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The Official DTC Hype Thread Volume III (Merged)

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"Yeah gibby! When did you become a redskins fan? I never even knew that you liked football. I guess when It became the cool thing to do you decided to jump aboard. I'll always remember you as the little snaggle tooth skater boy with the jacked up haircut."

I went to this party the other night, aloyt of girls from Broad Run and Potomac Falls, and I mentioned your name (which I wont make public) to them and you know what they said?

Who the **** is that guy?


Also, you knew Gibby was a Redskin fan, as you have been a closet DTC fan for years.

And dont hate of Gibby because he took your sisters virginity. True story.

First of all learn how to quote, second of all don't even get me started on you, because I know you and I will expose you. I'm sorry you still think of high school as your good times, im guessing because you dropped out in the 10th grade?
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Wow thats something to brag about. I never really had a problem with you but you wanna start with me I have no problem firing back, you are the corniest dude ever, look at the things you write on here, c'mon dude full house has been off the air for years, get some new material

That is what confuses me, but if you don't like the DTC, then you don't like me since I am the President and all.

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Ron Mexico-You wouldnt be talking this if you lived in this area, and you know it.

I dont remember having a problem with you either in school, but again, alot of people hate the Mayor, its the trendy thing to do.

Wouldnt be talking? what are you gonna do, beat up on my knee caps, c'mon dude, I will choke you the F@ck out.
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I have a serious question with no "hate" intended....

Why is it ok to assult people with balls because they follow a different team than you do?

Trust me when I say this. There will be very few 49'ers fans at the staidum and even less near our tailgate, so the number of people that get dodge balls thrown at them will be very few. And out of the hand full that has them thrown at them if they get it, it won't hurt. Remeber little kids play this game in school so its not like people are gonna be going to the hospital!

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"c'mon dude, I will choke you the F@ck out."

If you know so much, why dont you come to my house. You know, when your dad left your mom, I moved in.

Im ****ing your mom, Gibbys ****ing your sister.

Seriously, are these the only comebacks you have?

By the way, your obvious respect for women is quite endearing. :rolleyes:

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I have a serious question with no "hate" intended....

Why is it ok to assult people with balls because they follow a different team than you do?

I can see why one would think of this idea & think it's funny. If you throw something at one of your boys, they'll laugh it off.

I see it going down like this.

DTC- Hey look, there's a 49er F**. Let's throw balls at him

49er fan- Hey Ahole, what the F*** did you throw a ball at me for

DTC- What are you going to do about it punk. They may or may not throw in a dig about banging said fans mom, sister, girlfriend, etc

49er fan- A) Nothing (if he's alone) B) start a fight if his boys are there

Sounds like a fun time all around.

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Who cares anymore.

The purpose of this thread, to announce the DTC tailgate, and the new and improved features.

There will always be haters, but today they all went to lunch together it seems.

Ron Mexico, I still couldnt pick you out of a line up, I know of you, not really anything else, obviously, I have struck a nerve with you for whatever reason, and quite frankly I dont give a ****.

Crazy Zeb, same thing, who the **** are you and where the **** did you come from?

For both of you, im not hard to find. If you really have deep issues about me, you are welcome to discuss them in person when I am at the Mayors office, located in F-51 on Sunday home games.

Proceed with the hating, I am writing DTC on 50 dodgeballs right now.

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The "president" is that a real job title of yours? Is it your job? Seperate your weekend title from real life.

I am the President of the DTC. And that is a full time job, but I do not get paid for it. Seeing the number of opposing fans at Fed Ex Field diminish over the years is my reward!

This thread has once again gotten way of topic. We (The DTC) began this thread to inform our “fans” of our up coming antics for the next home game. Yet haters (and I will use that word as much as I like and there is nothing you can do about it Crazy Zeb) come out and distract everyone from whats really going on!

Now Ron Mexico you’re are a joke and I am mad at myself that I even let you get to me in the first place. In fact I apologize for my insults.

But to all the people who do not go to games SHUT THE HE!! UP

I go every game and make tons of noise and help the skins win. What do you do? Answer, NOTHING! And that is all you will ever do. Even if you mange to get enough money to come to a game none of you will come to F-51 and regurgitate the garbage you put on this message board.

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Wouldnt be talking? what are you gonna do, beat up on my knee caps, c'mon dude, I will choke you the F@ck out.

Threatening people will do nothing but get you a temp ban.

I am extremely curious though, why DO you hate them so much??

I mean c'mon you guys are ridiculous (DTC) you are an discrace to redskins fans. I hate it that the fans of other teams see you as representing the rest of us, you are a joke.

Why has almost (if not) everyone who has actually met them said the complete opposite?

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