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The Official DTC Hype Thread Volume III (Merged)

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I am the President of the DTC. And that is a full time job, but I do not get paid for it. Seeing the number of opposing fans at Fed Ex Field diminish over the years is my reward!

This thread has once again gotten way of topic. We (The DTC) began this thread to inform our “fans” of our up coming antics for the next home game. Yet haters (and I will use that word as much as I like and there is nothing you can do about it Crazy Zeb) come out and distract everyone from whats really going on!

Now Ron Mexico you’re are a joke and I am mad at myself that I even let you get to me in the first place. In fact I apologize for my insults.

But to all the people who do not go to games SHUT THE HE!! UP

I go every game and make tons of noise and help the skins win. What do you do? Answer, NOTHING! And that is all you will ever do. Even if you mange to get enough money to come to a game none of you will come to F-51 and regurgitate the garbage you put on this message board.

If this was in fact directed towards me I will respond: In fact I do come to as many games as I can, while I am serving my country and attending college I can not come home as much as I would like, And as far as what I do, I have been more places and done more things in the last five years of my life than you will probably ever do in yours, And you know what? I have been a Redskins fan my whole life. I dont remember you wearing a Redskins jersey in the 90's when I was one of the maybe two people wearing one to school but that's ok, it's never too late to become a fan. If this was not directed towards me I am sorry.
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I dont even know this guy.

The last time he hated on me, I asked some poeple I knew about him and they thought he was dead.

His own friend told me who he was months ago, and I figured he was cool with us, but I guess I did something to him because the last time I could have possibly seen him was in 1996. And thats almost ten years, A long time to hold a grudge dont you think?

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I dont even know this guy.

The last time he hated on me, I asked some poeple I knew about him and they thought he was dead.

His own friend told me who he was months ago, and I figured he was cool with us, but I guess I did something to him because the last time I could have possibly seen him was in 1996. And thats almost ten years, A long time to hold a grudge dont you think?

Look, I don't hate you, you all just run off your mouths soo damn much it's just hard not to say something, you all ask for it, I hold no grudge against you. In fact I wish you the best
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I dont remember you wearing a Redskins jersey in the 90's when I was one of the maybe two people wearing one to school but that's ok, it's never too late to become a fan. If this was not directed towards me I am sorry.

Can't accuse the DTC of bandwagon jumping, they were around during some very crappy seasons.

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If I ever went to a redskins game at another stadium and somebody pegged me with a ball. I would definately be going to jail that day.

Not a cool thing to do.

I was gonna say the same thing. I know you guys let it all out and have a good time but maybe you should rethink the "throwing of objects" at other people. I know if I was walking through and got pegged, somebody would get their ass beat, but as far as all the other stuff, have fun.

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Im done mocking, im sorry I feel bad now, like I was laughing at the kid on the short bus where they have to extend the ramps for him to get on, it's too easy and it's just not right. I'm going to work now, so if you mock me I won't be here to reply, I guess now is your chance. have fun.

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Not sure why the last one got closed :laugh:

But I was typing the following message and I got cut off so hear it is:

You had asked me about my job so that part is directed towards you, but if you come to games, then the rest was not! And I did not have a jersey in the 90's, but I was still a fan. In fact I skipped school after we won the SB in 1991 and welcomed the SKINS home at Dulles airport. I was in the 5th grade had never met you at that point. And stop acting like you have been a fan longer cuz we are the same age, and we all know that the DTC is the biggest supporters of the REDSKINS!

Now, you may have been to more places then me, that is if you have been to a lot of countries that is, other wise I have been to most states and have a Top Secret clearance for my job, so don't act for one minute that you have accomplished more than me. But all this is irrelevant.

The REDSKINS are gonna beat up on KC this week and when the SKINS return home with a 4-1 record the DTC will be getting it hype in the parking lot. Which we all now since we have be doing this for 5 years that it transcends in to the stadium. Now if you are a 49’ers fans and you get hit by a dodge ball, suck it up. And to the REDSKINS fan the DTC death ball it gonna be tons of fun.

As I have put in some other post if REDSKINS fans have any ideas of things they want to see the DTC do at some tailgates, I (The President) would love to hear them. And you are a hater and want to make some a$$ nine remark, feel free. You guys have help make us what we are today, and that is the BEST tailgate at Fed Ex Field!

Now I hope everyone can keep it a bit more friendly so this one can keep going. I am bored at work and need some stuff to talk about.

So who will be at 49'ers game :cheers:

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