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Taylor Jacobs- This is Your Chance- show us something


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He came from U of Fla. and played for Spurrier in college and pros until Coach Gibbs got here. That says it all. He'll be in the Arena League next year-oh yea, you have to play both ways in that league...guess he'll be selling used cars in Gainesville.

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I think he has confidence issues that make him underperform on Sundays. Additionally, he could not have gotten hurt at a worse time this preseason..... essentially guaranteeing he wouldn't develop a repoire with the quarterbacks or their trust that he'd be where he was supposed to be.

Drops the first pass thrown at him today.... than catches a crossing route and immediately gets down and out of harms way. Finally, he gets ill and has to be pulled from the game.

I think the experiment is over..... or.... he'll get TC and preseason to prove he can stay healthy and develop a repoire with Brunell or Campbell. If he catches the injury bug in TC or Preseason....he's a SURE CUT.

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I would agree its time for Taylor to move on... Nice knowing you kid but you are paid to CATCH balls and avoid tackles. Not doing either will get you fired. :ciao:

Oh an I was a Taylor Jacobs apologist up until two weeks ago... :(

I was also willing to give him every chance too, but it doesn't seem as though it's going to work out.

Springs says no one can cover him in practice? - It could be true, but maybe he gets rattled in front of the crowd:whoknows:

I'd like to see us get either Brandon Lloyd, Moulds or Antonio Bryant to put next to Moss then allow Patten to go back to being #3 and good old Thrash at #4 and special teams ace.

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with as few balls that have been thrown his way, I don't think anyone that isn't in Redskins Park knows whether it's mostly Taylor's fault or not that he's not getting the ball.

I agree with this. Everyone has jitters, but Mark rarely ever looked his way. It was always to Moss.

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