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I refuse and I mean refuse to watch one more playoff game or even the superbowl


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We lost to a better team. No way any ref is going to call PI in the last minute of a playoff game for ticky-tack contact that in no way affected the play. Even if he had called it we'd still almost certainly have lost. The Seahawks earned their win today. We had a great season and we're in good position for next year.

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"Hats off to the Hawks." Man, F them! Our offense needs work, but damn. The refs housed us again. That was a P.I. on Moss on that last play.

I have to agree with you pal..

but it is what it is and they go on and we dont. At least we fought on D and put a hurting on the NFL pretty boy MVP

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god, what a crybaby.

Ohhh gee sorry....

What the hell was I thinking...it was a totally fair called game...

No holding on Seattle and your right the media has not been saying the Seahawks and Colts in the Superbowl all the way back when they kept talking about the "Superbowl Preview" game they hyped up for so long

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We lost to a better team. No way any ref is going to call PI in the last minute of a playoff game for ticky-tack contact that in no way affected the play. Even if he had called it we'd still almost certainly have lost. The Seahawks earned their win today. We had a great season and we're in good position for next year.

Tell that to the D line who were held all day long with no call.

Tell that to the BS intentional grounding call that came like 3 minutes after the play was over.

Tell that to the BS Offensive pass inter. call...

Come on man...

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The NFL can kiss my ass.

Our O hurt us the last 2 games and we did lose. Dont take this post as an excuse for why we lost.


The NFL will do anything, ANYTHING to have the Seahawks and Colts in the superbowl. They want sexy highlight films and stats. Thats why the media is so one sided and hates us, were old school baby. Hard D and run the ball tough. They hate that and think its bad for ratings. The fact we did what we did with some bad calls in many games shows you how great this team was this year and I am proud of them.

What bugs me is when the hell did the NFL stop being a fair game and praise the teams that win and start being only about highlight films and money. I have not decided yet but I may blame ESPN :)

Makes me want to puke.

Screw em.

Well that's one idea.....


We lost to a better team that was healthier (before the 1st quarter at least), well rested, and had a stellar crowd behind them at home. Remember, they weren't the number 1 seed by chance.

Why is it so hard to be happy with our first successful season in years???

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Well that's one idea.....


We lost to a better team that was healthier (before the 1st quarter at least), well rested, and had a stellar crowd behind them at home. Remember, they weren't the number 1 seed by chance.

Why is it so hard to be happy with our first successful season in years???

Who said I am not happy with this season? Re read what I said. I am annoyed with the way the league and media seem to have taken a lot of the "sport" out of the game over the last years.

I felt this way before this game, add a poorly called game and this is how I feel.

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There's way to much money in the NFL .It is so obvious how they rigg games today the annoucers are told what to say what satistic to bring up when where to talk about this player and when and where to say this team looks down and beaten or how fantastic this player has preformed,and how to bring up total bull crap about histroic rederick to bore you to tears where to put some dumb broad that knows nothing about football to talk during play they dont want you to see, and the comercials 10 or 12 at a time come back after play starts?

Then you the officiating, it is horrible and obvious one call takes a team out of scoring range,one call stops momentum how the media wont show the line play anymore? IT IS RIGGED period!

Sad to say but the NFL has to many billions for it not to be rigged!

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sorry man, it was good defense on the last play. The drive that killed us, was when we couldn't score on the fumbled punt return. Leaves me to wonder if J. Hall will be back next year. Personally, i'm tired of the excuses with this guy. If he's injured then we may have to cut him loose.

cant agree more with you

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There's way to much money in the NFL .It is so obvious how they rigg games today the annoucers are told what to say what satistic to bring up when where to talk about this player and when and where to say this team looks down and beaten or how fantastic this player has preformed,and how to bring up total bull crap about histroic rederick to bore you to tears where to put some dumb broad that knows nothing about football to talk during play they dont want you to see, and the comercials 10 or 12 at a time come back after play starts?

Then you the officiating, it is horrible and obvious one call takes a team out of scoring range,one call stops momentum how the media wont show the line play anymore? IT IS RIGGED period!

Sad to say but the NFL has to many billions for it not to be rigged!

