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History is against us


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I'm sorry to say fellow skins fans, but if the skins pull of a win tomorrow in Seattle, it will be the first time ever (since the league went to the current playoff format in 1990) that a #1 seed lost the first playoff game.. that's right, #1 seeds are 15-0 since 1990!!

I guess what i'm saying is don't be to pumped up for this game, or you might be depressed if you lose. :(

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I'm sorry to say fellow skins fans, but if the skins pull of a win tomorrow in Seattle, it will be the first time ever (since the league went to the current playoff format in 1990) that a #1 seed lost the first playoff game.. that's right, #1 seeds are 15-0 since 1990!!

I guess what i'm saying is don't be to pumped up for this game, or you might be depressed if you lose. :(

history said, we couldn't beat the cowgirls, BUT we did....TWICE, when was the last time we did that? Anyhow I never cared much for history...did you? IF we don't win saturday, just having a season where we beat the cowboys and the eagle's weren't on top is enough for me.

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I'm sorry to say fellow skins fans, but if the skins pull of a win tomorrow in Seattle, it will be the first time ever (since the league went to the current playoff format in 1990) that a #1 seed lost the first playoff game.. that's right, #1 seeds are 15-0 since 1990!!

I guess what i'm saying is don't be to pumped up for this game, or you might be depressed if you lose. :(

I got a muk you can kiss. :silly:

Streaks were made to be broken, bro'.

If there was ever a #6 seed that can beat the #1 seed, it is this year with the Redskins playing the Seahawks.


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"History" won't be playing on Saturday. Throw out the stats. Forget the weather, or having to fly 3,000 miles. Ignore the previous game. It's all meaningless.

In the playoffs, everyone will be playing their best football ever.

For both these teams, this is the first taste of the playoffs in a long, long time. Neither one wants to bow out now. History won't have nothing to do with it.

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AGAIN with this tired BS??? when will you freakin trolls learn, we BELIEVE in our team. you cannot come here and discourage us. and dont give me the "im really a Skins fan" crap. you went from "history is against US" to "you might be depresed if YOU lose" you are not even good at being a douchbag troll. now piss off.

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I'm sorry to say fellow skins fans, but if the skins pull of a win tomorrow in Seattle, it will be the first time ever (since the league went to the current playoff format in 1990) that a #1 seed lost the first playoff game.. that's right, #1 seeds are 15-0 since 1990!!

I guess what i'm saying is don't be to pumped up for this game, or you might be depressed if you lose. :(

Can we say.... troll??

How many of those faced the 2005-2006 Redskins??? None. The history doesn't matter for this game... unless you want to talk about SB's trophies :)

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History also told us that both #6 seeds couldnt win their 1st round games in the same year. It had happened 0 times in the 15 years of the 6 team per conference playoff system.

But guess what? We won. The Steelers won. And history didnt make a single tackle for the opposition.

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I heard another stat. Since 2000, 8 divisionals have been rematches of regular season games. In all 8 games the team that won the regular season won the playoff game.

This was brought up because all of this weekends games are rematches. In which Chicago, Washington, Denver and Indy all won. These happen to be my picks this weekend.

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History, shmistory...Parcells WAS 77-0 when leading at the end of the 3rd quarter...now he's 77-1...no way the Redskins could win 5 in a row to make the playoffs...but here we are...don't pay attention to the #6 seed stuff, anyway...we are more like the #2 seed...we just got whored out on a couple of piss poor calls in Week 10 at Tampa.

Redskins 27

Seahawks 21


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