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Mr. Snyder,

I know how you can win this game on Monday. You should have a secret meeting with all your players and offer them a big bonus added to their paycheck if they win this game for you. I will guarantee that you will win this game. As you know, this tactic has been done for decades by offering bonuses for players that perform in games. Parcell did this back when he was with the Giants (L.T.)

This should not be a problem since, you throw money all over the place (i.e. Six Flags) which I think you're going after the real estate assets. BTW, I made a boat load from your speculation on PKS. Keep it up.

Anyway, throw your money on a good cause and that's us, "your fan base". We need this win badly and the players you have on this roster "love money" and you can get this done. What do you have to lose?? I know you want this win also...

Take care.

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Mr. Snyder,

I know how you can win this game on Monday. You should have a secret meeting with all your players and offer them a big bonus added to their paycheck if they win this game for you. I will guarantee that you will win this game. As you know, this tactic has been done for decades by offering bonuses for players that perform in games. Parcell did this back when he was with the Giants (L.T.)

This should not be a problem since, you throw money all over the place (i.e. Six Flags) which I think you're going after the real estate assets. BTW, I made a boat load from your speculation on PKS. Keep it up.

Anyway, throw your money on a good cause and that's us, "your fan base". We need this win badly and the players you have on this roster "love money" and you can get this done. What do you have to lose?? I know you want this win also...

Take care.


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Mr. Snyder,

I know how you can win this game on Monday. You should have a secret meeting with all your players and offer them a big bonus added to their paycheck if they win this game for you. I will guarantee that you will win this game. As you know, this tactic has been done for decades by offering bonuses for players that perform in games. Parcell did this back when he was with the Giants (L.T.)

This should not be a problem since, you throw money all over the place (i.e. Six Flags) which I think you're going after the real estate assets. BTW, I made a boat load from your speculation on PKS. Keep it up.

Anyway, throw your money on a good cause and that's us, "your fan base". We need this win badly and the players you have on this roster "love money" and you can get this done. What do you have to lose?? I know you want this win also...

Take care.

Wow!!! This is just plain old dumb. I can't believe that you actually took the time to write such a worthless and complete piece of world. You should be ashamed of yourself for unleashing this upon the literary world.


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Wow!!! This is just plain old dumb. I can't believe that you actually took the time to write such a worthless and complete piece of world. You should be ashamed of yourself for unleashing this upon the literary world.


How's that dumb?? You don't think it happens in the NFL?? And who are you to tell me that this is a worthless letter, you dumbass??

GFY....you idiot

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How's that dumb?? You don't think it happens in the NFL?? And who are you to tell me that this is a worthless letter, you dumbass??

GFY....you idiot

I know that bonuses were given out in the past for such things, but now that we are in the salary cap era that is no longer allowed. Any such bonuses would be in violation of the salary cap. But I'm sure you knew this since you are obviously so intelligent. I understand you sentiment and wish that there was some way to motivate the team just that little bit extra to really ensure a victory for us over those dreaded Cowboys. I say it’s a worthless letter, because; not only was it a complete waste of time, but it has one of the single worst letters ever written. My 8th graders can compose a better letter than this and you're supposed to be in your 30's.

As for the dumbass and idiot comment, I'm just going to let that slide and be the bigger man, besides I think everybody here knows who the real dumbass might be.

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On another note; if the players need extra motivation to beat Dallas, then either a) Gibbs really isn't doing his job well, or B) we need new players. I don't think either one is the case, personally. They've gotten all the bounces and all the whistles the past few years (at least the games in recent memory....not including the Hasselbeck 0-27 debacle). This year is different. Dallas will lose on Monday night.

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