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Do we still have an HONEST chance at the playoffs?


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I know that it is mathmatically possible for us to still make the play-offs, but is our team really up to it. We have to win at LEAST 5 out of the 6 remaining games to have a chance to make it to the playoffs. Considering that we cant beat the Raiders at home with all of the possiblilites in the world to put them away early yet we mess around for 3 quarters and let them back into the game. I pray and hope that we can still make the playoffs but, Honestly, do we still have a chance at the playoffs? Can we run the tables? Or are we going to have another dissapointing collaspe and play meaningless games in December?

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We have to win all of our NFC games to do it. We certainly can complete this task, but will we? Many people say no. I say emphatically YES

Yah we do need to win the NFC games most definitly. I think that the Chargers game will make or break the rest of the games. If we can pick up some momentum with a win next sunday, then we can hopefully run the tables.

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Unfortunatly this seems to be the same song and dance every year around this time. The skins beat themselves out of playoff contention and have to hope and pray for some sort of miracle complicated mathmatical probability that they can squeak by and get into the playoffs and it never happens. Sadly it looks like they are repeating the same process this year too.


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No, it's absolutely over and we need to realize that.

I don't say that out of abject pessimism either. We just aren't that good. We certainly don't deserve to be there. There are plenty of other teams that have played their hearts out this year and belong there ahead of us.

I think the sooner we open our eyes to what this team is, and forget about our expectations, the sooner we can come to grips with these losses.

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WOW. I can not believe all the negativity here. In every one of the games there are plays that could have gone either way. Balls taking funny bounces to let the opponent recover fumbles, calls that could have gone either way and went against us, and plays that were inches from going our way but did not. This team has the ability to beat anyone in the league.

I plan on watching the Skins beat the Chargeres this weekend.

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I think that the game this week will define this Redskins team. We as fans have called every media personality "mediots" for not giving this team any credit. Well folks, this team has proven the "mediots" right, so far. The games we have won & lost, with the exception of the 49ers & Giants respectively, have come down to the last drive. Yes, we are riddled with injuries and yes, we turn the ball over ALOT, but this team still has the potential and the ability to do it. Although, other Redskins teams in the past have had the potential and ability and squandered it away. Which brings us to the game on Sunday. You have to ask yourself a few questions.

-Will this team solve the turnover issue?

-Will this team be able to put a team away?

-Will this team be able not allow the big play?

-Will this team rise above mediocrity and sieze the oppurtunity?

If after the game we answer yes to ALL of these questions then I can aswer emphatically YES we will run the table and make the playoffs. If we answer no to ANY of these questions I can only answer no.

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Here is the good news: Dallas plays Denver on Turkey Day. Go Broncocs! The Giants travel to Seattle on Sunday. Go Seahawks! We get those 2 losses and handle our business against the Chargers, we are right there. And both those teams come here in December. Not too far out of possible for this to happen...

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Everything is still out there for us to take. However, no one on this board can have any insight on how ready the team is to take those steps.

We'll all just have to wait and see together. One thing that I think will happen is Joe's impact will pop up at some point when we're all least expecting it...I'm just hoping it begins this Sunday.

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Here is the good news: Dallas plays Denver on Turkey Day. Go Broncocs! The Giants travel to Seattle on Sunday. Go Seahawks! We get those 2 losses and handle our business against the Chargers, we are right there. And both those teams come here in December. Not too far out of possible for this to happen...

I am in 100% agreement. When we beat the Giants and Cowboys at home we will have control of the division with the tie breakers. We should win at St Louie and Arizona. This Sunday is the truning point of our season. Start the New Year of right with a defeat of the Eagles to clinich the division!!

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