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New Draft Strategy???


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Most in here have talked about going defensive line in the 1st and possibly 2nd rounds of the draft. I gotta believe that with Spurrier coming here that all changes and the focus could now be a franchise QB with the skins possibly trading up in the first round. I'd still prefer to go DL but a GM may want to give the coach more offensive weapons.

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I think it is possible with a good GM to acquire a quarterback, even if that means giving up the #1 pick, and still using the #2-#7 picks and free agency to find some youth and ability for the DL.

As I mentioned on another post,look at the Ravens defensive line: McCrary, Burnett, Adams, Siragusa (Now A. Thomas).

None of these players were #1 picks of the Ravens. All except Thomas were acquired as free agents. McCrary and Adams for larger dollars. Burnett and Siragusa for more modest contracts.

But the point is Ozzie Newsome found real players from a number of sources when he had to.

That is what the new GM here has to be able to do.

For too long we have relied on our #1 and #2 picks to be the only contributors we get through the draft.

That has to stop. We have to start getting #4, #5, #6 and #7 picks to occasionally become the Mike Andersons, Lester Towns of the future.

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Stephen Davis was a number 4 but if you want to make the kind of point your trying to make--

Theisman was a three or a four by Miami,

Montana was a three by SFO,

Farve was a number two,

Garcia and Warner were never drafted,

B. Johnson was a nine,

Gannon was a seven,

Rypien a six,

and so on...

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Most star QBs aren't drafted in the early rounds. I don't think we've seen a coach in a long time that has the ability to groom QBs such as Spurrier though, so I'd feel comfortable with him drafting a Harrington or Carr.

But we can't overlook the fact the we need some D-line help. Hopefully the GM will recognize this as well.

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I dont think there are any CFL QB's that would make a Flutie/Garcia like impact. Not sure about Arena League.

Just some Wierd QB thoughts:

Grossman comes out for supplementary draft hoping Spurrier will pick him up.

Trade for Jesse Palmer and have Spurrier sit him as he did at Florida.

Draft Drew Henson in 7th round, i think this is his draft year, and hope he struggles at baseball and that the lure of playing in Spurriers offence convinces him to come back to football.

You want a sleeper how about Major Applewhite. I know hes too small, slow and has a weak arm but hey he could be had for a 7th or as an undrafted free agent. If Tom Brady can do it why not The Major? I suspect the Texans may pick him up as a PR move though.

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