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Hi to everyone in the Redskins organisation from here in England!

I have been a die hard skin fan since 1982 and I am SO TOTALLY PROUD of the way the team has performed over the past month!

I saw my beloved skins in THE FLESH, for the first time at the Tampa Bay Stadium in early November. The game was AWESOME and I think there were quite a few home decisions in the game. I met loads of Redskin fans from Washington - it was great to meet my Redskin brothers & sisters. The wild card playoff game IS THERE TO BE WON! You CAN DO IT SKINS! TAMPA SUCK ASS! DONT BE SCARED OF THEM - GO AND GIVE THEM REDSKIN BLOOD! DO IT FOR ME! I got a lot of abuse from those Tampa fans after the game in WK10 - who didn't know I was from England. GO GIVE IT EM BOYS!

I would like to congratulate the whole team and in particular, Coach Joe Gibbs (the man is a winner and always will be), Mark Brunel - who showed REAL f*ckin guts - Santana Moss - who had a KICK ASS game against the Eagles, Clinton Portis - who is simply the best, underated RB in the league - and to the whole of the offensive line, the special teams - and the defense - MAN! You guys played superb!

I watched the Eagles game last night - it was gone midnight here, when you stuck it to them Eagles. I was SO VERY PROUD. That 4th Quarter was electric!

I've yet to see the Skins at Fedex field - I'd like to have seen them at RFK, but I didnt have the money then!

On a controversial note - I hope the Redskins organisation has the sense to sort out the Lavar Arrington situtation - he is one cool player. I also think the Defense were superb against the Eagles last night - Ryan Clark was awesome! The number of turnovers... keep that up and you may go all the way!

Ahhh... the playoffs...the first time since 1999. I am SO HAPPY! Go stick it to em boys.... God Bless to all in the USA. I will be watching Saturday. Kick off time here in England is 9.30PM. I'll get me pringles in, stick my Redskin hat on - which has a flashing light (I got it in Florida for the game in November) - and crack open some Buds!

Regards, William. PS - any skins fans who want to email me - feel free to do so: William1970@tiscali.co.uk.

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Thats great. Im in Ipswich, Suffolk... been a skins fan since 83. This is big for us in the UK. So many fans from the 80's who grew up loving the skins. And to say we knocked out the Cowboys, it couldn't be sweeter!!!

Team, we love you here in the UK!!!!

So proud!

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I've been a Redskins fan since 1985 but stopped watching the NFL in the mid nineties when they stopped coverage on Channel 4. I got back into the game when I first got Sky TV, this was the year the Patrots beat the Rams in the Superbowl. As we all know the Redskins really struggled but there was know way I could support another team. So I suffered like the rest of you under coach Spurrier and there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

That was until the great man returned and turned it all around. To come back into the game after so long and turn a struggling franchise into a playoff team inside 2 years is a massive acheivment. I am so proud to be a Redskins fan today, I just wish I could be there with you all in Washington celebrating. The strangest thing about being a Redskins fan in the UK is times like this, you are on top of the world but nobody undestands why and there is nobody else to celebrate with.

Finally although I have given a lot of respect to Joe Gibbs, I would just like to congratulate the players on a wonderful acheivment. Can't wait until next week.

Hail to the Redskins

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I guess as an aussie I will have to get in here, first, I too am an Arsenal supporter and I follow rugby league St George Illawarra in Australia, I have followed the skins since the mid 70s I think, My best ever player is Daryl Green and Dave Butts. I have not seen the Eagles game yet hope to catch it on replay later in the week. Do you find Skins gear hard to get in england, impossible in australia...still lets beat the buccs this week and just keep winning....love that Gibbskin football.

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Another brit redskins fan here and loving the way the team have played this year.

I'm from Washington, England (its a small town way up in the north-east near Newcastle, and the home of George Washington's family).

Been a fan for years but never had the cash or opportunity to see them live.

Just like to congratulate all the amazing Skins fans who've made some incredible noise at the Fed-Ex and pushed the team on this season, as well as the posters on this great site.

Can't wait for Tampa, my boss is a big Skins fan ;)

C'mon the Skins!


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