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Run defence


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Is our run defence worse then last year or what? We did pretty well against holmes, and alexander as they did better on screens then actuall running plays.

However, we let Tatum Bell pretty much own us. Im a lil nervous about facing LT and Cadillac.

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Pretty much own us? He had 2 good runs. Thats it. Besides that, he did very little.

LT scares everyone.

Hes not known as one of the best runners in the league, yet it seems hes had the best results against our D as of yet. Im not sure of his yds total, but I know it didnt help our defensive stats any.

Also how many games has portis had like that, against not as good Ds as were suppose to be?

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I thought cadillac would be back to starter the week we play them.

but he is also "the future of tampa" and injuries dont heal overnight, he's still a rookie, even if he's playing, he's gonna be worried and favoring that injury. Not to mention, unless Rattay comes in and blows it up, we will be defending the run, Rattay will only have had 3 weeks to prep, AND we will have springs back, therefore we can defend the run a little more

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his game aginst denver wasnt bad, and against chicago was real good..both of those D's are respectable if not really good. i think we can stop the run with cadillac..not sure bout LT cuz nobody can stop him. but im more worried about the screens and the pitch outs (i know they count as runs.) than i am anything else.

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No. Our defense is worse this year is every phase of the game.

that is like saying you are less strong then GOD, dude, we had an AMAZING defense last year, i'm tired of people gettin pissed and talkin about our defense so negatively....you guys dont look at stats do you? STATISTICALLY we are a top 10 defense....you throw in 2 turnovers into each one of our losses, and i guarentee we win.

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I just have a hard time beleiveing our D from last year would have allowed tatum bell to have those 2 big runs on us. However, with greg williams Im sure hell deal with any problems as as he can.

I think the big diffrence, no matter if its run or pass, is we are not getting as much pressure inside as last year. I remember our D tearing verde up in both dallas games, this year even though we won (because of moss) bledsoe had tons of time to throw. Noting this is with a weaker o line.

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"that is like saying you are less strong then GOD, dude, we had an AMAZING defense last year, i'm tired of people gettin pissed and talkin about our defense so negatively....you guys dont look at stats do you? STATISTICALLY we are a top 10 defense....you throw in 2 turnovers into each one of our losses, and i guarentee we win."

cool! a personal guarantee...who could ask for more! we need to get you on the field.

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We rely on our corners in run support, especially on outside runs where we've shown weakness so far this year. Once we have our starting corners back in we'll blitz more, use a wider variety of packages and shut down the edge run. Think back, how many times did we see Springs, Smoot and Harris come up and make a solid tackle on the edge last year? Once we're healthy the D will clamp down.

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The long runs by KC (short pass to Priest) and Denver (Bell) were largely due to missed tackles. With explosive runners like Priest and Bell, if the defense misses the initial tackles, each of those RB's can and will burn the secondary of almost any defense. I think a phenomenal athlete like LA (at least pre-surgery LA) can help in those kinds of situations when the defense breaks down. He has enough athletic ability to make plays when crap hits the fan.

The question is, in the other 80% of the time when the system doesn't break down, is LA a liability? That seems to be the $64k question. GW trusts his defensive schemes and if he thinks LA will cause them to break down more frequently, it will be hard for him to put LA in the game.

(Apologies for introducing the topic of LA into this thread. However, I think discussion of those long runs necessitates addressing the question of whether LA would have made a difference).

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Half the people on this board spell it "defense" and the other half spell it "defence"..... so, which one is it? :laugh:

I have thought this for a while now, our defense is not set up well against the big play. We have an aggressive defense but alot of times we leave deep shots open and the flats wide open. Hopefully we can do some things to sure it up. I think this game will be a confidence game for our defense.

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I dont think anyone is saying our defence is bad this year, like alot on here seem to be thinking. Im just stating compared to last year our D is not as good, we are not getting the pressure we were last year (even when springs was playing).

You allow alot more plays, and yards; not to mention you dont cause as many turnovers when you dont get in your opponents backfield as much.

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