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How is it the Brunell haters are out today?!


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I don't have problem with MB. I will not make any judgment about him until after the next game. This will give him more time with the 1st string. Hopefully, against the Seahawks, MB can get some points on the board early and often. So the next couple of games are very important as far as our QB goes.

Now, as far as the Cowboys game, GREAT win. Anyone will take it, no matter how it happens. Offense still needs much improvement. Can't go 90% of the game without scoring and expect to win. That won't happen often. So let's give MB the next few weeks and see how our offense progresses before making any judgments.

Good points and well said.

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I'm getting tired of the "real fan" bull**** that gets thrown around on these threads. It's not your place to question who is and isn't a fan unless someone starts walking around with a big blue star tattoed on his forehead. I was as ecstatic as anyone on this board when we pulled off that comeback, and I still am. I'm young, but I do realize the signifance of that game for our season and for the team in general.

Our last Super Bowl is a dim memory for me. Since then I've endured more than 10 years of mediocre seasons and heartbreaking losses to Dallas, but I've always worn my Redskins shirts with pride. I've had people ask me why I even bother, and I think we all know the answer to that. Don't lecture me about being a real fan.

I'm done with this thread.

Right. Take your keyboard and go home. LOL

Poor thing... "endured more than 10 years of mediocre seasons". OK, NOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND. Of course THAT is the reason for all the whining, bashing, and booing that so many younger current Redskin fans are doing!!!! Why did I not realize that???

OH - maybe it is because I never saw this BS in the 15 LOSING seasons I went through. OK, so you ARE fans. Just different than fans USED to be, I guess. More like Philly fans. What we USED to call fair weather fans (But I better not say that or some more over-sensitive whiners may leave the thread also).

Hey guys - news flash!!!! We beat Dallas the SAME WAY they beat us so many times and LOVED it, while we lived with the pain. Now it is OUR turn - there is no win we could have had that would have wreaked as much hovoc on them than this. And you characters do not even realize what happened here. Unbelievable, Mr. FAN.

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Are you serious? People's attitudes around here are unreal. Stop bossing people around like you actually run ****, they can say whatever they want and he probably makes twice what you make at Burger King. :rolleyes: :laugh:

Uh, try to stay with me for a moment, if you can. No, I was not serious. Clowny ;)

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IMO....Brunell sucks. I do not know how I can erase in my mind 8 ugly, ugly games from last year, and then 3 and 1/2 quarters of the same crap...and then he throws 2 decent passes and we are supposed to feel our savior is born in a Skins uniform...ah...NO!!!

What I am saying and I think a lot of other folks are too is that we need consistency to feel good about Brunell.

I am happy, happy, happy about the Cowpuke victory!!! But our QB position is shaky, and it is NOT about hating. It is about wanting a playoff caliber QB back there.

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IMO....Brunell sucks. I do not know how I can erase in my mind 8 ugly, ugly games from last year, and then 3 and 1/2 quarters of the same crap...and then he throws 2 decent passes and we are supposed to feel our savior is born in a Skins uniform...ah...NO!!!

What I am saying and I think a lot of other folks are too is that we need consistency to feel good about Brunell.

I am happy, happy, happy about the Cowpuke victory!!! But our QB position is shaky, and it is NOT about hating. It is about wanting a playoff caliber QB back there.

I understand your point of view. It's just that what he did the other night constituted much more than "two passes," some of which I list in the opening of this thread. I think that was a comeback we will remember for some time to come, years.

So, while I agree we need consistant, quality QB play, Monday night was money.

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I disagree. We were looking at a serious controversy(among fans at least) before those passes. because up until that point it looked EXACTLY like last year and he made all the same mistakes Patrick is accused of and some that are specific to Mark.

If he continues to do the same against Seattle he shouldn't start the next week, because we'll be tossing in the towel on the season when we, allegedly, arent.

Now, if he DOES start stepping into his throws and hitting passes over the middle and we resemble a multifaceted passing offense, then he should stay in.

If you read between the lines, you'll realize we're on the same page ;)

Right. Take your keyboard and go home. LOL

Poor thing... "endured more than 10 years of mediocre seasons". OK, NOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND. Of course THAT is the reason for all the whining, bashing, and booing that so many younger current Redskin fans are doing!!!! Why did I not realize that???

OH - maybe it is because I never saw this BS in the 15 LOSING seasons I went through. OK, so you ARE fans. Just different than fans USED to be, I guess. More like Philly fans. What we USED to call fair weather fans (But I better not say that or some more over-sensitive whiners may leave the thread also).

