personally but for a cause. Next time instead of an autograph, see if a player will pose for a picture with you. To me much more (priceless) than an autograph unless your trying to resell.

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if im not mistaken, the Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation has donated more money then any other single charity in the NFL....hmm...

Also, i have heard that Darrell Green will not make an autograph unless it's a scheduled event, simply because of the profit people make off of his name. He doesnt want his autograph to be copied or replicated and i personally dont blame him

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Here is a TRUE story about Darrell Green.....

I got blown off by him in Frostburg in '99. But he sure was not rude about it. I had my football with Art Monk's sig on it (my dad briefly worked with him in Fairfax County). Anyway, I was first in line after practice as some of us walked on to the field. Instantly a camera was there a Darrell did an interview for a few minutes. As it ended I was standing 3 feet right in front of him holding up the ball as a bunch of fans started chanting for an autograph as well. He said with an honest apologetic face, "I'm sorry guys I gotta go." Other highly sought after players such as Brian Mitchell did give autographs, mainly to kids. But no one had cameras and reporters looking for them the way Darrell did. He was the Micheal Jordan of this team, put yourself in his shoes. I get aggrevated when too many people talk to me around the office. Imagine the whole town.

The day I believe that Darrell Green is a bad man is the day I start believing Dallas fries my bacon (which I love very much). Though I guess it's hard to start rumors when the word is pasted into your name.....thanks for the laugh and for God's sake lose that avatar.

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