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What is a bigger problem???


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D-line...Mike McMahan was tearing us up for a while for gods sake...but both positions should be looked at extremely hard in the offseason/draft.

true but mcmahon is pretty mobile and our secondary was banged up. i put it to circumstance more than the boys on the line.

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Lack of talent on the defensive line

Lack of talent in the WR corps

Honestly, I would say both are problems of the same magnitude. I say this because we have seemed to get by on both fronts.

Daniels hot streak the last 6 weeks and the play of Santana Moss have masked these problems.

Wynn probably needs to be upgraded and we need to add for depth.

We should go out and get 2 WRs too to have a corps of Moss, 1st signed UFA, Patten, Thrash, Jacobs, and 2nd signed UFA/rookie

I would like to see the 2nd guy double as our return guy as well.

Something like this would work:

Moss, Jurevicius, Patten, Thrash, Jacobs, Andre Davis.

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I'd say our lack of a true #2 receiver is our biggest problem. The D-line has been doing pretty well as of late, but I don't know how long we can keep springing Moss lose while he's our only threat on the outside. I expect that in the playoffs we'll see teams stack the line and double Moss, daring our other WRs and Cooley to beat them. I'd like to see us get a bigger wideout that can go over the middle and occupy the safeties so that Moss can get free on the outside.

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Our team strength is D and a brutal running game. So why not address our weakest link on our strongest side of the ball. Moss and Cooley give us just enough to get by but adding a pass rusher at DE or another penetrating DT would completely overwhelm any offense we face, similar to the 85 Bears, 87 Gnats, and 01 Ratbirds.

But the beauty is we have a owner willing to get Gibbs both needs so this is really a mute point.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Our D-line has excellent talent(Dallas Game, anybody?)... thing is thats the problem, is the consistency, and that part has to do with discipline which in tunr you could probably say its a coaching problem.

I personally think the secondary could use some help, they let some big plays in the begininng of the season, but theyved tightened up over the past few weeks, so its not really a problem.

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Although they've looked pretty good the last few weeks, I would have to say D-line. How many times in the earlier parts of the season did we see the D-line simply get hung up on blocks and come nowhere near the opposing QB? I would like to believe that Daniels et al. will continue on this tear but for now I have to believe that their whole-season performance is the true indicator of their ability, and that they just aren't an elite line. I like 'em all, but would love to have a big, double-digit sack guy. That would take pressure off the DBs. Then, as someone said, we would have a truly suffocating, all-time-great type of defense. As it is, we have a very solid D that I'm very happy with.

But a suffocating D, plus the solid O we've developed, would be a force to be reckoned with.

Also factoring into this is my belief that Patton et al. cannot continue to be completely ineffective next season. They have to be able to do *something*, for crying out loud.

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D-line...Mike McMahan was tearing us up for a while for gods sake...but both positions should be looked at extremely hard in the offseason/draft.

Williams this week said that the reason we were getting beat on defense in the first half was because our guys were too excited and overcommiting. Can't remember where I read it though, sorry. Basically, our guys were too determined to stuff it down the Beagle's throats, and wound up allowing them to make us look bad. That's why we dominated the 2nd half, after calming down some.

Then again, that could've just been his answer to not make anyone look bad...

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Those are certainly the two biggest issues this team faces this offseason.

I think a legitimate #2 WR should be priority #1, however.

That would be nice but lets just reflect for a moment. As I have pointed out on another thread on this subject we are a running team - we probably average about 25 pass attempts per game. This year we completed just under 60% of these attempts - say 16 completions per game.

Moss figures to get say 7 of these and Cooley say 5. Thats 12. That leaves a grand total of about 4 completions for your complementary receiver, RB's and other other TE's. Difficult for any 2nd or 3rd WR to put up numbers in this system and certainly not worth throwing cap space at.

Of course if we had better depth at receiver the completion percentage might go up - but only by a couple of balls per game.

I do think we need a revamp at WR - Jacobs had his shot and did squat and so should be replaced but it is not a major concern.

I'd invest in an upgrade at DE over Wynn (who I would keep for depth) and look to add a quality nickle corner.

If you accept that we probably are going to trade Ramsey (I think he will want a shot at starting and will ask to be moved on) we need a vet to compete with Campbell for the backup role.

Plus can we get a punter who does not need a 20 yard roll to net 40 yards please.

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