That makes no sense. Do you think your kicker intentionally shanked his kick? Do you think any of the Redskin players who got hurt faked their injuries? They are just as much a part of the NFL and its billions as the refs, and they're in a better position to influence the outcome of the game.

I agree with you that the commercials are irritating, but they're just a fact of life. Commercials pay for the game on TV -- no commercials, no game on TV.

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This coming from someone with "Professional" wrestlers on his signature?

Ha. Thats funny....

First off, What does my signature have to do with the validity of my statement? People will do whatever they can to find a scapegoat as to why the skins lost. How about they played a better team?

I don't follow. what exactly you are getting at.

And why did you put quotation marks around the word professional? They do get paid don't they.

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First off, What does my signature have to do with the validity of my statement? People will do whatever they can to find a scapegoat as to why the skins lost. How about they played a better team?

I don't follow. what exactly you are getting at.

And why did you put quotation marks around the word professional? They do get paid don't they.

Hey I am related to Magnum T.A.

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First off, What does my signature have to do with the validity of my statement? People will do whatever they can to find a scapegoat as to why the skins lost. How about they played a better team?

I don't follow. what exactly you are getting at.

And why did you put quotation marks around the word professional? They do get paid don't they.

Ha ha ha...

If you say so buddy. Keep telling yourself that.

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There's way to much money in the NFL .It is so obvious how they rigg games today the annoucers are told what to say what satistic to bring up when where to talk about this player and when and where to say this team looks down and beaten or how fantastic this player has preformed,and how to bring up total bull crap about histroic rederick to bore you to tears where to put some dumb broad that knows nothing about football to talk during play they dont want you to see, and the comercials 10 or 12 at a time come back after play starts?

Then you the officiating, it is horrible and obvious one call takes a team out of scoring range,one call stops momentum how the media wont show the line play anymore? IT IS RIGGED period!

Sad to say but the NFL has to many billions for it not to be rigged!

Well, your lack of punctuation made your post difficult to understand, but I think I know what you are trying to say. I agree with you. The NFL is a big business, so nothing is left to chance. It is as well choreographed as the Rockettes Christmas show.

If they cared more about the game than the money, things would be different. Like the use of instant replay. Why is it only some things are reviewable? If they want the right calls to be made, why limit the use of replay? Why can't penalties be reviewed? In today's game, they called us for an illegal formation. If they had reviewed it, they would have seen the WR was up at the line of scrimmage. And that whole "down by contact" thing is ridiculous. If a ref was "compromised", either by money or just favoritism, he could say a runner was down by contact whenever a fumble occurred, thus preventing the play from being reviewed.

The NFL sucks anymore, but what's the alternative for a football fan? College football is stupid due to the lack of a playoff system, and nobody, not even VInce McMahon, can compete by starting another league.

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The NFL wants Seattle and Indy in the Super Bowl.

Uh-huh. Let's think about this for about two seconds.

The Colts: Did some great things about 35 years ago. Served as accidental accomplices to league embarrassment when Elway refused to play for them. In true gritty smash-mouth fashion, snuck out of Baltimore in the middle of the night in moving vans. Moved to one of the smallest NFL markets in the entire country, where they play perennial second fiddle to the exciting sport of driving winged cars in a circle. Currently play in the smallest stadium in the NFL, second in suckitude only to the uninhabitable Superdome. Threaten to move about every three years. Have a hotshot QB who just can't get the job done when it's all on the line. The last image you see of Peyton Manning every year is that classic shot of him shuffling over to the sidelines, shaking his head like a frustrated third-grader as his team loses the big game. Again.

The Seahawks: Here is the team nobody in the country cares about, ignored by NFL fans all year despite the networks' best efforts to talk them up. Have one of the most pathetic national followings in the NFL. There are more Saints fans around the country, for crying out loud. Have a spiffy, loud stadium, located in the very last city that comes to mind when you make a mental list of NFL towns. Play perennial second fiddle to the sports of coding software and sipping overpriced coffee. One of maybe three teams that could literally just disappear and nobody would notice until they failed to show up for a game.

