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Don Banks blasts LaVar Arrington...


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Nice timing, LaVar Arrington. If you weren't already persona non grata within the organization, you are now. Holding court on your future during the week leading up to the Redskins' biggest game since 1999 is exactly why you're considered part of the problem rather than part of the answer in D.C. Arrington has waited six seasons to play for a postseason berth, and he picks this week to make it all about him.

Say what you will about Banks but he's always recognized that Arrington seemingly wants Redskins games to be the "LaVar Show"....

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Guest skinsmatic

Actually, Don Banks is the problem here. He's trying to make Arrington, the story. Is that the best he can say about the skins is Arrington is concerned he might not be here next year. Don't believe the hype Banks wants story to be Arrnington then si won't have to explain to the readers how they could be so wrong about the Redskins. How SI tell us how they picked wrong again as usual. Nothing new to report as usual

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He hit the nail on the head with this one. Why on earth would Arrington have a reporter over to his house THIS WEEK, of all times, to vent about hits "unfair treatment". What a loser. Get him outta here! I say sit his rump on the bench for the entire game against the Eagles or let him play only on special teams.

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He hit the nail on the head with this one. Why on earth would Arrington have a reporter over to his house THIS WEEK, of all times, to vent about hits "unfair treatment". What a loser. Get him outta here! I say sit his rump on the bench for the entire game against the Eagles or let him play only on special teams.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
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He hit the nail on the head with this one. Why on earth would Arrington have a reporter over to his house THIS WEEK, of all times, to vent about hits "unfair treatment".

Then he turns around and acts suprised that the reporter released the story right away. Did he really think the reporter would wait til after the season to release the story?

If he and the organization settle everything and he ultimately stays, I really hope he's not allowed to talk to the press. Didn't Coughlin do that with Shockey?

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Actually, Don Banks is the problem here. He's trying to make Arrington, the story. Is that the best he can say about the skins is Arrington is concerned he might not be here next year. Don't believe the hype Banks wants story to be Arrnington then si won't have to explain to the readers how they could be so wrong about the Redskins. How SI tell us how they picked wrong again as usual. Nothing new to report as usual


This story was already splashed all over the place. Gibbs even addressed it. It was even highlighted on the NFL Network. Banks did not make the story, Arrington did. Extremely poor decision (like many others) on Arrington's part. He has something in common with Dexter Manley. HUGE talent and MINISCULE brain. He has shown these characteristics over and over and over.

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Lavar is the one who effed up.

Even on the Redskins report last week George Michaels slammed lavar for biting the head off of the female reporter in the post cowpoke vistory.

Instead of sniveling he could have went the classy happy to be a part of the organization route and then make himself marketable in the post season

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As disappointing as it has been to see stories in the local papers this week, having the National media pick up this story strikes me as "piling on."

When was the first, last, or any time this season the national media has given the 'Skins a second thought???....unless it was to say they were NOT going to make the playoffs when they were 3-0.......OR, do pronounce them dead & buried when they were 5-6.

What's the line from that stupid Charlie Daniel's song:

"Every now & then we may get to fightin' amongst ourselves,

But you outside people best leave us alone!"



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What's a "Don Banks" anyway?

Hey, I think ALL sides mishandled everything "LaVar", not just LaVar. Personally, I think that SOME player AGENTS should be firing-squaded for their roles in screwing-up train wrecks [LaVar's contract issues], and some Billionaires ought to buy some Miss Manners lessons on the side. Snyder doesn't NEED to be a butthead to win ... see "Joe Gibbs" for instance, and take some lessons in class Danny. Sheez. ;-)

The story that I agree with is the one in the WaPo by UnWise Mike.

"A Dishonorable Discharge" Friday, December 30, 2005; Page E01.

And again, what is a "Don Banks"?

As for the Washington Times ... why would anyone read a rag published by Sung-Yuck-Moon, anyway? Gimmie a break. The Washington Times is fish-wrap at best. T.P. most of the "Times".

