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It's (almost) Official: Playing Brunell was a Mistake


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I already gave you your rebuttal but you did not notice it. If the defense were playing at the same level this year as last year we would be 8-3 with Brunell as the starter. Take a FG and half off every opponents score this year and you can see the story. 8-3 would be good enough to lead our division. In fact, by virtue of tie breaks and what not I am pretty sure it would put us in a position for a first round bye in the playoffs and hosting a second round game at FedEx.

There is your rebuttal. This defense is not stopping people when it has to.

Forget about it, Neophyte. AJ isn't really interested in rebuttals, he is interested in trying to hammer his point home with falsehoods and the same old, tired arguments.

He said most people didn't think much of Campbell, which is a lie. I called him on it, but got nothing.

He then said the entire NFL thinks that the Ramsey decision is the correct one, which when I challenged him he promptly put me on his ignore list.

Not to mention one of his main points is:

It's both. Like I said, Gibbs had a plan in the offseason with Ramsey, the new receivers, and Musgrave to open up the offense, and he scrapped it in week one.

Which anyone with eyeballs who has seen a Skins game can tell is you is blatantly false. The offense is clearly more open than it has EVER been under Gibbs. Yet AJ will continue to argue that it is not.

AJ lies, and refuses to see any POV other than his own. So everyone, please stop trying to convince him, you're wasting your own time.

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Lets blame Brunell dispite his impressve QB rating. Forget blaming defence, lack of running game, penlties, dropped balls, etc.

Maybe a day late and dollar short but, if you add his fumbles lost (QB league high of 5) to his Passer rating (fumble or interception, it's all the same and should be included) it wouldn't be nearly as impressive as it may appear now. The passer rating is mearly smoke and mirrors.

If the Skins don't make the playoffs, We wasted the year on a QB who we all no has a very limited future here in Washington. All we did was further destory what could of been a very good QB (Ramsey) and left the QB position even more riddled with questions. Ramsey had an interception problem, Brunell eats buttered popcorn on the sidelines.. what's the difference?

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I just kind of skipped through this huge thread, and so forgive me if this has already been posted - Brunnell is statistically a top 10 QB this season and has been in the top 5 a few times. Hardly a mistake. Remember, Brunnell (outside of a few audibles and ad hoc changes in the middle of a play) does not call the play. This is Gibbs & Co.'s pile of sh** to clean up.

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A.J. It's so easy to come out of the wood works now. For like seven games we did not hear a peep out of you. This season still ain't over. ***** all you want about Ramsey not playing, he's a goner dude. It will be Mark and Campbell next year.

The problem with this team is a far too conservative approach in the fourth quarter. Gibbs would be doing the same thing with Ramsey as well. Plus, Pat takes more sacks then Mark.

We've lost games as a team, because of a lot of things and more conservative play calling in the fourth quarter -- and that rest with Gibbs.

Sure Mark could have led us to a game winning field goal in the Tampa and Raider game and didn't. But, has Ramsey ever brought this team back. I don't remember any games he's played. (You acts as if he's never played.) I'm talking the game winning field goal. No, he hasn't.

He had chance against the Eagles last year and threw a pick.

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i dont think it was a mistake because we won our first 3 games. brunell has made a run at almost every loss we have had. the fact that he has come up short on everyone makes me dissapointed but i think i would take brunell over ramsey. WHo to start next year is another story

i dont think ramsey would of lost by over 30 to the gmen,

and look at the last 2 years worth of games... there is really only 2 or 3 games that we lost by more than a score, regardless of who was our qb

brunell doesnt take alot of chances, well.. ne never really takes chances...

when you HAVE to BELIVE in you receivers to make the big play, regardless if they suck or not, its better than a f#cked up 4th down when it could of been the game winning drive.


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You are telling me that Patrick Ramsey had the potential to have 30 touchdowns at this point in the season. If that is seriously your contention, you need your head examined.

The lack of rushing touchdowns have more to do with the amount of Brunell's TD's than how well he is playing. It's easy to get fooled by looking at his numbers.

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I'm not a giant fan of Brunell and had the Ramsey Picture in my posts till he got benched... But:

Brunell is NOT the problem.

Playing a zoned defense that is 12yds off the receiver is the problem.

Dropping interceptions is the problem.

Letting the long run due to the zone over and over again is the problem.

Royal's brick hands are a problem, Walt Harris WAS a problem.

Patten was a problem 2nd stringer...

Brunell plays well enough to win over and over again just based on 4th quarter leads.

Then the play-calling turns so conservative its we have 1 person running around with 5 defenders...

There's a plethora of reasons why we lost the last 3.

Brunell not one of them!

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Brunell shuts down in the second half, and is HORRIBLE in the 4th quarter. Sorry but Ramsey moves the ball, especially when we need him to, cant say the same about Brunell.

Ramsey moves the ball? Are you talking about Patrick Ramsey or some other Ramsey? All Patrick Ramsey does is throw the ball to the other team. We wouldn't have even won 5 games with Patrick at QB.