If anything, the NFL is dreading the very notion of the Seahawks showing up to represent the NFC. And the Colts, while fielding perhaps the best team the league right now, are still pretty low on the NFL old-timers' list of favorites.

Why, exactly, would anyone expect the NFL to take any deliberate steps to put either of these teams in the Super Bowl? It would be better for the league to try and keep them out.

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The NFL wants Seattle and Indy in the Super Bowl.

Uh-huh. Let's think about this for about two seconds.

The Colts: Did some great things about 35 years ago. Served as accidental accomplices to league embarrassment when Elway refused to play for them. In true gritty smash-mouth fashion, snuck out of Baltimore in the middle of the night in moving vans. Moved to one of the smallest NFL markets in the entire country, where they play perennial second fiddle to the exciting sport of driving winged cars in a circle. Currently play in the smallest stadium in the NFL, second in suckitude only to the uninhabitable Superdome. Threaten to move about every three years. Have a hotshot QB who just can't get the job done when it's all on the line. The last image you see of Peyton Manning every year is that classic shot of him shuffling over to the sidelines, shaking his head like a frustrated third-grader as his team loses the big game. Again.

The Seahawks: Here is the team nobody in the country cares about, ignored by NFL fans all year despite the networks' best efforts to talk them up. Have one of the most pathetic national followings in the NFL. There are more Saints fans around the country, for crying out loud. Have a spiffy, loud stadium, located in the very last city that comes to mind when you make a mental list of NFL towns. Play perennial second fiddle to the sports of coding software and sipping overpriced coffee. One of maybe three teams that could literally just disappear and nobody would notice until they failed to show up for a game.

If anything, the NFL is dreading the very notion of the Seahawks showing up to represent the NFC. And the Colts, while fielding perhaps the best team the league right now, are still pretty low on the NFL old-timers' list of favorites.

Why, exactly, would anyone expect the NFL to take any deliberate steps to put either of these teams in the Super Bowl? It would be better for the league to try and keep them out.

Ummmm ok. Look at the media coverage.... And I say these 2 teams because they want the league MVP and the team that they thought was going 16-0 who has the most loved media QB in the game. Thats why I say that.

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The NFL wants Seattle and Indy in the Super Bowl.

Uh-huh. Let's think about this for about two seconds.

The Colts: Did some great things about 35 years ago. Served as accidental accomplices to league embarrassment when Elway refused to play for them. In true gritty smash-mouth fashion, snuck out of Baltimore in the middle of the night in moving vans. Moved to one of the smallest NFL markets in the entire country, where they play perennial second fiddle to the exciting sport of driving winged cars in a circle. Currently play in the smallest stadium in the NFL, second in suckitude only to the uninhabitable Superdome. Threaten to move about every three years. Have a hotshot QB who just can't get the job done when it's all on the line. The last image you see of Peyton Manning every year is that classic shot of him shuffling over to the sidelines, shaking his head like a frustrated third-grader as his team loses the big game. Again.

The Seahawks: Here is the team nobody in the country cares about, ignored by NFL fans all year despite the networks' best efforts to talk them up. Have one of the most pathetic national followings in the NFL. There are more Saints fans around the country, for crying out loud. Have a spiffy, loud stadium, located in the very last city that comes to mind when you make a mental list of NFL towns. Play perennial second fiddle to the sports of coding software and sipping overpriced coffee. One of maybe three teams that could literally just disappear and nobody would notice until they failed to show up for a game.

If anything, the NFL is dreading the very notion of the Seahawks showing up to represent the NFC. And the Colts, while fielding perhaps the best team the league right now, are still pretty low on the NFL old-timers' list of favorites.

Why, exactly, would anyone expect the NFL to take any deliberate steps to put either of these teams in the Super Bowl? It would be better for the league to try and keep them out.

Hey pal you still think that there is not some sort of biased for the Colts after that insane call on the Pitt interception call? Granted the Steelers won but they almost had it stolen from them.

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Ohh and before anyone says it Ill say it for you. But Flask1ns fan I thought you said you were not gonna watch any more playoff games?

I'm not, I saw the replay on it on ESPN news and read about it on the internet.

I am still not watching any more games till the skins play next year


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