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Jansen was unhappy?


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So earlier articles may have been correct. All of the earlier articles were without quotes, so it was a little hard to believe them. Anyone think we will resign him? The quotes still odn't sound happy. What's more, somebody syaing sure if they offer me a ton of money I'll be happy to stay, doesn't exactly sound like he wants ot resign here after the year.

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message to Dan Snyder, Joe Mendes and others:


he's exactly right, this team has thrown more money at worthless, big name players in the last three years than it has at keeping its core players. Jansen included, there is a core of about four to five guys on this team that we NEED to resign or they're gonna bolt and we'll be back to square zero.

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Jansen signing is a must. I definitely want Jansen signed in the preseason. I don't think Snyder values the offensive line as much as he should. We are very fortunate to have both Samuels and Jansen produce the way they do. But we should not neglect Jansen's worth, and think its gonna be easy to replace him. I want for us to bring back a hogs like' offensive line, and in order 2 do so Jansen will have to be here.

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because he is coming in cold and without an existing relationship with his players, Spurrier has been very differential in terms of what decisions to make on personnel.

I expect that to change some down the road as Steve gets a feel for the players he has on the team.

If anyone thinks Spurrier is going to be an 11-12 win coach in the NFL and then will continue to remain in the background while Cerrato and Mendes work on their own, I think you don't know human psychology.

Spurrier is admitting that as a rookie himself in 2002 he has a lot to learn.

Once he feels he has learned enough to have a strong opinion, that is going to start counting for a lot more with the organization and Snyder.

If Jansen performs at a level where Spurrier tells Snyder he has to have him on his football team to be successful then I think the team will resign him. :)

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Well, Jansen admitted that he had a chip on his shoulder whose orgin was not football related, so that explains some of his unhappiness "last year". Now I also find this interesting since the Post just reported, and ASF posted it....what? yesterday? that Jansen was all but convinced about signing on with the Skins for some more time at Fed-Ex. Here's a quote for ya.

"It's going to get done one way or the other, whether it's now, the middle of the year or the end of the year," said Jansen, who indicated that he would not be bothered by negotiations continuing into the regular season. . . .

Man, there have been some conflicting reports concerning Jansen this year. Could drive a Skins fan to :pint::D

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Well, Jansen admitted that he had a chip on his shoulder whose orgin was not football related, so that explains some of his unhappiness "last year". Now I also find this interesting since the Post just reported, and ASF posted it....what? yesterday? that Jansen was all but convinced about signing on with the Skins for some more time at Fed-Ex. Here's a quote for ya.

"It's going to get done one way or the other, whether it's now, the middle of the year or the end of the year," said Jansen, who indicated that he would not be bothered by negotiations continuing into the regular season. . . .

Man, there have been some conflicting reports concerning Jansen this year. Could drive a Skins fan to :pint::D

Well the reports don't necessarily conflict, the question is if the It he says will get done is re-signing with the Redskins or simply signing a new contract, be it with the Skins or elsewhere. I think we may be seeing what we want to see in that quote.

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Okay. An oops may be in order here before I say I really disagree guys. This was just before what I posted. Let's see if it looks any different now.

Right tackle Jon Jansen is entering the final season of his contract, and his representatives had preliminary discussions with the Redskins during the offseason about negotiating an extension. Those talks have been quiet recently, but Jansen said today he hopes and expects a deal to be struck at some point.

"It's going to get done one way or the other, whether it's now, the middle of the year or the end of the year," said Jansen, who indicated that he would not be bothered by negotiations continuing into the regular season. . . .


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"Guys like Deion come in and get big money and I'm in there every day, never missed a practice. Why doesn't some of that money go to guys who do all the work?" Jansen said. "Sometimes you see ones that never do anything and still go team to team and sign big contracts. I wish it were set up where guys who love to play and bust their necks got the money."

He Speaks the truth, too many high price jerks in the NFL and pro sports in general!!

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Jansen must be signed, simply put. To overlook his value to our team, both in the past and in the future, would be stupid. Hopefully, it doesn't take Spurrier to make Snyder realize this.

sign him sign him sign him

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"The Cowboy's OTs are both FAs next year. I bet Jerry Jones would bid for Jansen if he hits the market."

Well now if there was ever a reason to get that man resigned there it is. Jansen? Silver and Blue? Star on the side of helmet? SHUDDER!


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Yup, thats pretty bi-polar right there.

I know the need to sign Jansen speaks for itself, but the point he raises in the Times article concerning the players who have gotten the money and doesn't do anything is pretty acute. This team has tremendous potential already within. As players that would be top marquee free agents in this league go, the Skins have more than their fair share, its time to focus on what we already have, the grass can't get much greener we already have drafted the QB of the future (if he ever signs). It would set a good precedent for the other players on the team to pay a guy who works as hard as Jansen does. Deion is singled out...but I have a feeling if Bruce Smith was no longer here, he wouldn't be excluded from Jansen's thoughts.

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The one reason I'm not in favor of spending much money now on a defensive lineman or offensive guard is because I'd like to see our cap space used to get Jansen locked up. He is too critical for us. That said, if Jones can't make the shift to guard, the team may feel they can save several million at right tackle because Jones is young enough and able enough at tackle to get by with.

I hate the thought of getting by with a player at that spot when we have a player who is simply outstanding, but, the thought will probably occur to our management and letting Jansen go would be a very bad football move. Jones is capable, but, as a backup, he's perfect. As a starter for a lesser player, he'd be fine. But as a fill in for Jansen, he's simply not good enough to compensate for that loss I don't believe.

I'd like to see this deal extended very soon.

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Guys, no need to crap our pants about Jansen. He'll be back.

Here's a deal that could get him anytime between now and the end of the season, without costing us a dime against the 2002 cap:

- Deferred, generous, guaranteed roster bonus, payable in June 2003

- 4-year extension at market rates

- Ride around town with wife and kids in Danny's limo

- A hug and a kiss from Spurrier

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