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WP: No Offense, but Is Brunell Really an Upgrade? - Kornheiser


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The offense had close to 350 yards. Yeah, the nine points stinks but we moved the ball. MB played and the ground game gave way and Gibbs leaned on it. We needed the ground game to burn the clock down and force the Bears to use all of their time outs. That's why Gibbs ran on the last play when it was 3rd and 6 if I remember correctly. MB played under a slightly different game plan and that is why he only had 70 yards. Why can't people use intelligence when writting an article. Maybe the ground game opened up because the Bears feared MB's passing game and they stopped stacking the box?

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well...to throw it back at most of you......"so you know better than Gibbs and his coaching staff?" riiiight.


neither QB cuts it. The long-term solution is holding a clipboard for the forseeable future. but it's niceto have all the "die hard" fans come out of the woodworks!!! MB leaves a lot to be desired. so does PR - Gibbs and staff got tired of the turnovers and lack of command. Take heart....PR will probably be back in there 2-3 losses down the road!

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I like TK but he knows absolutely nothing about sports whatsoever.

PR had plenty of chances and if he can't take this benching like a man and instead whines because he wants to be traded, then he definitely should ride the pine. Hey Patrick, how about you learn how to not telegraph your passes and instead look to your second or third options? Can you do that for us Mr. 49 QB rating? I mean for goodness sakes, he was a turnover machine in preseason and it continued the first quarter on Sunday. And don't give me this BS about him having a strong arm while Brunell doesn't--PR's longest pass play came on a short pass with a long run after the catch, not a long pass with no run.

If this doesn't motivate Patrick to work harder to get better then nothing will which certainly proves that JG knows what he's doing.

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Kornheiser is 100% right.

Brunell has nothing left. Ramsey has great talent, and while he's bound to screw up from time to time while he learns, he needs the opportunity to mature. He's never been given that. I am greatly disappointed with this news.

Learn? Mature? He's in his fourth season...it shouldn't take that long to learn not to throw horrific interceptions or to hold the ball too long and take sacks. His "great talent" was his arm strength...the same arm strength that consistently underthrew our WRs in the preseason games.

His one big play on Sunday came on a 15-yard pattern that Moss turned into a 51-yard play. That's a throw that Brunell can make as well.

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Learn? Mature? He's in his fourth season...it shouldn't take that long to learn not to throw horrific interceptions or to hold the ball too long and take sacks. His "great talent" was his arm strength...the same arm strength that consistently underthrew our WRs in the preseason games.

His one big play on Sunday came on a 15-yard pattern that Moss turned into a 51-yard play. That's a throw that Brunell can make as well.

He's had two years under Spurrier, only one of which he was the full-time starter, and under Gibbs he's been tossed around like a yo-yo. Meanwhile, less talented QB's like Joey Harrington and David Carr continue to enjoy the opportunity to develop under "normal" circumstances.

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i will not do the "I told you so" but i told you so...about a month ago i posted a thread saying that gibbs would insert Brunell only because we have a championship caliber defense and a strong running game he wants someone in there to manage the game and not turn the ball over...we were never going to be a verticle passing team that is why he went and got Musgrave, patten and moss he wants quick slants, timing routs and play-action skinny post and you do not need a rocket arm for that...as long as brunell plays better and he has throughout preseason and in the bears game(played within the system) he should be given the chance to lead us...Ramsey may be good one day but we don't have the luxury of waiting. the team, the fans, the coaches and the media needs us to win NOW! Ramsey hasn't proven anything but that he is prone to turning the ball over and that he has terrible field awarness(everyone including Hellen Keller saw that blitz that took his head off coming..he should have made adjustments at the line) now as long as brunell can help us win thats all we should want...so please cease and refraim from all the OMG poor Ramsey talk he had his chance to make a statement and he had 3turnover in 16minutes.....that is not going to get us a winning record...i dont care if we average 9points a game for the rest of the year as long as we dont turn the ball over and win we all will be happy. also look at the financial point...ramsey will be a free agent at the end of the year and would you really want us to spend BIG LOOT on him? has he earned it? Campbell will be our quarter back next year which saves us cap money....Ramsey would strap us even further than we already are. and as of right now he hasn't earned a whopper jr. lets all hope that we will continue to improve and get the passing game going in the right direction...LAST I CHECK KORNHIESER, THE MEDIA OR ANY OF THE EXTREMESKINS FOOTBALL EXPERTS have coached a NFL team let alone win a superbowl...Gibbs knows what he is doing his reputation and the clubs reputation is on the line! do you really think this man is that ignorant or senile that he would put our season at risk....let the ball bounce where it may and TRUST IN GIBBS....REMEMBER! :2cents:

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Ohh you Skins fans….NOW you’ve got it figured out. Not only are the Ref’s biased against you, but any sportswriter who doesn’t share the same delusional predictions about the Skins year after year after year, is all the sudden an idiot and doesn’t know anything about sports. I guess you prefer the Sonny J. mentality of picking the skins to win EVERY week, or Theismann predicting the skins to go to the superbowl this year. You do it every single year, and when it doesn't happen you like to rationalize everthing, whine, turn on your QB and coach, then immeadiately conjure up dilusional predictions for next year....but hey whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

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Learn? Mature? He's in his fourth season...it shouldn't take that long to learn not to throw horrific interceptions or to hold the ball too long and take sacks. His "great talent" was his arm strength...the same arm strength that consistently underthrew our WRs in the preseason games.

His one big play on Sunday came on a 15-yard pattern that Moss turned into a 51-yard play. That's a throw that Brunell can make as well.

People forget that quarterbacks like Rich Gannon didn't get it right away, or our very own Mark Rypien. Regardless, Ramsey has proven to be more of a passing threat than Brunell, so we've essentially wasted a ton of money on speedsters like Moss and Patten.

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The messed up part is that as dominate as our defense is, we can afford a turnover or two by the quarterback because we have a strong enough defense to overcome the mistakes. If our defense was in the bottom half of the league I can see the point of the Gibbs apologist, but when you have a Top 5 defense you can afford to take risk.

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Some of you lunatics don't know how to enjoy a good laugh when you get the chance. TK's Jansen comment - "For all intents and purposes, Jansen is now a penguin!" is almost as funny as the time he stated Gibbs is an honorary cicada.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The guy is one of the funniest sports writers out there and I enjoy his stuff even when I don't agree with him. Too often we take sports too seriously and great to have a guy that can come in an lighten it up and make it fun.

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People forget that quarterbacks like Rich Gannon didn't get it right away, or our very own Mark Rypien. Regardless, Ramsey has proven to be more of a passing threat than Brunell, so we've essentially wasted a ton of money on speedsters like Moss and Patten.

Great - let's bring Ramsey back 10 seasons from now once he's learned how to throw to his own players! There's a reason it took those guys so long to be successful. Besides - Rypien had a few seasons backing up others (with Gibbs as his coach) before starting and it took Gannon 2 or 3 teams before he caught on. How long should we wait for Patrick to get it? He has as much a chance of becoming the next Todd Marinovitch as he does the next Mark Rypien. Besides - don't fool yourself. Gibbs didn't choose Brunell over Ramsey, he chose Campbell over Ramsey. The kids just too new to things to start right away.

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Brunell didn't throw for many yards because he didn't have to win. The only thing we had to do to win, was not mess up.

What? You act like we were up by double digits. We were barely winning, and even lost the lead at the beginning of the second half. In which, it was Portis who saved the game for us, not Brunell.

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