Hey guys - news flash!!!! We beat Dallas the SAME WAY they beat us so many times and LOVED it, while we lived with the pain. Now it is OUR turn - there is no win we could have had that would have wreaked as much hovoc on them than this. And you characters do not even realize what happened here. Unbelievable, Mr. FAN.

NEWS FLASH !!!!! you sound like a crotchety old man. Where do you get off calling the guy a fair weather fan because of his age. Comparing him to a Philly fan:doh: that's a pretty low shot, and completely uncalled for. I don't think there's a fan that doesn't realize how important this win was, no matter what their age.

I don't care for people in the stands booing the team, but if you think it's only the younger fans, you need to wake up and smell the java. If you actually look around, it's not only younger people that weren't aroung for Gibbs first run with the Skins questioning Brunells worth on the field.

I guess you expect everybody to feel bad for you because you put up with a nonwinning team longer then many of us. Laughable............just laughable.

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I'm not a "hater" of either QB and am in fact a supporter of Ramsey, but disappointed that he looked the way he has all pre-season. Like it or not, from January to August he actually regressed.

What I don't get is, as someone else mentioned, if Ramsey didn't get all the 1st string snaps all pre-season and came in game and started game 2 and we lost, eveyone would be saying it's not fair to judge him, because he didn't get the same practice time. Yet when Brunell is in the same situation and wins, he still is hated.

It's not supposed to make sense but it is a very popular double standard among posters here.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sorry JJ, he jumped the kid for no reason, and that burns my bunns.

Ya know what else burns my bunns..............

A flame about three ft high ;)

I hear ya, and I've spent too much energy today yelling at people on this thread. I believe (hope) that we all want what is best for the skins. I think we can all agree that it was a pleasure to see the victory in D. I started this thread so am as much to blame as anyone. So, with that, I will sit back, relax and enjoy a nice cup of STFU!!!!!!!!

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Mark is our man he was hurt last year so get over it. He looked good in the preseason. As much as we have suffered by the hands of the Cowgirls we should all be grateful for the pleasure he gave us Monday night. Our coach had faith in him and he delivered. It's time for us to turn the page and make some things happen. I felt this was the most important game of the year for us. To get over the we cant beat Dallas tag. We did it in grand fashion so no more let Ramsey play, I dont trust Gibbs, and Brunell isn't our guy stuff. We are on our way to the playoffs and our team is a family again with Joe Gibbs as the head of it. Doesn't it feel good to be a Redskin Fan?

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I hear ya, and I've spent too much energy today yelling at people on this thread. I believe (hope) that we all want what is best for the skins. I think we can all agree that it was a pleasure to see the victory in D. I started this thread so am as much to blame as anyone. So, with that, I will sit back, relax and enjoy a nice cup of STFU!!!!!!!!

Your to blame for nothing man. Just because you started the thread doesn't mean it's your fault people don't post with a civil tone.

NOW STFU :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



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im still here! and by the way Brunell still stunk! winning in Dallas was Great! but it doesnt change the facts. fact is MB at QB hurts this team, thinking otherwise is ignorant at best. unless you only watched 4 minutes of the game. as for the MB supporter (I will refer to them as jocks) if your think him at QB is good for the future of this team, your stuck in 1990 with JG! He's terrible, and if the ratio continues he will be effective for a wopping total 70 minutes all season, good luck stacking your hopes to that! MB sucked last nite, get used to it, it will happen all year

Just because you type "fact" in front of an " opinion " doens't change anything.

When you type fact, it should be followed by a fact.

Like we are 2-0 under Brunell or like

Brunell pass to S.Moss for 39 yards, TOUCHDOWN in the air and on the money is no sign of a dead arm.

M.Brunell pass to S.Moss for 70 yards, TOUCHDOWN

See, opinion would be like, your an idiot or Burnell hurts the team.

Can you see the different between the two ?

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JimmiJo...you are stirring things up around here like your call sign is short for Jimmie Johnson....What's the deal....Really dumb poll...

There are a lot of people that would rather Patrick play and a lot of people that would rather Brunell play....I am a Ramsey fan. I don't think Brunell is a very good quarterback, but he's the one playing right now....I think everyone needs to grow up a little and act like adults....I'm sick of insults and comments like STFU...Come on Bro.

Then I suggest leading by example. I don't believe calling it a dumb poll qualifies.

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