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We need a DYNAMIC return man


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It seems like every team in the NFL has a young/rookie WR/DB to return punts/kickoffs that have the moves to create space, and the burst to get up the field when the space is there.

I know Antonio Brown was here for that reason, and blew that opportunity, but where in the world has our return specialist been???

We need help on the field position battle, and I really don't think Thrash is the answer. Don't get me wrong, he is solid, but what are the chances he will make 3 people miss, then take it 80 yards to the house?

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I feel what you're saying, awd, but...

Coach Gibbs could care less about a dynamic return man. All he wants is a guy who can catch the ball...AND a guy who will not fumble the ball.

If he gets an occasional long return, that fine. But a killer in any game is a turnover on special teams.


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Yeah, thats true, having reliable guys back there is a must, and I know Rome wasn't built in a day, but since B-Mitch, we haven't done much on the return side of things. I know alot has to do with blocking too, they can't do it by themselves.

With the strong D that we have, getting better field position would be huge.

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I'm no Taylor Jacobs fan, but I wonder how he would do as a return guy. Maybe it's because I always think of him as Jacquez Green part deux. Green was also nearly worthless as a WR, but was an excellent punt returner.

That is a good idea, but would you really trust Jacobs back there? I've seen him drop a few passes that hit him in the hands when he has been used as a WR. That doesn't equate to a good return specialist. Also, the first hit he takes will probably put him on the shelf for 6-10 weeks.

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Having a return guy is a key step in the field possition battle that we have been losing as of late, but I agree with an earlier post, we will get there, its only the 2nd year for Gibbs, and the man hired for the job earlier this year messed up and needed to be fired. His replacement will either be found on the team already or in the offseason after this year.

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Thrash and Betts are surehanded and won't kill us with mistakes..however...last year I was sitting in my seat at the Giants game lamenting how Betts never gives us give field position with a good kick return. That is when he proceeded to run one back for about 80 some yards before he was dragged down short of a TD. That being said....I will say that Thrash has NO BURST at all on returns. It appears that he runs right into a swarm of bodies instead of picking the right hole and kicking it into gear. After he takes one to the house this weekend.....you all can thank me :)

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Yeah, thats true, having reliable guys back there is a must, and I know Rome wasn't built in a day, but since B-Mitch, we haven't done much on the return side of things. I know alot has to do with blocking too, they can't do it by themselves.

With the strong D that we have, getting better field position would be huge.

I could see Thrash taking one to the house real soon. Just as important as who the return man is how they set up the blocking schemes. The blocks have to be there, AND Thrash, or Betts, or Moss has to see the seam and fire through there.

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Awd -

I wonder if the lack of big returns is the result of not having a dynamic return man, or maybe we just have so-so special teams and the seams and holes are not really there. I haven't really looked at it very carefully, so I don't really know the answer.

But in general, I think that it's more about blocking. It seems to me that most big runbacks occur when the returner hits a seam and is off to the races. It's pretty rare (see Dante Hall) that you see a returner get a big runback when he's making a bunch of moves and making people miss.

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