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I hate to burst the bubble on the Wayne heads out there, but...


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It looks like Edge is the one who will walk. Straight from Colts' president and GM Bill Polian:


Q: "Can you address the comments Peyton made in the post-game press conference regarding the offensive line, and will both Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison be playing for the Colts next season?"

A: "As far as the last question, yes, Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison will be in Colts uniforms next year and hopefully, until they retire."

Interesting read. He reveals a few things in the interview. He Doesn't even mention James (rumors say that he is not exactly too fond of James since the fiascos last season and offseason). He makes it pretty clear that Vandy will walk too.


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Joe Gibbs said that he was going to resign Pierce and Smoot too. How'd that work out? You really can't believe what a front office person says until it actually happens. Trust me, I'm not knocking Gibbs on this because I know he did try to resign them, but players will always go where the money is. If Wayne is offered more by another team then he won't be in a Colts uniform next year. :2cents:

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.... but players will always go where the money is. If Wayne is offered more by another team then he won't be in a Colts uniform next year. :2cents:

I agree and I would add that he might want to come to a team where a whole lot of former college players are currently playing.

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I have said this before--if you are a WR and are looking to play for any QB in the league...why would you not stay there catching balls from Peyton. I would be surprised to see Wayne leave the Colts.

Not saying that David Patten is Reggie Wayne - but if what you say is true then Patten would never have left Tom Brady. Mayber Wayne is tired of being second to Harrison or tired of Indy or tired of whatever. It is very early in the whole process for every team. We'll see.

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I have said this before--if you are a WR and are looking to play for any QB in the league...why would you not stay there catching balls from Peyton. I would be surprised to see Wayne leave the Colts.

Because so far, Peyton hasn't gotten them to the Super Bowl, and teams are becoming more and more aware of how to beat him.

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Because so far, Peyton hasn't gotten them to the Super Bowl, and teams are becoming more and more aware of how to beat him.

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw the look on his face while he was interviewed in the locker room after losing to the steelers. He even said he's tired of losing in the playoffs every year.

The Colts already have Brandon Stokley who is a Starting calaber #2 reciever, and a very good one at that. So I don't know what they have to gain by keeping Wayne and losing Edge. Seems like they lose more to me. Not taking anything from Reggie... A star running back is as valuable as it gets. Or maybe they're banking on Shawn Alexander becomming a free agent? :whoknows:

Come to the D.C. Reggie! With Joe Gibbs on your side, you'll earn a trophy that stands as high as the Washington Monument! And a nice ring on top of it!

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They need EDGE more then WAYNE , Manning can make a supertsar reciever out of anyone!!

:applause: Totally agree. If they get rid of Edge they are doomed. Do they no realize that respect for the running game is one of the reasons that their passing game is so successful.

Also, I agree that money talks and BS walks. If we can come up with the cash, he is in the burgandy and gold. HTTR!

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Not to mention Dwight Freeny who I believe they just resigned. And Cato June who's contract is ALSO expired.

So so true. It will be interesting to see how they will work that out. They are either going to have to let some people go or they will be in trouble for going over the cap. :) Perhaps we can get both Wayne and Freeney or June. :silly:

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of course i hope its not true, but by getting rid of reggie its going to affect the team much less than if they get rid of edge then they are destroying the total package....how can they brake that up...and if vandy is walking then sign me up to get rid of hall...if he would have hit that 36 yarder and moss OR cooley would have caught those passes then it would be a tie ball game 20-20 and who knows if we would be playing in this nfc championship game.....

i know hall is "recovering from injuries" but the guy is always injured

i want nick novac hes the man

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You mean the Skins cap situation isn't enough for people to realize that signing Wayne is out of the question?

If that's the case why don't the Skins trade for a top 10 draft pick so they can pick up Wiliams/Hali/Kiwanuka to be the pass rushing DE?

Meanwhile they can also pick up another 1st round pick and grab Haloti Ngata to be the other DT.

Damn what a sick D-line, Daniels/Wynn, Griffin, Ngata, Williams/Hali/Kiwanuka.

And then an offense with Moss, Wayne, Portis, and Cooley, oh wait, need a QB. How about Matt Leinart? Think he'll be good here? The Colts are pretty unhappy with Peyton maybe the Skins could swing a deal for him...

Last offseason should be enough to tell you how the Skins will handle the offseason. Subtle improvements, like a #2 WR that can get open consistently. Depth on the OL so one injury doesn't destroy the offense like the last 2 years. A pass rushing DE so Williams doesn't have to blitz just to get pressure.

All that adds up to is Wayne wearing a color tha doesn't include White, Burgundy, and Gold...(recently the Skins wear all white so really the team colors should be adjusted just a bit shouldn't they?)

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Some things people seem to forget or be ignorant of.

1. Reggie Wayne decides whether he becomes a free agent or resigns with the Colts, not the Colts. They could offer him the moon and if he doesn't want to take it he doesn't have to. If Wayne wants to go elsewhere, he will.

2. We could afford Wayne. If Arrington restructures, and a few other expected restucturings / cuts take place, then we can afford a pretty big contract. Whether or not the team thinks that's the right course of action remains to be seen.

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I totally agree. We can afford Brandon Lloyd.

Lloyd may want more then Wayne. he is younger, and more talented in my opinion. Wayne had other superstars around him to help make him look good. Brandon Lloyd has made himself a superstar with a sub par supporting cast. I would prefer B. Lloyd, but we wont be able to afford him either Im afraid.

Arnaz Battle

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