I'm 53 and a 'skins fan since birth, it's a family thing ... grew up in Rockville, I now live in Portland, Oregon and have even gone to support the 'skins in hostile stadiums, carrying a boom box with "Hail-To-The-Redskins", turned it up full blast and held it over my head every time the 'skins score ... so I AM a FAN. And IF I were into tattoos {which I'm not] "Redskins" is the only thing I'd ever consider having emblazoned upon my rump.

BUT, that said ... assistant coach Dale Lindsey was just as dumb as LaVar in that locker room incident, maybe more so. A COACH, any coach, should be even more atuned to the significance of the current environment (prep for Philly) as the players. AND, a COACH should have enough savvy to know how to get the most out of EACH of the various personality types on a team ... do any of US really believe that lambasting LaVar for some PAST [it's in the past the minute the final whistle blows] misscues on the field is gonna motivate an egomanic to play harder in the coming crucial game? I mean, especially a dressing down in the locker room? WTF is that? I HOPE that Coach Gibbs had a word with his position coaching assistant ... but, Joe being the CLASS act that he is, will never reveal if he does (unlike some obviously LESSER coaches).

Tell ya sumptin' else to think about ... we're down one strong contributor in the LB corp already ... and the Eagles play nasty ... if LaVar is forced into long minutes in Philly, and makes ANY significant contribution to a victory, all his critics will be kissing his ring by Sunday nite. Don't even try tellin' me otherwise. Ego or no ego.

And another thing ... emotional players like LaVar have loooong memories ... and if anyone on this board truly believes that LaVar is done in the NFL, or that he isn't a quality talent [perhaps in a diff system] ... they're nuts. Do we REALLY want to give this guy any ADDED incentive to want to hit any of his former teammates with any EXTRA venom when we will surely meet Mr. Arrington again??? HELLO???

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Over the years the Redskins have paid LaVar Arrington what some teams paid their entire linebacking corps en route to the Super Bowl :mad:

don't feel sorry for this guy. he got almost everything he wanted here, including lifetime security financially.

what he didn't get in the end was every single penny he wanted to shake out of the organization.

that $6.5 million bonus in 2006 if paid by the team would cripple this team's ability to bring in any name players to help this team improve for 2007.

evidently, $16 million plus the opportunity to be on a winning team wasn't enough for Arrington to make peace.

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I'm sure Levar didnt intend ,... But when you have idiot reporters... And we are talking about the Wash Times..... lol

Sounds like Levar was just talking about the business side of football and he knows its all about business... We have heard this before about his cap hits and so on.... It Business...

The reporters are reporters. mostly idiots.... that cant write.....

I do agree he shoulnt be talking to anyone this week unless its about the Eagles..

Actually, Don Banks is the problem here. He's trying to make Arrington, the story. Is that the best he can say about the skins is Arrington is concerned he might not be here next year. Don't believe the hype Banks wants story to be Arrnington then si won't have to explain to the readers how they could be so wrong about the Redskins. How SI tell us how they picked wrong again as usual. Nothing new to report as usual
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Actually, Don Banks is the problem here. He's trying to make Arrington, the story. Is that the best he can say about the skins is Arrington is concerned he might not be here next year. Don't believe the hype Banks wants story to be Arrnington then si won't have to explain to the readers how they could be so wrong about the Redskins. How SI tell us how they picked wrong again as usual. Nothing new to report as usual

I think you're on the right track.

This whole LaVar thing is a non-story, especially right now. I am MUCH more concerned about who is going to be our QB on Sunday than I am about who is going to be our starting OLB in 2006.

But in a (currently) 4-game winning streak which has brought the Redskins back from the dead and to the forefront of the playoff race, the national media has found something negative they can say about the team. About how this is going to be a distraction (talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy...the more they talk about it being a distraction, the more it is a distraction...if they shut up about it and concentrated on Sunday's games, it would cease to be a distraction!). So onto the bandwagon hop Don Banks, Lenny P, et al. The only thing I want Don Banks to say about the Redskins is, "I'm sorry I called the Redskins the worst 3-0 team in NFL history. I obviously don't know a football from a foosball and I promise to never set anything to paper again."

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