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Poll: Instant Replay


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Make penalties reviewable. Give each team 2 additional challenges that can be used only for penalties. Same rules as normal challenges...if the challenge fails, that team is charged a time out...except that penalties can be challenged at any time during the game, even inside of the 2 minute warning.

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I agree that a pay reduction should be set in place. But there needs to be guidelines for that first.

It shouldn't be the entire games pay, but more of a per-bad-call basis. The amount should also depend on the seriousness of the call(a bad holding that that affected nothing compared to our 2-pt conversion call).

I really think these things would help keep ref's in check. But they would have to make them FULL-TIME employees of the NFL first.

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I'm in the minority, but I have believed that replay should have been gotten rid of a long time ago. I can't think of how many times the folks at home and in the broadcast booth can see a play clearly one way, but the refs don't see it that way. Yet, the league will say it was a mistake by the refs.

For example, I would be more sympathetic to this past weekends debacle if there was no replay. They were close calls and human error can be allowed. We readily accept the randomness of spotting the ball. But, if you are going to review, getting them wrong as often as they do challenges the integrity of the game. I know some say that getting 60% (random number on my part) of the reviewed calls right is better than none. I disagree, because it means that the refs had a second chance to get a call right and still don't. That is more offensive to me than an error on a split second decision.

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I believe they should take the replays out of the ref's hands and make a replay booth review all challenges like college. Just keep the pro model of 2 challenges per half. I also think that in a situation such as on Sunday where the ball was CLEARLY not in the endzone with as little time left the team on the short end of the stick can protest. Which the league can review and if there is enough evidence overturn the call.

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Fine a ref a games pay for a bad call :doh:

Give the guys a break, they aren't perfect

Yeah...especially when calling the Skins' games.

I say beat them until they admit to making a bad call. Then beat them for 10 more minutes, just for good measure. The beating should be done by the linebackers on the team that got ****ed, and should be wearing boots (cleats to you non rugby-players)

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Yeah...especially when calling the Skins' games.

I say beat them until they admit to making a bad call. Then beat them for 10 more minutes, just for good measure. The beating should be done by the linebackers on the team that got ****ed, and should be wearing boots (cleats to you non rugby-players)

And when you are done beating them, you put one of those "A Clockwork Orange" contraptions on them (the one that holds the eyes open) and make them watch EVERY bogus call that they have made for the entire week leading up to the next game. I bet they won't get those calls wrong again!!!

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And when you are done beating them, you put one of those "A Clockwork Orange" contraptions on them (the one that holds the eyes open) and make them watch EVERY bogus call that they have made for the entire week leading up to the next game. I bet they won't get those calls wrong again!!!

And after that, beat them for another 10 minutes! This time the beating should consist of defensive linemen doing power bombs on the guy (WWE reference???). DL should just jump and land on him!!

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And after that, beat them for another 10 minutes! This time the beating should consist of defensive linemen doing power bombs on the guy (WWE reference???). DL should just jump and land on him!!

Kinda like Spuerfly Jimmy Snuka off the top rope. Then let Warren Sapp, Larry Allen and any other fat A$$ do a Yokozuna splash on 'em!!! They should learn after that!

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I like instant replay, but to watch replays of Alstott's game winning two point coversion makes you just shake your head. There is no evidense whatsoever that the ball crossed the plain of the goal line. The ref who signaled the score should be fined for his stupidity. It was a sad call that cost us a victory. It should cost that ref something too!

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