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Here's one for all you Czaban Fans!

Dead Money

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Yeah it hurt me to watch that show I had to turn it off. I think he can be funny but he really is not firendly towards the skins since being in Gibbs's doghouse....It seems he could not enjoy the Skins doing well... I guess ratings are better for his show when they loose.

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Czabe so full of :pooh:

Here's his response...

> Thats about all I have to say about that! "Redskins will not will

> this game" Eat the bird Steve - Eat the bird!!!!


1. That picture is damn funny, I can appreciate that.

2. You clowns on Extreme Skins need to get your facts straight. As I

predicted on the Sports Reporters on Monday (we have the tape) I predicted

the Skins would WIN 14-9. (I know, awful call, I missed by 4 points on the

loser score. Shame on me).

Tell your out of town buddies on that website to at least give me credit

when I am right. Sheesh.


Anyone tape any of his shows? I'd love to catch him!

Me back to him...

Czabe that sports reporters crap is only ONE show that you are on...

Are you seriously going to try to say that you said the redskins will

win on EVERY outlet? How many times were you asked on the air who

will win and how many times did you say the skins?

As far as the clowns comment... We're fans, some would say thats

synonymous with clowns but when you realize we're just fans and stop

treating us like clowns is when you will get all of our respect.


(Oh and one of the "clowns" on extrememskins was right... you do look

like Darth Vader when he takes his mask off!)

Oh and I never said anything about extremeskins so he saw it HERE or someone esle told him it was here!

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He still looks like Darth Vader when Luke takes his mask off.

damm i was thinking the same thing!!!

Comcast sports post game live is unwatchable due to this Kornheiser wannabe.

The interviews are great and all but czaben just makes me want to vomit in my own mouth when i hear him utter a syllable....and its not cuz he's critical whether we win or lose i think maybe its his annoying voice that sounds like he's speaking w/his nose being pinched.

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I like CZabe personally, but the picture is well deserving. He has been too much of a fairweather fan lately. He reminds me of Randy Quaid in Major League 2. A big fan if we are winning, but very critical and a loser of faith when we are losing.



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Someone needs to ask him what he thinks of the Coles trade now. He ripped the hell out of it when it happened. I heard him in San Diego ripping the team nationaly when he filled in for Rome. Moss single-handedly beat Dallass in Dallass. No matter what he does from here on out, we killed the Jets in that trade.

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Dude, Czabe is doing his job... he is a die hard Skins fan... the type that takes losses personally. So when the Skins keep Effing up, he bashs them with gusto... hoping that they might prove him wrong and start winning.

He tried giving them some love... and they stunk. Now he is swimming in vat of Hatorade... knowing that good business for him is to antagonize Skins fans.

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He tried giving them some love... and they stunk. Now he is swimming in vat of Hatorade... knowing that good business for him is to antagonize Skins fans.
I hope you're not suggesting that I should respect someone who bashes the team because it's good for ratings.
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I hope you're not suggesting that I should respect someone who bashes the team because it's good for ratings.

No not at all...

Was just pointing out that Czabe is a ratings whore like a lot of his compartriots... They just couldn't have two homers on the show (the already have Andy P.) It will make for bad Radio/TV.

Czabe is doing what is known as being good for the business... won't be suprised if the producers are the ones egging him on.

Like a lot of JackAzz's on TV and Radio, few are actually themselves... the ones that are, are usually unemployed or working on Community Access Channels.

Ps. Bet you Czabe will take any suggestions on how to pissoff Skins fans even more... as long as the paycheck keeps coming... Dude wants be like his idol Jim Rome.

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I agree, Czaban is a joke, he obviously is a cowboys fan, I hope he gets run over by a truck

Czaben is a big Skins fan but he makes his schtick more important than his analysis. He is always trying to have a controversial take and most of the time it gets in the way of logical thought.

When Gibbs first came back and was on Monday nights with Andy Pollin and Czaben, you could literally hear the reverence in his voice like most of us would have if we had been put in the same position. Early in the season last year, however, when things started to look like Gibbs wasn't going to work an overnight miracle Czaben all of a sudden starting mocking Gibbs once Gibbs' portion of the show was over in the same manner that he mocked Spurrier. I doubt he thought much about it at the time but he kept basically questioned Gibbs' integrity on a number of issues such as the only reason he came back was for the money.

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