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Our defence has allowed 10 point leads to evaporate late in the past 2 games.

Lets blame Brunell dispite his impressve QB rating. Forget blaming defence, lack of running game, penlties, dropped balls, etc.

There is like 20million threads just like this. Instead of starting a new one, how bout responding to another?


Sure, lets blame it on the defence that is on the field for 50 minutes in a 60 minute game because BRUNNEL cannot complete passes, BRUNNEL cannot move around the pocket, BRUNNEL can only throw 5 yard passes when it is 3rd and 9, BRUNNEL cant seem to read the defence.


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Sure, lets blame it on the defence that is on the field for 50 minutes in a 60 minute game because BRUNNEL cannot complete passes, BRUNNEL cannot move around the pocket, BRUNNEL can only throw 5 yard passes when it is 3rd and 9, BRUNNEL cant seem to read the defence.

Calm down son. Take a break and go look up some facts before you just run off at the mouth. The Skins are averaging nearly 31 and a half minutes a game in the TOP catagory which means our defense is on the field less than half the game. Less than half. This was an easy one to look up.

Brunnell did not seem to have any problems reading the defense yesterday. However, reading a defense and having an open receiver are too different things. Then, of course, the open man has to catch the ball when it is thrown to him. His numbers yesterday were not bad. He went 17 of 27 for 194. That is almost 11.5 per completion and still over 7 per attempt. He had no INTs and at least 4 dropped balls by my count, at least two of which would have gone for 1st downs that would have sustained drives and taken time off the clock.

No, Gibbs play calling and Brunell's skills are not the issue here.

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Where were all you guys in week 2 and 3?! During that time I thought I was the only one left that thought a bad decision had been made. But everyone was so blinded. I refuse to believe that you guys have always felt this way about Brunell. You guys are flip flopping more than a fish out of water. It wasn't always Brunells fault when we lost, but he should only be a backup.

And another thing I hope people don't blame SD lost on the defense. We only scored 17 points another touch down or even 3 points earlier we would have won.

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"And another thing I hope people don't blame SD lost on the defense. We only scored 17 points another touch down or even 3 points earlier we would have won."

uh huh. there were numerous causes...but the burden, fair or not, was on the defense.....and they did not protect the lead at the end of the game. the point is that neither the offernse nor the defense stepped up when it counted.....but the defense could have settled the outcome EVEN WHEN THE OFFENSE SPUTTERED. 17-10 is no different from 27-20. there is no debate if LT doesn't have two long runs through a porous run defense. end of story.

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All this "blame game" talk is pathetic and quite frankly childish. All of you who want to blame Brunell, or Gibbs, or the defense are ignorant souls who dont know sh#$% about football. There wasn't one specific player that cost us this game, the entire team lost the game. We got beat by a very good Charger team this week and the Redskins played better than most of us expected. We had many chances to win this game but the charges came through in the end. Once we find a way to close out games then we will be a great team, right night we are just a good team.

Let me tell ya', it hurts like hell losing games like this, and its been hurting for 12 years now. But the "blame game" makes losing worse, and sure as hell wont get you wins. The reason we have been so competitive in 5 of the 6 losses and won 5 games thus far is soley because of this team assembled.

So if ya wanna blame somebody, blame youselves for not making it to the NFL and being the difference the team needs in getting a win...

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I'd prefer an interception down field. What's the worst that could happen?

Oh, nothing except the possibility of a long return for a TOUCHDOWN!! Sheesh....ANYTHING can happen on an interception. Then you'll be saying Brunell shouldn't have forced it into coverage. Damned if you do....Damned if you don't

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"So if ya wanna blame somebody, blame youselves for not making it to the NFL and being the difference the team needs in getting a win..."

NEXT. :doh:

fansince62.... More like frontrunnersince62


When you find out what a "front runner" is come and talk to me buddy...

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Can we all just admit now that if we miss the playoffs, playing Brunell was a mistake, or is there still some kind of homeristic rationalization lurking out there?

Maybe you should get a clue. I was hoping Ramsey was going to take advantage of the opportunity as well, but it was clear that he was lacking confidence in leading the offense. He was so unsure of himself that the defenders appeared to be his favorite target. Brunell gave us the spark we needed. The real problem this year has been the defense.

The most recent mistake made by the coaching staff though, has been the release of Lenny Friedman. Royal should have been released instead. If Royal is still with the team next week, I'm really gonna be wondering what Gibbs is looking at.

It also appears that the players are trying to just sit on a lead. Either that, or they have really gotten themselves out of game shape, as they seem to be running out of gas in the 4th quarter every week on a consistant basis. If so, then maybe they should be forced to run wind sprints after practices, like they do in training camp?

Campbell is the future. If we lose one more game, then our playoff hopes will be dead, so it will be time to start getting Campbell some game experience. It would be a waste to put Ramsey in at this point, because he will probably not want to be here next year.

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