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Cold Pizza: Woody selects Gibbs as #1 Coach


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Skip is really the only espn "expert" that has sat up & took notice of the Skins. He's said all along that we'd be hell-on-wheels in the playoffs.

...and that scares the hell out of me honestly.

He's been on the Redskins train since the start of the winning streak, actually saying a lot of things that I totally agree with.

Its scary because I used to think he was dumber than Woody and just plain-out got on my nerves. Nowadays, its completely opposite. I wonder if the production crew makes them switch roles or something.

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Woody is funny but i cant respect his comments. The only reason Bayless deserves any credit is because he has had the skins back for a while now.

I know that woodrow is supposed to be the comic relief -- but I just don't see it. He just comes off as totally clueless. He constantly gets facts and names wrong and when it is brought to his attention on the show he just says "whatever". If only we could all have such an attitude in our professional lives....

The guy is a moron and does nothing to entertain - and obviously nothing to enlighten - me.

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Woody is funny but i cant respect his comments. The only reason Bayless deserves any credit is because he has had the skins back for a while now.

Yeah, I feel the same. Woody has picked wrong on everything else, I can't believe that all of a sudden he has seen the light and actually understands football.

I'm just gonna put this in that pile of one-liners that sound great, but aren't backed by any good lyrics.

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